Netflix says online traffic is surging

Netflix says online traffic is surging
Mashable is reporting today that visitors to Netflix's site have jumped 46 percent year-over-year for the month of June.

The growth is thanks to the increasing popularity of the Watch Instantly streaming service, and Netflix's decision to add their native service to set-top boxes, Blu-ray players and HDTVs.

Citigroup analyst Mark Mahaney adds that Netflix's explosive growth is the "fastest year-to-year growth [he] has seen in over five years."

For the entire second quarter, Netflix’s web traffic was up 34 percent year-over-year. In the first quarter, YoY growth was 19 percent.

Netflix has added 1.7 million subscribers in the Q1, ending with 14 million customers.

Written by: Andre Yoskowitz @ 12 Jul 2010 23:41
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  • KillerBug

    Not very surprising when the rental alternatives either require you to make two trips (one to pickup, one to drop off), or they cost way too much (itunes & PSN have insane rental prices). $9 a month is a great deal for unlimited streaming...and it works with everything but the Android.

    13.7.2010 06:10 #1

  • bratcher

    Streaming is great until you hit your isp's cap for the month. But still Netflix's 480p SD streams look good on my computer & the 720p HD streams look almost great if you have the bandwidth for them. Honestly I love the netflix movie streaming.

    16.7.2010 23:17 #2

  • wazzat

    well network tv's seasons are how long now? shows are canceled after running once sometimes. most people have the internet if they use a computer. i recommend netflix. BBuster charges what? $6 regular new movie rental. HBO Showtime Starz are $13 a month on satellite. we gave them all up. they show so many old movies over and over. although this week Dish had 4 popular movies on PPV for $1 each. the only bad thing about netflix is you may wait for a new release if its popular.

    18.7.2010 17:04 #3

  • DXR88

    ITS OVER 9000Gb/s!!!!!

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    18.7.2010 17:12 #4

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