App Store says no to radiation app

App Store says no to radiation app
An Israeli developer is crying foul after Apple reportedly rejected an application that warns users of radiation levels. Tawkon, the developer of the software, says it measures radiation levels in real time, which is something a lot of users might like. "It doesn't use Flash, and it's not porn, so why the ban?" asks Scott Piro, a spokesman for Tawkon.

It is already available for BlackBerry however, and an Android version of the application is also set to be released. Tawkon is hosting a petition on its website, hoping to pressure Apple into changing its mind.

At the same time however, the company also says that it was informed by Apple execs that all it needs to do is make a few minor API modifications, so the petition is probably aimed more at generating publicity for the company.

The Register questions exactly what the application even does. The company claims that: "RRI ~(real-time radiation indication) leverages unique smart phones capabilities such as GPS, accelerometer, proximity sensors and more to help minimize radiation exposure during mobile phone usage."

The application apparently warns users when radiation is too high to keep the phone away from them, or to change location. However, while radiation from handsets has gotten considerable media attention, no reputable scientific study has ever linked mobile phone usage to cancer.

"Research studies have not shown a consistent link between cell phone use and cancer," a National Cancer Institute fact sheet reads.

Written by: James Delahunty @ 13 Jul 2010 9:45
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  • Hyasuma

    apple, here is a clue, we don't like to be in control by ur fruity company

    13.7.2010 10:05 #1

  • plazma247

    Originally posted by Hyasuma: apple, here is a clue, we don't like to be in control by ur fruity company Actually i hope apple doesnt approve the app and its never let into the google market.

    Basically the app is $9.99 and then tells you if your phones radiation output could be dangerious... FFS.. how long have people had mobile phones, ok its going to be dangerious to pump Mega Watts of power into the body... but people probably get a bigger burst by standing near a cheap microwave and wireless routers/ap points.

    Ha Pay them $9.99 to tell me im going to die... were all going to die, its like the harbenger of doom app.

    Use your phone for long enough and you might get super powers from the radiation... now how much cooler is that then being shafted $10 fur a app which is pretty pointless.

    13.7.2010 12:47 #2

  • beanos66

    Radiation app? about as much use as a fart app only less funny

    Quote:"RRI ~(real-time radiation indication) leverages unique smart phones capabilities such as GPS, accelerometer, proximity sensors and more to help minimize radiation exposure during mobile phone usage." ... and the clock

    you've been on the phone this long, you've recieved this much radiation. all BS

    13.7.2010 12:54 #3

  • Josipher

    And i thought apple liked it when idiots spend money on shyt they dont need..IT IS what their whole buisness is based on :)

    13.7.2010 20:09 #4

  • KillerBug

    For a second, I thought that someone had developed an app to detect radiation by having the device broadcast a signal to itself, and measuring the interference. I am sure there are a lot of people who would gladly spend $10 on a Geiger Counter app. If it is just a pointless app to calculate the antenna output, then who cares?

    Why do these app writers still go to Apple first? I mean, they know Apple is going to block their app for no reason, and that it is going to be a PITA to get their app approved, and that there will be restrictions on 3G data use...might as well release it on every other platform first; that way you can use the profits from all the other sales to fund the court battle to get your tip calculator approved.

    13.7.2010 23:58 #5

  • xtago

    Originally posted by plazma247: Originally posted by Hyasuma: Basically the app is $9.99 and then tells you if your phones radiation output could be dangerous... FFS.. how long have people had mobile phones, ok its going to be dangerous to pump Mega Watts of power into the body... but people probably get a bigger burst by standing near a cheap microwave and wireless routers/ap points.
    You probably get more radiation from the sun than you would a microwave.

    14.7.2010 02:44 #6

  • mystic

    Maybe its because Apples I phone will produce more radiation then other phones its got to be why they don't want you to have it see when you first read it I thought oh wow an app that will help turn you phone into a detector maybe this would be good to have before buying a new house but if it only tells you the amount your phone is sending to your brain then its got to show the Iphone as the worst that's why they (apple) don't want you to know ....someone grab a geiger counter and post the results for the world to see please....

    14.7.2010 09:05 #7

  • lawndog

    I was thinking the exact same thing mystic. please please please somebody do that test

    14.7.2010 22:26 #8

  • KillerBug

    I highly doubt that the iphone4 makes a lot of radiation...the cell signal can't even penetrate the tip of your little finger. If anything, I would expect apples to do really, really well in such a test; assuming that doing "really, really well" means that it does not emit enough radiation to work correctly.

    OH, and just in case you didn't already know this, there are many, many different frequencies of radiation. Many of them are harmless...and all tests seem to indicate that the kind that cell phones make is in the safe area...even tests from independent labs that would have been much better off to find a problem.

    15.7.2010 03:03 #9

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