Google, Verizon slammed over proposed net neutrality plan

Google, Verizon slammed over proposed net neutrality plan
Earlier today, Google and Verizon made headlines by unveiling a joint proposal for the future of net neutrality.

The plan calls for "a new, enforceable prohibition against discriminatory practices. This means that for the first time, wireline broadband providers would not be able to discriminate against or prioritize lawful Internet content, applications or services in a way that causes harm to users or competition."

Google and Verizon's proposal leaves open the ability for ISPs to charge Web sites extra if they offer certain services.

Almost immediately after the announcement, MoveOn.Org Civic Action, Credo Action, the Progressive Change Campaign Committee and released a statement describing how tens of millions of Americans would be harmed if the proposal was to be followed. The groups already have a petition with over 300,000 signatures protesting the proposal.

Most seem very upset by Google's turn against net neutrality, the concept that all sites and bandwidth on the Internet should be free of restrictions. Because smarpthones would be exempt from any of the future changes, many also see the proposal as a way to push Android well into the future.

The FCC responded to the proposal, mainly showing off its muscle in the discussion. Says Commissioner Michael J. Copps: "Some will claim this announcement moves the discussion forward. That’s one of its many problems. It is time to move a decision forward—a decision to reassert FCC authority over broadband telecommunications, to guarantee an open Internet now and forever, and to put the interests of consumers in front of the interests of giant corporations."

Written by: Andre Yoskowitz @ 10 Aug 2010 0:34
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  • slickwill

    They tell us that their Bill/Proposal will support/enforce net neutrality, when in fact they are trying to do the exact opposite. They expect the masses to be too lazy to do our own research and read their Bills/Proposal, which calls for a more restricted/censored internet, and just believe the news headlines at face value.

    And why are they trying to censor/restrict the internet? Because, the people of the world are waking up to what is really going on (thanks to the net) and not just the fake reality the mainstream media has been feeding us since we were in diapers, and the establishment is scared of the truth getting out to more people (ruining their plans). So this preemptive attack is to censor the truth and keep the masses asleep.

    The more people we wake up, the greater chances we have of not letting them get away with their plans.

    10.8.2010 02:01 #1

  • Tristan_2

    After Google and Verizon said this was all rumor...lying Sons of bitches shoulda known(sorry for some strong language

    10.8.2010 03:42 #2

  • KillerBug

    If it were not for the monopolies held over internet access in most areas, this would not be an issue at all; any company doing this BS would loose all their customers and go belly-up. The problem comes when most ISPs hold monopolies, and are free to do whatever they want, usually on the basis that monopolies are illegal, so there must not be any.

    10.8.2010 04:22 #3

  • ps3lvanub

    Sorry to look like a dumb-dumb, but what exactly is a monopoly?

    10.8.2010 07:58 #4

  • bbbob

    Originally posted by ps3lvanub: Sorry to look like a dumb-dumb, but what exactly is a monopoly? Monopoly is a board game by the Parker Brothers. lol

    It's a market in which there are many buyers but only one seller and when you have a monopoly you can ask any price you like.

    10.8.2010 08:27 #5

  • robertmro

    monopoly |məˈnäpəlē|
    noun ( pl. -lies)
    1 the exclusive possession or control of the supply or trade in a commodity or service : his likely motive was to protect his regional monopoly on furs.
    • [usu. with negative ] the exclusive possession, control, or exercise of something : men don't have a monopoly on unrequited love.
    • a company or group having exclusive control over a commodity or service : areas where cable companies operate as monopolies.
    • a commodity or service controlled in this way : electricity, gas, and water were considered to be natural monopolies.
    2 ( Monopoly) trademark a board game in which players engage in simulated property and financial dealings using imitation money. It was invented in the U.S. and the name was coined by Charles Darrow c. 1935.
    ORIGIN mid 16th cent.: via Latin from Greek monopōlion, from monos ‘single’ + pōlein ‘sell.’

    Did you know that your computer has a dictionary built in?

    10.8.2010 09:27 #6

  • Mez

    A good bit of the territory in the US is only serviced by one ISP. It is only in the cities and suburbs where there is enough profit to be had that there is competition. In rural US, you are lucky just to have broadband.

