Sony PS3 will win holiday sales war, says study

Sony PS3 will win holiday sales war, says study
The online retailer Kelkoo, along with market research firm GameVision Europe, have said today that they expect the Sony PlayStation 3 to win the holiday console sales "war," beating out the Xbox 360 and Wii.

A study from the companies showed that 1.8 million consumers in the UK plan to buy a console for the holidays.

Sales will be buoyed by the launch of the PlayStation Move and Microsoft Kinect.

Of those 1.8 millon sales, the PS3 will account for 41 percent, or 750,000 units.

The Wii is expected to sell 650,000 units and the 360 is expected to sell 400,000.

Written by: Andre Yoskowitz @ 8 Nov 2010 23:49
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  • plutonash

    maybe but the campaign was won like 2 years ago by nintendo.

    9.11.2010 00:09 #1

  • ROMaster2

    I've stop being a fanboy and participate in the 'war'.

    9.11.2010 00:16 #2

  • 9 people (unverified)

    Hi guyes im a dude with some apples to give out, so if ya all could meet me infront of my estate in park house blvd near the ourskirts of yo mama, I will be able o give u some.

    Regarding that crack shoot console wars. Imma gonna say this, wii is tha edited by Moderator Oner for language, xbox 360 is the money, now guys wouldnt you rather have both...........................thats the ps3

    9.11.2010 00:53 #3

  • davidike

    omg, who cares, instead of worrying who will sell the most units why not put the effort into asking what gamers want and make decent games that are longer than a few hours!

    "The public domain is a dicgrace to the forces of evil"

    9.11.2010 06:19 #4

  • dEwMe

    Drop the PS3 $100 and we'll talk. Not worth the price otherwise.

    Just my $0.02,


    9.11.2010 11:53 #5

  • Birnam (unverified)

    Only thing I want this Holiday season is Gran Tourismo

    9.11.2010 16:30 #6

  • Oner

    Originally posted by Birnam: Only thing I want this Holiday season is Gran Tourismo Same here. And it sure looks like it could be either Tuesday 11/23 (perfect for Black Friday 11/26 here in the US) ~ & 11/26 in the EU

    9.11.2010 19:32 #7

  • Menion

    Well unless Nintendo comes up with better titles than "Donkey Kong Country" Re-release and Microsoft figures out how to make a system "Without" the red-ring, I say sony just might have a shot this xmas season.

    9.11.2010 20:39 #8

  • DXR88

    those who wanted one already have one. those who don't have one probably have no interest.

    i foresee the X360 taking the lead in hardware sales, followed by the WII and lastly the PS3.

    the PS3 will take the lead in software sales, followed by the X360 and lastly the WII.

    the X360 will also lead in Accessories do to kinect, the WII will place second and the PS3 last again.

    call me for yer free readin

    Powered By

    9.11.2010 23:04 #9

  • xyqo

    Originally posted by angry: O[b][/b]Originally posted by DXR88: those who wanted one already have one. those who don't have one probably have no interest.

    i foresee the X360 taking the lead in hardware sales, followed by the WII and lastly the PS3.

    the PS3 will take the lead in software sales, followed by the X360 and lastly the WII.

    the X360 will also lead in Accessories do to kinect, the WII will place second and the PS3 last again.

    call me for yer free readin

    Does everything you say sounds as stupid as this?.... must suck be retardedd
    it's morons like you that make the internet such a loathsome place

    10.11.2010 01:03 #10

  • DXR88

    Originally posted by angry: O[b][/b]Originally posted by DXR88: those who wanted one already have one. those who don't have one probably have no interest.

    i foresee the X360 taking the lead in hardware sales, followed by the WII and lastly the PS3.

    the PS3 will take the lead in software sales, followed by the X360 and lastly the WII.

    the X360 will also lead in Accessories do to kinect, the WII will place second and the PS3 last again.

    call me for yer free readin

    Does everything you say sounds as stupid as this?.... must suck be retardedd
    maybe i am, maybe i'm not.

    i simply posted what i believe the forecast is going to be for the upcoming holiday season. if you don't agree or think differently then so be it.

    your entitled to your opinion, but brazenly attacking others opinions with no desire to share your own, just goes to show how rude you are.

    10.11.2010 02:05 #11

  • dab0ne

    Of course the PS3 is gonna win this year... everyone already owns a wii and xbox. What else is there to buy? I got my PS3 at launch so I totally believe in this console but i also got a wii and xbox eventually. Most people own the xbox and/or wii. I mean what are they gonna do this year... buy another one?

    10.11.2010 03:40 #12

  • Oner

    DXR88 & xyqo I removed the "issue" and edited some of your comments to keep this topic moving (& clean).

    Originally posted by DXR88: those who wanted one already have one. those who don't have one probably have no interest.

    i foresee the X360 taking the lead in hardware sales, followed by the WII and lastly the PS3.

    the PS3 will take the lead in software sales, followed by the X360 and lastly the WII.

    the X360 will also lead in Accessories do to kinect, the WII will place second and the PS3 last again.

    call me for yer free readin
    Sorry DXR88 if I don't get the joke because maybe the sarcasm withing your crystal ball reading (as noted) is not thick/clear enough (??? LoL???), but either way something doesn't quite add up in what you are saying because the PS3 has been outselling the 360 YOY (this is fact) and could very well outsell it overall in just a few months. So I don't see how your specific comment of ~

    "those who wanted one already have one. those who don't have one probably have no interest"

    makes any sense or really applies since the PS3 is selling faster while always being more expensive than the competition. So I can't agree with the 360 taking the lead in hardware sales when the last 4 years it has been proven otherwise.

