RIM purchases BlackPad.com for upcoming tablet?

RIM purchases BlackPad.com for upcoming tablet?
RIM's still unconfirmed BlackBerry tablet may possibly have a name now, after the smartphone company registered BlackPad.com.

The domain was purchased by CSC, a company that specializes in corporate branding, on behalf of RIM.

BlackPad.com had been owned by others since 2002, but the domain had been completely unused in that period.

While a domain registration doesn't necessarily confirm a future product plan, many companies will do so to avoid having to purchase a license in the future at a much higher price. Apple registered iPhone.org years before the product was introduced.

That being said, RIM is not often that subtle, with most of their registered domains purchased for products that have since been revealed.

There is nothing known about the still unconfirmed device, but many expect it to have a 1GHz processor, dual-cameras and run BlackBerry OS 6.

Written by: Andre Yoskowitz @ 28 Jul 2010 19:42
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  • Josipher

    doesnt mean a think in my opinion

    28.7.2010 21:07 #1

  • mystic

    well since Rim has a partnership with skype and they have alot of apps both through them and as add-ons from other companies maybe it will work but as a b.b. user I would like to add 2 things to their list of fixes flash player for on-line content and how about a pad that doubles as a phone... wow that would be 2 easy.... ear-buds required because we don't want the hear it when your girl friend tells ya she with child as we can see the color drain from your face as well as the day your boss finds out your at the beach when you had work to do and you get fired... you know the normal things.....oh and also really no more blue-tooth anything other then a car adapter ...i dont know about the rest of you but when im shopping the last thing I want to hear about is whats going on in someone elses life as i stand trapped in line wait to get the hell out of any store to get away from the lady with her medical issues screaming into her blue-tooth headset that her pee is now green... thanks but can you please stop them ....

    29.7.2010 10:16 #2

  • Zealousi

    Wow someone can do a DNSlookup, is that under the tutorial section for there is no evidence on this article. blackpad Vs ipad i smell a lawsuit.

    29.7.2010 12:20 #3

  • mystic

    Originally posted by Zealousi: Wow someone can do a DNSlookup, is that under the tutorial section for there is no evidence on this article. blackpad Vs ipad i smell a lawsuit.
    ok so we can all read: http://www.afterdawn.com/news/article.cf...let_in_november

    30.7.2010 20:42 #4

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