    10.8.2010 10:40 #7

  • Daniel_1 and ....REALLY? THESE are your net information sources?? The same people who have been discredited so badly by experts in their field that they vanished never to show their faces in the light of day again as per the lie that Ft.Ben Harrison in Indianapolis is a FEMA prison camp, when in fact it is nothing of the sort, but an industrial park that has parking garages under buildings clear down to 6 stories..I mean dont you think for one second that if this was true with all the buildings and factories there this would have been found? Or how about the idiots that said you could not make a call from a plane?? yet when the hijackers took the flights people on these flights called home ON their cell phones?? Or disputing the simple fact any iron worker or metallurgist knows that when you heat up metal, it loses its strength so you dont have to melt metal to make the metal structures collapse, just heat them up so they lose their rigid structure and cannot support the weight anymore. I mean MY GOD there are hundreds of shows from American Chopper to MythBusters that show the exact same thing!

    I can find out much more from foreign papers/Sites and local papers and sites then you ever could from your idiotic "prison planet/info wars" crap sites not to mention that with my military cosmic security clearance I probably know more then they do and what I DO know would more then likely make these dweebs at prison planet/info wars sh$t their pants in shock and fear because it would destroy their whole belief system in one fell swoop. I will even give you a hint. IN the next three years the US Government will release information that will rock ALL religions and Governments around the world, to their very core. The ONLY reason it is not being released now is that the shock of it would throw the worlds economy into a deep depression as quite a few of these countries economies would collapse. So it has to be released gradually. Why do you think there are so many different books-newspaper articles-TV shows-movies-radio shows dealing with extra terrestrial life now? It isnt because people like to read or watch or hear about stuff like this.....You seem slightly the math!

    10.8.2010 10:53 #8

  • ribbie149

    Daniel, please be sure to stay on your meds.

    10.8.2010 13:48 #9

  • xtago

    This is writen so badly that I have no idea what is meant or what is writen is meaning.

    Is Google and Version wanting to block data over their network or are they wanting to have free data from anywhere across their network.

    That's what I can't figure out.

    a new, enforceable prohibition against discriminatory practices.

    Would mean they want a law or are against anyone blocking data or slowing it down across networks.

    This means that for the first time, wireline broadband providers would not be able to discriminate against or prioritize lawful Internet content, applications or services in a way that causes harm to users or competition.

    This would comply to the above.

    Then this lot

    MoveOn.Org Civic Action, Credo Action, the Progressive Change Campaign Committee and

    Are against the above so want data to be blocked or slowed down across networks.

    Then the rest is about how evil Google is and want to block data or slow it down across networks even though they are against that and want a law or something saying so.

    SO what's the deal here?

    Because I have no f**king clue as to what the f**k is going on.

    10.8.2010 16:30 #10

  • Tristan_2

    Originally posted by xtago: This is writen so badly that I have no idea what is meant or what is writen is meaning.

    Is Google and Version wanting to block data over their network or are they wanting to have free data from anywhere across their network.

    That's what I can't figure out.

    a new, enforceable prohibition against discriminatory practices.

    Would mean they want a law or are against anyone blocking data or slowing it down across networks.

    This means that for the first time, wireline broadband providers would not be able to discriminate against or prioritize lawful Internet content, applications or services in a way that causes harm to users or competition.

    This would comply to the above.

    Then this lot

    MoveOn.Org Civic Action, Credo Action, the Progressive Change Campaign Committee and

    Are against the above so want data to be blocked or slowed down across networks.

    Then the rest is about how evil Google is and want to block data or slow it down across networks even though they are against that and want a law or something saying so.

    SO what's the deal here?

    Because I have no f**king clue as to what the f**k is going on.
    The big deal is how this first started, even G4's Attack of the Show covered this not long ago when Verizon and Google said this was pure rumor that they spoke in secret about this...Then we find out from their lie of it a secret that its all true,Plus Google isn't an ISP yet even though their tryin to get a Internet Company started.

