Latest iMovie blocks studio names from trailers feature

Latest iMovie blocks studio names from trailers feature
TUAW is reporting this week that the latest iMovie 2011 trailers feature blocks the usage of studio names, most notably Universal and Paramount.

Although unclear, it appears that either Apple or the studios don't want users putting out trailers that could be misinterpreted as real studio-created trailers, and the easiest way to do that is to block the names from being used.

Although the Universal Studios' earth theme is available as a choice, as is the Paramount snow-capped mountains, the "studio name" field turns the words "Universal" and "Paramount" into dashes when using those respective themes.

You can view both pictures here.

Written by: Andre Yoskowitz @ 22 Oct 2010 18:40
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  • toked

    Death to creativity

    22.10.2010 18:43 #1

  • attar

    Perhaps Hollywood have developed a conscience and are ashamed of seeing their names on the dreck they churn out.

    22.10.2010 18:48 #2

  • Pop_Smith

    Originally posted by attar: Perhaps Hollywood have developed a conscience and are ashamed of seeing their names on the dreck they churn out. iMovie is for user-created content. This would prevent someone from creating a movie and having it appear to be from Universal or Paramount.

    However, some of Indie stuff is better than the massive-budget films put out by big studios.

    22.10.2010 19:05 #3

  • ZippyDSM

    Sounds like fishing wit piss to me....

    Until lobbying is a hanging offense I choose anarchy!
    Ah modern gaming its like modern film only the watering down of fiction and characters is replaced with shallow and watered down mechanics, gimmicks and shiny-er "people".

    26.10.2010 09:52 #4

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