Apple App Store hits 250,000 apps

Apple App Store hits 250,000 apps
According to the site, Apple has hit 250,000 apps available in the App Store, hitting the milestone in just over 2 years.

Almost 51,000 publishers have released 252,000 apps for the iPhone, iPod Touch or iPad, although only a tenth of those apps were made for the popular tablet.

Books accounted for the most amount of apps, at 17 percent, followed closely by games at 14 percent.

Entertainment was the third most popular category, at 11 percent, with education, lifestyle and travel all following at 6 percent, each.

Royal Pingdom posted that 70 percent of App Store apps are paid, whereas in the Android Market only 36 percent are paid.

The Android Market is on the verge of hitting 100,000 apps.

Written by: Andre Yoskowitz @ 29 Aug 2010 1:38
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  • KillerBug

    2 years? i know the iphone has been arround longer than that...did it really take them over 2 years to start the app store?

    30.8.2010 02:11 #1

  • Boomsly

    In other news, Apple's App Store hits 846 usefull apps that are worth downloading let alone use more than once.

    31.8.2010 20:20 #2

  • hermes_vb

    Of that total 100,000 tip calculators and 100,000 Fart Apps...

    If I always hear voices surrounding me, does it mean I'm crazy or that I hear in Dolby 5.1?

    1.9.2010 23:27 #3

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