    10.8.2010 18:17 #11

  • SoulGLOW

    Originally posted by Daniel_1: and ....REALLY? THESE are your net information sources?? The same people who have been discredited so badly by experts in their field that they vanished never to show their faces in the light of day again as per the lie that Ft.Ben Harrison in Indianapolis is a FEMA prison camp, when in fact it is nothing of the sort, but an industrial park that has parking garages under buildings clear down to 6 stories..I mean dont you think for one second that if this was true with all the buildings and factories there this would have been found? Or how about the idiots that said you could not make a call from a plane?? yet when the hijackers took the flights people on these flights called home ON their cell phones?? Or disputing the simple fact any iron worker or metallurgist knows that when you heat up metal, it loses its strength so you dont have to melt metal to make the metal structures collapse, just heat them up so they lose their rigid structure and cannot support the weight anymore. I mean MY GOD there are hundreds of shows from American Chopper to MythBusters that show the exact same thing!

    I can find out much more from foreign papers/Sites and local papers and sites then you ever could from your idiotic "prison planet/info wars" crap sites not to mention that with my military cosmic security clearance I probably know more then they do and what I DO know would more then likely make these dweebs at prison planet/info wars sh$t their pants in shock and fear because it would destroy their whole belief system in one fell swoop. I will even give you a hint. IN the next three years the US Government will release information that will rock ALL religions and Governments around the world, to their very core. The ONLY reason it is not being released now is that the shock of it would throw the worlds economy into a deep depression as quite a few of these countries economies would collapse. So it has to be released gradually. Why do you think there are so many different books-newspaper articles-TV shows-movies-radio shows dealing with extra terrestrial life now? It isnt because people like to read or watch or hear about stuff like this.....You seem slightly the math!

    Hello dearest fuqtard. Your admission to the fact that you know about our govts lies only asserts the truth that we all know that we are lied to daily. Including 911. No you cant make a call on a network cell phone above 5000 feet. period. its impossible. And I can gaurantee you that ive seen more top secret shit in my life than you could even imagine. I cant help but wonder your science grades in school or if you retained any of that knowledge. please go do your puppet-man song and dance somewhere else. just because a guy sees possibilties in the abuse of power and it hasnt happened yet doesnt mean it wont. we were warned about all the commie crap growing up now i clearly see it happening here albeit slowly...just as an education in history would clearly predict is the cycle for govts. unfortunately your indoctrination has obviously been to thorough and your robot mind cant color outside the lines anymore. Ill tell you what, when you come to my town at govt behest cuz they said we were dangerous ill make sure to prove them right starting with your head.

    12.8.2010 06:09 #12

  • lawndog

    Ok first off there's no need for name calling and verbally assualting somebody. Period.
    2nd, the article kinda confuses me also........
    "The plan calls for "a new, enforceable prohibition against discriminatory practices. This means that for the first time, wireline broadband providers would not be able to discriminate against or prioritize lawful Internet content, applications or services in a way that causes harm to users or competition." "

    Doesn't this mean more freedom for the net? Hence the "This means that for the first time, wireline broadband providers would NOT be able to discriminate against or prioritize lawful Internet content, applications or services in a way that causes harm to users or competition."

    Am I reading it wrong?
    But seriously lets stick to the topic and quit with slinging mud.

    14.8.2010 01:46 #13

  • aldan

    shit,more than one secret agent here.more than one of you has watched "conspiracy theory".chill and remember:prozac is your friend.LMAO

    14.8.2010 02:18 #14

  • KillerBug

    Originally posted by lawndog: Ok first off there's no need for name calling and verbally assualting somebody. Period.
    2nd, the article kinda confuses me also........
    "The plan calls for "a new, enforceable prohibition against discriminatory practices. This means that for the first time, wireline broadband providers would not be able to discriminate against or prioritize lawful Internet content, applications or services in a way that causes harm to users or competition." "

    Doesn't this mean more freedom for the net? Hence the "This means that for the first time, wireline broadband providers would NOT be able to discriminate against or prioritize lawful Internet content, applications or services in a way that causes harm to users or competition."

    Am I reading it wrong?
    But seriously lets stick to the topic and quit with slinging mud.
    It is called doublespeak, and it is an integral part of modern law making. Since no one ever makes good laws, all the laws have nice happy titles that are in direct disagreement with the actual law. Thus, the patriot act advocates Nazi-style fascism, "No Child Left Behind" cuts funding to schools that need it the most, and the net neutrality plan is a plan to make net neutrality a thing of the past. One of these days they should make the "Don't kill all of the politicians" act...if they wrote it the same way as all the other laws, the streets of DC would be red with blue blood.

