New dashboard update will improve Xbox headset sound

New dashboard update will improve Xbox headset sound
Microsoft has said this week that the upcoming Xbox 360 software refresh will "significantly" improve the sound quality of the headsets.

The update is expected this fall, alongside the launch of the Kinect motion control system.

With the software update, Microsoft will "upgrade the codec and audio infrastructure that underpins the quality of voice communication from Xbox 360 to Xbox 360, and should make for clear chat between gamers when they play online," says Xbox Live Studios boss Jerry Johnson, via Eurogamer.

Explaining further, Johnson says: "The codec we used when we first launched was a low bit rate codec and we stuck with that."

Concluding: "We launched and we said we required broadband. We required a 64k connection, which not many people think of as broadband any longer. But that was the minimum requirement to run the service at the time.

"It's time for us to move on. Especially if we want to think about broadening - a crackly headset on the top of your head – not what people think of when they talk about popular entertainment."

Voice communication was started by Microsoft in 2002, with the launch of Xbox Live.

Written by: Andre Yoskowitz @ 28 Aug 2010 1:37
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  • biglo30

    Thats it?

    28.8.2010 12:13 #1

  • biglo30

    Thats it?

    28.8.2010 12:13 #2

  • Hopium

    hopefully the espn channel comes with this as well

    28.8.2010 12:32 #3

  • porosus

    it's also close to that time of year when bans happen. maybe some new unsaid security checks. who knows. but I doubt that's all they're updating.

    28.8.2010 12:44 #4

  • Pop_Smith

    That's nice to know.

    During intense/crowded gaming sessions the chat often sounded muffled or broken up to me, especially if more than one people was talking at the same time. <-- Brian Regan "Take Luck" video.

    "The only people who should buy Monster cable are people who light cigars with Benjamins." - Gizmodo

    28.8.2010 12:50 #5

  • DXR88

    Originally posted by Pop_Smith: That's nice to know.

    During intense/crowded gaming sessions the chat often sounded muffled or broken up to me, especially if more than one people was talking at the same time.
    well if you can stand that, then you have nothing to worry about except now they'll all sound like The View.

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    28.8.2010 13:30 #6

  • blueboy09

    Originally posted by DXR88: Originally posted by Pop_Smith: That's nice to know.

    During intense/crowded gaming sessions the chat often sounded muffled or broken up to me, especially if more than one people was talking at the same time.
    well if you can stand that, then you have nothing to worry about except now they'll all sound like The View.
    LOL! Absolutely a bunch of cackling hens in a crowded hen house!

    Life is about walking on thin ice, if you make too much drama, youll crack under pressure. - BLUEBOY

    28.8.2010 23:20 #7

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