Custom PS3 operating system in the works

Custom PS3 operating system in the works
A member of the PS3Hax forum has posted this weekend early screenshots of a custom PlayStation 3 operating system, one that can be installed if you have a jailbroken PS3 console.

The developer has dubbed the custom OS "PlayOS."

PlayOS is Linux-based, will run on firmware 3.41, and will take 730MB of external HDD since it runs off the Backup Manager.

The OS has a built-in dedicated web browser dubbed "PlayBrowse."

Because of hardware acceleration, the developer says users will be able to playback 1080p .mkv files.

Furthermore, the OS has support for .zip, .tar, .gz, .mp3, .avi, .mp4, and .divx.

It is important to note that you will need a development board, as it won't work with systems jailbroken with a smartphone.


Written by: Andre Yoskowitz @ 26 Sep 2010 14:38
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  • davidike

    but sony will block you from playing any new games or online activities for installing this, they will probably harvest users IP addresses and send litigation letters demanding $1000,000,000,000, as they do from their other company's the MPAA & RIAA & all their global affiliates, once they get to your home they will probably just shoot you dead as its cheaper than litigation....

    Anti-piracy Ad

    or bender says just DO.IT!

    Before sony treat you all like naughty children & criminals again & lock up the property YOU own it may be worth checking this out!

    Quote:Following up on yesterday's story about the PS3 being hacked by one of its own official controllers, there's now a guide in English that details how to mod a Sixaxxis controller. But thanks to the very latest releases, if you don't like soldering you can now use an iPod, a Pandora console or even a Dingoo console. Finally, Jaicrab has released a USB firmware loader which will come in handy once the first custom firmware for the PS3 is released. Maybe then we will get region-free Blu-ray, PS1 and PS2 games. links at slashdot.

    "The public domain is a dicgrace to the forces of evil"

    26.9.2010 15:15 #1

  • Mik3h

    Originally posted by davidike: but sony will block you from playing any new games or online activities for installing this Remove the updates from the games. And I'd rather have homebrew than PSN online lol. I do have XBLive though.

    Originally posted by davidike: they will probably harvest users IP addresses and send litigation letters demanding $1000,000,000,000, as they do from their other company's the MPAA & RIAA & all their global affiliates, once they get to your home they will probably just shoot you dead as its cheaper than litigation.... lolwut? lol no chance.

    EDIT : Also, this PS3 OS is a rumor at best, said to be fake by reputable sources. - Guides written by me. - Join us Live on IRC!

    (Kudos to Ripper For The Beautiful Sig!)

    26.9.2010 16:05 #2

  • biglo30

    Personally not really interested in a OS the runs from the game menu homebrew anyway, I rather see some CFW.

    26.9.2010 22:40 #3

  • elbald90

    where is dark alex when you need him?

    27.9.2010 02:39 #4

  • Zealousi

    hahahaha i am sure he is working on something in his dark room.

    If this is real, it is good to see some dashboards being made. Now rip it open and make sony shit themselves then i mite think about getting one for the linux console.

    I only want it for a server, i play 360 :)

    27.9.2010 07:32 #5

  • KillerBug

    From the sounds of it, this is just a hacked-up linux distro that is designed to run the same way that games do. There is no reason why this should not be possible...personally, I am desperately waiting for someone to port Yellow Dog or Ubuntu to a "game". I would rather see a true CFW (with OtherOS support), but I know that will probably take a lot longer.

    The sixaxis JB is just a normal PIC-based jailbreak mounted inside the sixaxis; it is not a port to the sixaxis. That said, it is still possible we will see such ports to the actual sixaxis chip.

    27.9.2010 23:16 #6

  • ZippyDSM

    Would it not be cool you boot up the OS and it runs games and is able to multi task while you play a game?

    Until lobbying is a hanging offense I choose anarchy!
    Ah modern gaming its like modern film only the watering down of fiction and characters is replaced with shallow and watered down mechanics, gimmicks and shiny-er "people".

    28.9.2010 07:35 #7

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