    14.8.2010 05:53 #15

  • Daniel_1

    Originally posted by ribbie149: Daniel, please be sure to stay on your meds. You and the people that believe this crap news org need to make sure your meds are increased.

    14.8.2010 09:58 #16

  • Daniel_1

    Originally posted by SoulGLOW: Originally posted by Daniel_1: and ....REALLY? THESE are your net information sources?? The same people who have been discredited so badly by experts in their field that they vanished never to show their faces in the light of day again as per the lie that Ft.Ben Harrison in Indianapolis is a FEMA prison camp, when in fact it is nothing of the sort, but an industrial park that has parking garages under buildings clear down to 6 stories..I mean dont you think for one second that if this was true with all the buildings and factories there this would have been found? Or how about the idiots that said you could not make a call from a plane?? yet when the hijackers took the flights people on these flights called home ON their cell phones?? Or disputing the simple fact any iron worker or metallurgist knows that when you heat up metal, it loses its strength so you dont have to melt metal to make the metal structures collapse, just heat them up so they lose their rigid structure and cannot support the weight anymore. I mean MY GOD there are hundreds of shows from American Chopper to MythBusters that show the exact same thing!

    I can find out much more from foreign papers/Sites and local papers and sites then you ever could from your idiotic "prison planet/info wars" crap sites not to mention that with my military cosmic security clearance I probably know more then they do and what I DO know would more then likely make these dweebs at prison planet/info wars sh$t their pants in shock and fear because it would destroy their whole belief system in one fell swoop. I will even give you a hint. IN the next three years the US Government will release information that will rock ALL religions and Governments around the world, to their very core. The ONLY reason it is not being released now is that the shock of it would throw the worlds economy into a deep depression as quite a few of these countries economies would collapse. So it has to be released gradually. Why do you think there are so many different books-newspaper articles-TV shows-movies-radio shows dealing with extra terrestrial life now? It isnt because people like to read or watch or hear about stuff like this.....You seem slightly the math!

    Hello dearest fuqtard. Your admission to the fact that you know about our govts lies only asserts the truth that we all know that we are lied to daily. Including 911. No you cant make a call on a network cell phone above 5000 feet. period. its impossible. And I can gaurantee you that ive seen more top secret shit in my life than you could even imagine. I cant help but wonder your science grades in school or if you retained any of that knowledge. please go do your puppet-man song and dance somewhere else. just because a guy sees possibilties in the abuse of power and it hasnt happened yet doesnt mean it wont. we were warned about all the commie crap growing up now i clearly see it happening here albeit slowly...just as an education in history would clearly predict is the cycle for govts. unfortunately your indoctrination has obviously been to thorough and your robot mind cant color outside the lines anymore. Ill tell you what, when you come to my town at govt behest cuz they said we were dangerous ill make sure to prove them right starting with your head.
    Awwww, pwoor baby. ticked off because the leader of both sites is Alex Jones, a proven liar? I mean his greatest claim to fame is that he is on an amazing 43 channels of shortwave radio. So go right on ahead and do as your doctor suggested you do for treatment and look in the mirror and repeat "fuqtard" at your reflection either till your throat becomes raw and you lose your voice or until you begin to understand how stupid you really are.

    14.8.2010 10:02 #17

  • Daniel_1

    Originally posted by Mez: A good bit of the territory in the US is only serviced by one ISP. It is only in the cities and suburbs where there is enough profit to be had that there is competition. In rural US, you are lucky just to have broadband. That used to be correct Mez, but now with the telephone companies and sat providers getting into the ISP business, even rural areas now have more then two or three different ways to connect to the net. And in a nod to that, there is no proof that any of the three (phone-sat-wireless) will be worth the bother.

