iPhone owners have more apps than Android, BlackBerry

iPhone owners have more apps than Android, BlackBerry
According to a new study from Nielsen, iPhone owners have the most installed apps in the smartphone market.

After surveying 4000 people, the survey found that iPhone users, on average, have 40 apps installed.

Android users have, on average, 25 apps installed. BlackBerry owners round out the list at an average of 14 apps per user.

Numbers are up across the board, showing off a growing interest in applications, as a whole.

Games headed the list of most downloaded apps, with 61 percent of those surveyed having downloaded at least one. Weather followed closely at 55 percent, followed by mapping/search apps at 50 percent. Social networking and music rounded out the list, at 49 and 42 percent, respectively.

Written by: Andre Yoskowitz @ 11 Sep 2010 21:56
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  • Zoner

    80 apps here, android user

    Just shoot me!

    11.9.2010 22:30 #1

  • hikaricor

    And this means what?
    If I wanted stupid useless statistics I'd read about sports.

    11.9.2010 22:49 #2

  • KillerBug

    "followed by mapping/search apps at 50 percent. Social networking and music rounded out the list, at 49 and 42 percent"

    Considering that android comes with all these things, is it any wonder that there are not many downloads in these areas?

    11.9.2010 23:30 #3

  • slickwill

    Iphone users my have more apps installed, but how many of them are frequently used versus those BB and Android users who my have less apps installed? I guest that kind of question doesn't really matter if the marketing department is only interested in profit/sales, b/c if the customer already paid for the app, what do they care if the app is used or not.

    11.9.2010 23:55 #4

  • Jimathome

    OOOO, I've got more apps than you na na na na na, Sound like school playground stuff to you ? Who gives a f**k, people who buy Apple stuff like to be told what to do or think by his holiness Lord Steve, and I guess Steve is laughing all the way to the bank, most of the apps iphone users buy they play with a couple of times and show off to thier friends after which it just sits there taking up space.
    There my pennies worth !

    12.9.2010 08:25 #5

  • bam431

    Only app you'll ever need is Peggle.

    This could be anywhere This could be everywhere
    Xbox Live: war dog431 - PSN: bam431 - IGN: bam431
    Youtube: electrowaffle - Twitter: bam431
    My site: Work in progress.

    12.9.2010 14:32 #6

  • bobiroc

    The problem is most of the iPhone/iPad/iPod Touch apps. Many duplicates of the same functions and too many stupid useless apps. If you count the apps that are useful or truly fun then the amount on any platform is much less.

    AMD Phenom II 965 @ 3.6Ghz, 8GB DDR3, ATI Radeon 5770HD, 300GB 10,000RPM Raptor, 2TB Additional HDD, Windows 7 Ultimate.

    12.9.2010 23:33 #7

  • KillerBug

    Originally posted by bobiroc: The problem is most of the iPhone/iPad/iPod Touch apps. Many duplicates of the same functions and too many stupid useless apps. If you count the apps that are useful or truly fun then the amount on any platform is much less. While I love to bash (cr)Apple, I'm afraid android market isn't much better in this regard...for most things, there are a dozen apps, but only one or two of them are any good, and if there are two good apps, then one of them is probably free. If someone were to go through both markets, eliminating apps that are inferior in every way to at least one app that costs the same or less, I bet both markets would be under 1000 apps (not counting games, themes, wallpapers, and other things that are unique among analogs")

    13.9.2010 00:10 #8

  • bobiroc

    Originally posted by KillerBug: Originally posted by bobiroc: The problem is most of the iPhone/iPad/iPod Touch apps. Many duplicates of the same functions and too many stupid useless apps. If you count the apps that are useful or truly fun then the amount on any platform is much less. While I love to bash (cr)Apple, I'm afraid android market isn't much better in this regard...for most things, there are a dozen apps, but only one or two of them are any good, and if there are two good apps, then one of them is probably free. If someone were to go through both markets, eliminating apps that are inferior in every way to at least one app that costs the same or less, I bet both markets would be under 1000 apps (not counting games, themes, wallpapers, and other things that are unique among analogs") I guess I meant that for the Android Platform too. To clarify my statement I will say they both brag about all these Apps and focus on quantity when it is quality that counts. I guess that is why I only have a couple pages of Apps on my iPhone instead of many pages of useless crAPPS like some people.

    AMD Phenom II 965 @ 3.6Ghz, 8GB DDR3, ATI Radeon 5770HD, 300GB 10,000RPM Raptor, 2TB Additional HDD, Windows 7 Ultimate.

    13.9.2010 00:45 #9

  • borhan9

    Not very big on getting apps for my iPhone got 19 and happy with that atm. I really use my iPhone mainly as a phone and sms i know i could have got any other phone but i got the iPhone may change it once my contract is over.

    13.9.2010 04:11 #10

  • mystic

    oh come on lets not forget "shake the baby" thats got to rank up there as a must have... give people more choices and they will have more issues does any one remmber when a phone was only use to make calls when you needed to not when your in line wait to check out and your best freinds girlfreind calls you because she's 2 lines over and wanted to say hi... give it a rest phones are for talking and texting belongs on a computer so why did we ever need to mix the two maybe those people who lost love ones to text while driving should sue the phone companys for alowing texting in motion... just a thought.....

    13.9.2010 08:54 #11

  • Blah blah (unverified)

    Jb, and shut the fk up!!! Iphone4

    17.9.2010 09:08 #12

  • justin k (unverified)

    so funny how iphone needs an app to play streaming internet radio, then they say there better because appstore has more apps then android or windows , one of the only reason they have more appz , is because the iphone is useless without appz and android and windows do more things that these appz do straight out of the box.

    2.11.2010 21:39 #13

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