Sony working on glasses-free 3D TVs, as well

Sony working on glasses-free 3D TVs, as well
Last week, Toshiba announced they are currently developing 3D HDTVs that do not require any special glasses.

Sony has made a similar announcement today, working on 3DTVs it hopes can be released by early 2011

"Seeing 3-D without glasses is more convenient," says Yoshihisa Ishida, Sony SVP. "We must take account of pricing before we can think about when to start offering them."

Panasonic and Sony have already released 3D HDTVs, both the displays require special (and usually expensive) glasses.

Sony says it will take the top spot in 3D TVs and Blu-ray player market share in Japan, thanks to its movie studio.

Written by: Andre Yoskowitz @ 29 Aug 2010 3:09
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  • ROMaster2

    I'm pretty sure everyone is.

    29.8.2010 03:27 #1

  • davidike

    defiantly ROMaster, who is going to sit in their lounge n have to wear stupid glasses with everyone hugged up as the view angle is also another issue.

    what is great is that sony have already tried to protect their own backs, from ANY health issues this untested technology causes by releasing this disclaimer!

    please do not sue us if your eyes end up like this!

    Originally posted by Sony: "Some people may experience discomfort (such as eye strain, eye fatigue or nausea) while watching 3D video images or playing stereoscopic 3D games on 3D televisions. If you experience such discomfort, you should immediately discontinue use of your television until the discomfort subsides.

    "SCEA recommends that all viewers take regular breaks while watching 3D video or playing stereoscopic 3D games. The length and frequency of necessary breaks may vary from person to person. Please take breaks that are long enough to allow any feelings of discomfort to subside. If symptoms persist, consult a doctor.

    "The vision of young children (especially those under six years old) is still under development. SCEA recommends that you consult your doctor (such as a pediatrician or eye doctor) before allowing young children to watch 3D video images or play stereoscopic 3D games. Adults should supervise young children to ensure they follow the recommendations listed above."

    "The public domain is a dicgrace to the forces of evil"

    29.8.2010 05:23 #2

  • ZippyDSM

    3D needs to die already.....

    Until lobbying is a hanging offense I choose anarchy!
    Ah modern gaming its like modern film only the watering down of fiction and characters is replaced with shallow and watered down mechanics, gimmicks and shiny-er "people".

    30.8.2010 06:48 #3

  • Mysttic

    I agree with Zippy here, however if it had to take form, glasses free would be the way to go. Sony just doing what they do lately and hopping on the bandwagon because of the hype Nintendo first created showing off 3DS @ E3. Now with pressure from Toshiba, they have to move forward and look like nubes for not implementing it first.

    I wish Sony would make up their mind. They take stupid chances on high risk gambles like the PSPGo, but then follow the in crowd because they don't fully think their risks through so wait to see public response before producing say "Move", or create digital dl's for PSPGo because Apple store saw huge sales with Iphone apps.

    Sony, you disappoint me more and more. The fact that my PS3 60GB got the yellow light of death, frustrates me even more. Then my 80 just won't read any type of discs. Not even after swapping the bluray drive. The more i hear about Sony, the more mad I get.

    30.8.2010 11:51 #4

  • mike.m

    Correct me if I'm wrong, but with the Nintendo 3DS, you have to be in the exact sweet spot for it to work. Hope that isn't the case here, either way I still think all this 3D hype is just a gimmick. The only place to really experience 3D is to watch Imax made movies in their theatres, even then it can get boring after a while.

    30.8.2010 21:00 #5

  • Mysttic

    Could you imagine your entire family fighting to share the sweet spot for a big screen TV, hahah that'd be sick

    30.8.2010 22:14 #6

  • lissenup2

    Keep wasting your time Sony. As of today........expensive 3D investment between BS glasses (necessary for 2 people), a player and the tv. All this for a whopping 5 movie selection of crappy CGI stuff like Monsters and Cloudy with a chance of Meatballs.

    3D was a dead concept well before it even came about. Only a moron would invest in this. Maybe just MAYBE in a few years if and when movies are more widely available and hardware is dirt cheap.

    Frankly, I see a class action suit coming on to any and all manufacturers for selling something that is essentially not usable.

    31.8.2010 01:43 #7

  • lissenup2

    Originally posted by Mysttic: I agree with Zippy here, however if it had to take form, glasses free would be the way to go. Sony just doing what they do lately and hopping on the bandwagon because of the hype Nintendo first created showing off 3DS @ E3. Now with pressure from Toshiba, they have to move forward and look like nubes for not implementing it first.

    I wish Sony would make up their mind. They take stupid chances on high risk gambles like the PSPGo, but then follow the in crowd because they don't fully think their risks through so wait to see public response before producing say "Move", or create digital dl's for PSPGo because Apple store saw huge sales with Iphone apps.

    Sony, you disappoint me more and more. The fact that my PS3 60GB got the yellow light of death, frustrates me even more. Then my 80 just won't read any type of discs. Not even after swapping the bluray drive. The more i hear about Sony, the more mad I get.
    Sh*t happens, electronics break and it's usually random so quit your bichin!!! I don't know anyone with a broken PS3 so issues are isolated.

    As for Sony hopping on the bandwagon...........just when did you arrive to our planet? When did your parents teach you to speak and form your own opinion. Must have been recent as Sony has pioneered many many things in the past 15 years up to and including today. So say something credible or don't say anything at all.

    31.8.2010 01:49 #8

  • DXR88

    where's my dame holographic technology at Sony. whatever happen to innovation anyway, 3d is old and surprise still causes headaches.

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    31.8.2010 01:59 #9

  • alexeemo

    Originally posted by lissenup2: Keep wasting your time Sony. As of today........expensive 3D investment between BS glasses (necessary for 2 people), a player and the tv. All this for a whopping 5 movie selection of crappy CGI stuff like Monsters and Cloudy with a chance of Meatballs.

    3D was a dead concept well before it even came about. Only a moron would invest in this. Maybe just MAYBE in a few years if and when movies are more widely available and hardware is dirt cheap.

    Frankly, I see a class action suit coming on to any and all manufacturers for selling something that is essentially not usable.
    All HD movies I watch look sweet on my 60" 3D gives me headaches. There's no way I'm buying anything 3D. I want it to die off as well. Until the day we can plug into the "Matrix" and experience the movie, count me out!

    PSN ID alexeemo, Level 10, 484 Trophies and counting

    31.8.2010 14:51 #10

  • lissenup2

    Originally posted by alexeemo: Originally posted by lissenup2: Keep wasting your time Sony. As of today........expensive 3D investment between BS glasses (necessary for 2 people), a player and the tv. All this for a whopping 5 movie selection of crappy CGI stuff like Monsters and Cloudy with a chance of Meatballs.

    3D was a dead concept well before it even came about. Only a moron would invest in this. Maybe just MAYBE in a few years if and when movies are more widely available and hardware is dirt cheap.

    Frankly, I see a class action suit coming on to any and all manufacturers for selling something that is essentially not usable.
    All HD movies I watch look sweet on my 60" 3D gives me headaches. There's no way I'm buying anything 3D. I want it to die off as well. Until the day we can plug into the "Matrix" and experience the movie, count me out!
    Ooh.....that would be dope! Matrix with a holographic projector would be nice. 30 years for that I'm guessing at the rate that companies are trying to suck lame-ass 3D dry.

    3.9.2010 00:55 #11

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