    14.8.2010 10:05 #18

  • SoulGLOW

    Originally posted by Daniel_1: Originally posted by SoulGLOW: Originally posted by Daniel_1: and ....REALLY? THESE are your net information sources?? The same people who have been discredited so badly by experts in their field that they vanished never to show their faces in the light of day again as per the lie that Ft.Ben Harrison in Indianapolis is a FEMA prison camp, when in fact it is nothing of the sort, but an industrial park that has parking garages under buildings clear down to 6 stories..I mean dont you think for one second that if this was true with all the buildings and factories there this would have been found? Or how about the idiots that said you could not make a call from a plane?? yet when the hijackers took the flights people on these flights called home ON their cell phones?? Or disputing the simple fact any iron worker or metallurgist knows that when you heat up metal, it loses its strength so you dont have to melt metal to make the metal structures collapse, just heat them up so they lose their rigid structure and cannot support the weight anymore. I mean MY GOD there are hundreds of shows from American Chopper to MythBusters that show the exact same thing!

    I can find out much more from foreign papers/Sites and local papers and sites then you ever could from your idiotic "prison planet/info wars" crap sites not to mention that with my military cosmic security clearance I probably know more then they do and what I DO know would more then likely make these dweebs at prison planet/info wars sh$t their pants in shock and fear because it would destroy their whole belief system in one fell swoop. I will even give you a hint. IN the next three years the US Government will release information that will rock ALL religions and Governments around the world, to their very core. The ONLY reason it is not being released now is that the shock of it would throw the worlds economy into a deep depression as quite a few of these countries economies would collapse. So it has to be released gradually. Why do you think there are so many different books-newspaper articles-TV shows-movies-radio shows dealing with extra terrestrial life now? It isnt because people like to read or watch or hear about stuff like this.....You seem slightly the math!

    Hello dearest fuqtard. Your admission to the fact that you know about our govts lies only asserts the truth that we all know that we are lied to daily. Including 911. No you cant make a call on a network cell phone above 5000 feet. period. its impossible. And I can gaurantee you that ive seen more top secret shit in my life than you could even imagine. I cant help but wonder your science grades in school or if you retained any of that knowledge. please go do your puppet-man song and dance somewhere else. just because a guy sees possibilties in the abuse of power and it hasnt happened yet doesnt mean it wont. we were warned about all the commie crap growing up now i clearly see it happening here albeit slowly...just as an education in history would clearly predict is the cycle for govts. unfortunately your indoctrination has obviously been to thorough and your robot mind cant color outside the lines anymore. Ill tell you what, when you come to my town at govt behest cuz they said we were dangerous ill make sure to prove them right starting with your head.
    Awwww, pwoor baby. ticked off because the leader of both sites is Alex Jones, a proven liar? I mean his greatest claim to fame is that he is on an amazing 43 channels of shortwave radio. So go right on ahead and do as your doctor suggested you do for treatment and look in the mirror and repeat "fuqtard" at your reflection either till your throat becomes raw and you lose your voice or until you begin to understand how stupid you really are.

    OMG! You are a Fuqtard! I was just pushing you a little but now I see its actually true. You didnt have anything to say in response other than reactionary crappy 1-upmanship. LAME. Come on dude you've obviously got a brain just use it for once to investigate something on your own. No one man except Christ knows and speaks all truth. One day we believe in santa claus and the tooth fairy the next we believe everything our govt and politicos say...YEAH RIGHT!! If you went off on me like that in person I'd have to smack u one just to try and bring you to your senses. Use your own brain for dissemination of information not some stool pigeon quoting his masters words as your elements of truth. Concerning Alex Jones and his websites, I havent even thought of them in ages. I will tell u this : The guy loves freedom...LOVES IT!!! and yes his zealousness may push out past what is or has or will actually transpire at times. I do not hold him at fault for this nor look down upon him. You want to know why? Because I do trust his nose and ears and eyes to watch out for "potential" dangers to freedom. Just as I wont tell my dog to shut up if i hear him barking in the night cuz hes watching out for dangers to our home I wont ignore this man nor others of his ilk. Im not gonna grab my AK over every little "woof" though either. Hopefully you get it now and arent all puffed up wanting to fight or something . thats not my intention but i do want to warn you to keep learning. Maintain an open mind. Realize that we are being controlled like cattle only then can you plot your escape to safety. I meant what i said about being a robot though. If anyone comes at me "ON ORDERS"...well kiss your ass goodbye.

    15.8.2010 05:23 #19

  • Daniel_1

    Originally posted by SoulGLOW: Originally posted by Daniel_1: Originally posted by SoulGLOW: Originally posted by Daniel_1: and ....REALLY? THESE are your net information sources?? The same people who have been discredited so badly by experts in their field that they vanished never to show their faces in the light of day again as per the lie that Ft.Ben Harrison in Indianapolis is a FEMA prison camp, when in fact it is nothing of the sort, but an industrial park that has parking garages under buildings clear down to 6 stories..I mean dont you think for one second that if this was true with all the buildings and factories there this would have been found? Or how about the idiots that said you could not make a call from a plane?? yet when the hijackers took the flights people on these flights called home ON their cell phones?? Or disputing the simple fact any iron worker or metallurgist knows that when you heat up metal, it loses its strength so you dont have to melt metal to make the metal structures collapse, just heat them up so they lose their rigid structure and cannot support the weight anymore. I mean MY GOD there are hundreds of shows from American Chopper to MythBusters that show the exact same thing!

    I can find out much more from foreign papers/Sites and local papers and sites then you ever could from your idiotic "prison planet/info wars" crap sites not to mention that with my military cosmic security clearance I probably know more then they do and what I DO know would more then likely make these dweebs at prison planet/info wars sh$t their pants in shock and fear because it would destroy their whole belief system in one fell swoop. I will even give you a hint. IN the next three years the US Government will release information that will rock ALL religions and Governments around the world, to their very core. The ONLY reason it is not being released now is that the shock of it would throw the worlds economy into a deep depression as quite a few of these countries economies would collapse. So it has to be released gradually. Why do you think there are so many different books-newspaper articles-TV shows-movies-radio shows dealing with extra terrestrial life now? It isnt because people like to read or watch or hear about stuff like this.....You seem slightly the math!

    Hello dearest fuqtard. Your admission to the fact that you know about our govts lies only asserts the truth that we all know that we are lied to daily. Including 911. No you cant make a call on a network cell phone above 5000 feet. period. its impossible. And I can gaurantee you that ive seen more top secret shit in my life than you could even imagine. I cant help but wonder your science grades in school or if you retained any of that knowledge. please go do your puppet-man song and dance somewhere else. just because a guy sees possibilties in the abuse of power and it hasnt happened yet doesnt mean it wont. we were warned about all the commie crap growing up now i clearly see it happening here albeit slowly...just as an education in history would clearly predict is the cycle for govts. unfortunately your indoctrination has obviously been to thorough and your robot mind cant color outside the lines anymore. Ill tell you what, when you come to my town at govt behest cuz they said we were dangerous ill make sure to prove them right starting with your head.
    Awwww, pwoor baby. ticked off because the leader of both sites is Alex Jones, a proven liar? I mean his greatest claim to fame is that he is on an amazing 43 channels of shortwave radio. So go right on ahead and do as your doctor suggested you do for treatment and look in the mirror and repeat "fuqtard" at your reflection either till your throat becomes raw and you lose your voice or until you begin to understand how stupid you really are.

    OMG! You are a Fuqtard! I was just pushing you a little but now I see its actually true. You didnt have anything to say in response other than reactionary crappy 1-upmanship. LAME. Come on dude you've obviously got a brain just use it for once to investigate something on your own. No one man except Christ knows and speaks all truth. One day we believe in santa claus and the tooth fairy the next we believe everything our govt and politicos say...YEAH RIGHT!! If you went off on me like that in person I'd have to smack u one just to try and bring you to your senses. Use your own brain for dissemination of information not some stool pigeon quoting his masters words as your elements of truth. Concerning Alex Jones and his websites, I havent even thought of them in ages. I will tell u this : The guy loves freedom...LOVES IT!!! and yes his zealousness may push out past what is or has or will actually transpire at times. I do not hold him at fault for this nor look down upon him. You want to know why? Because I do trust his nose and ears and eyes to watch out for "potential" dangers to freedom. Just as I wont tell my dog to shut up if i hear him barking in the night cuz hes watching out for dangers to our home I wont ignore this man nor others of his ilk. Im not gonna grab my AK over every little "woof" though either. Hopefully you get it now and arent all puffed up wanting to fight or something . thats not my intention but i do want to warn you to keep learning. Maintain an open mind. Realize that we are being controlled like cattle only then can you plot your escape to safety. I meant what i said about being a robot though. If anyone comes at me "ON ORDERS"...well kiss your ass goodbye.
    I didn't need to reply to your crappy and lame response as anyone with any sense can see it for exactly what it is, total BS. And when all sides of the political spectrum say you Alex Jones arse kissers are morons, then it has to be true as 99.8% of the people all saying the same thing (that all people that read or follow prison planet/infowars should be placed in a rubber room with a suit that ties in the back and on heavy medication) then that alone should tell you something. But let's say we give you a chance. tell us ONE thing that your conspiracy fruitcakes have said that is fact and not disputed in any way. Come on...if these sites are so great you should be able to do this simple thing...right? So name just ONE thing either of these sites have claimed in the past that was fact. The rest of the world nor I will hold our breath as you cannot even do this simple thing, and yet we are suppose to take what these tinfoil hat wearing people say? The ball is in your court, so put up or shut up.

    15.8.2010 08:27 #20

  • SoulGLOW

    Dude how stupid and boneheadedly stubborn are you. I'm not even talking about alex jones you idiot I'm talking about how closed off your mind is. You're a defensive wall lacking any reason or educated independent thought. Clearly you are just what a govt subject is, a blindly loyal, unthinking lackey. Good luck coping when reality sets in and you find your self destitute surrounded by nothing but the ghosts of the illusions you help perpetuate by your willful ignorance and misconceptions. But let me sign off with a question for all:

    Is anyone always wrong?

    As for you I'm done with you. Why should I waste my time any longer. It would be like trying to teach a retard calculus.

    16.8.2010 14:50 #21

  • Daniel_1

    Originally posted by SoulGLOW: Dude how stupid and boneheadedly stubborn are you. I'm not even talking about alex jones you idiot I'm talking about how closed off your mind is. You're a defensive wall lacking any reason or educated independent thought. Clearly you are just what a govt subject is, a blindly loyal, unthinking lackey. Good luck coping when reality sets in and you find your self destitute surrounded by nothing but the ghosts of the illusions you help perpetuate by your willful ignorance and misconceptions. But let me sign off with a question for all:

    Is anyone always wrong?

    As for you I'm done with you. Why should I waste my time any longer. It would be like trying to teach a retard calculus.
    I have to say the same thing about you. Not one thing that your prisonplanet/infowars have ever said was proven to be factual and the biggest person running these sites is none other then Alex Jones and his followers, you would know that if you bothered to read and find out who exactly is behind these sites. These sites are the same people who swore that you could not make a phone call from a plane, yet it happened. These are the same people who swore that there was explosives found at the WTC, yet when the papers were brought up for review, that claim could not be documented. These are the same people who swore that n melted iron was found at WTC, yet ignoring the fact that the higher the heat the less strong the iron becomes and even they admitted that it hit between 800 and 900 degrees. Any iron worker will tell you that 800 or 900 degrees is more then enough heat to cause the iron and steel to soften so much that they could not support the weight they did when they were normal temps. This is the same group that swears that there are FEMA prison camps all over the US, yet not one of these camps have ever been found especially when most of these were former military bases and now are industrial parks with sewer and water and underground parking.

    I could go on and on but it is very clear that ANYONE that uses these two sites as a source for anything not only needs to be corrected, but should never be allowed in a discussion as they are 5 and 3/4ths beers shy of a six-pack. What are you going to tell us next? that aliens are taking over he world and you know this because you are picking up their transmissions and the only thing keeping you safe is your tinfoil hat?? You might have been able to make a valid point IF you would have left these sites out of it, but by adding them you have just destroyed any and all points that you could have made as it leaves everything you said suspect

    Oh and I would be VERY careful in using the term Retard in any more of your posts. In Canada and Mexico, you will be brought up before the Human Rights tribunal and will face jail time. And in the US the use of a disability as an insult now constitutes a form of Hate Speech under the Federal Disabilities Education Act signed into law by Obama that makes the intentional use of this slur a crime punishable by a minimum of of 6 months and up to 10 years in a prison as well as a possible fine of minimum $1000.00 to a maximum of $10,000.00 per time you use it and the revocation of your internet by your ISP. Do it more then once get convicted of it and you can be blackballed for ALL ISP's in your area.

    17.8.2010 09:44 #22

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