    I agree that the PS3 will take the lead in software sales though as again facts have shown us that PS3 Software attachment rates have just about matched the 360 in a shorter time while the Wii's overall hardware & software sales keep slipping (save for the BIGGIES like Mario, Zelda etc.) though nothing a price cut can't easily fix for them.

    As far as the 360 accessories taking a lead because of Kinect...I am neither here nor there yet but have to say the Kinect launch was quite slow having not even selling out at their launch event. Which says a hell of a lot. Additionally I think gamers in general have become a little bit more savvy because of the "failed" accuracy the Wii tried to pass off and this can ultimately hurt Kinect because it is even worse. Yeah casuals won't care but I don't think MS has the ability nor software/devs to truly penetrate enough to capture them like Nintendo has. Whereas the PS Move isn't banking all of its hopes on casuals because it also tailors to the hardcore and HAS the software/devs to offer more than it's competition.

    I really think a huge variable in all of this topic is the "GT Factor" and if all my info is correct in that GT5 will launch either the Tuesday before Black Friday or ON Black Friday separately and WITHIN a console bundle then it's gonna be one hell of a Holiday Season this year...and we haven't even discussed what a price cut for the PS3 down to $199 almost definitely next year will do.

    10.11.2010 10:05 #13

  • jordanlund

    They must not be looking at North American numbers.

    November and December 2006:
    Xbox 360 - 1,611,000
    Wii - 1,080,200
    PS3 - 687,700

    November and December 2007:
    Wii - 2,331,000
    Xbox 360 - 2,030,000
    PS3 - 1,263,600

    November and December 2008:
    Wii - 4,190,000
    Xbox 360 - 2,276,000
    PS3 - 1,104,000

    November and December 2009:
    Wii - 5,070,000
    Xbox 360 - 2,129,500
    PS3 - 2,070,400

    (change the month and year as needed)

    10.11.2010 13:34 #14

  • Oner

    NA does not equal the world.

    10.11.2010 17:42 #15

  • ntense69

    playstation fan from the beginning and who cars who out does who i just want great games

    10.11.2010 18:40 #16

  • Interestx

    Some guy in Japan tried to claim the PS3 had moved ahead of the Xbox in global sales - and had to make an apology as he was was quickly shown to be wrong.

    It's fair to saay the gap has closed but with the new Xbox S and Xbox S Arcade, Halo Reach and Kinect I can see no reason why that gap will not have opened up again.

    I expect Xbox to do very well this X-mas - and there's rumour of a new price-cut in the spring of '11.

    Closing in on 6yrs in the Xbox 360's performance (despite the problems) remains very impressive.

    Meanwhile Wii is out of sight and it is highly unlikely either system will catch the Wii's global sales numbers for a very long time. If ever.

    But I'm hoping for a new Xbox 720 in 2012, the gap between consoles and PC is enormous.

    11.11.2010 09:55 #17

  • Oner

    Originally posted by Interestx: Some guy in Japan tried to claim the PS3 had moved ahead of the Xbox in global sales - and had to make an apology as he was was quickly shown to be wrong.
    The funny thing about that report (and it was not "some guy" it was a major company) is nowhere does it say specifically in the apology that it pertains to a mistake in the PS3's numbers. I have read thatt his "mistake" was in the PS2 total sales numbers. Not the PS3's ~

    Quote:"There was an error in one of the slides used in the presentation,"

    Yes there was a mistake: the PS2 has sold 150 million units to date, not 120 million units. The rest of the data remains valid.

    Here is Tose's apology.
    At no point do they say they were wrong with the xbox360/PS3 numbers.
    And here is the translation ~

    Quote:November 1 (Monday), "KYOTO CMEX 2010 business seminar content" have always been, "30-year history of the game" entitled, Saito, we have a talk with our president. Error in the article that we used to be a great inconvenience 致Shimashita Itadakimashita enjoyment to everyone, here and apologize.

    Re aware of social responsibility when we provide information to the outside, and do not pay close attention to such things as the future, so smitten intend to build our solid structure will continue exceptional support, look forward to your continued support, thank you.
    TOSE Co., Ltd."
    That bit of "fud" about it being specifically for the PS3 came from Kotaku. And absolutely NOWHERE does it confirm ANYTHING about it applying to the PS3 as my direct link (& translation of it) to the apology proves this.

    MS has been caught time and time again re-adjusting their numbers AFTER Sony releases their totals and the whole debacle last week from Greenburg saying 42 Million 360's sold around the world started all this.

    11.11.2010 10:47 #18

  • davidike

    wow fanboy moderator, ^_^! didnt realise afterdawn was just a mouthpiece for sony!

    thats your independence out the window, guess we all know who's payroll some web sites or on....

    "The public domain is a dicgrace to the forces of evil"

    11.11.2010 10:57 #19

  • Oner

    You have absolutely no F'ing clue what the hell you are talking about ~ Good Bye.

    11.11.2010 11:00 #20

  • Interestx

    Interesting Oner, cos the slide (pictured so no translation required) definitely does claim only 41 million Xboxes sold when it should have said 44.6 million.

    11.11.2010 11:10 #21

  • Oner

    Originally posted by Interestx: Interesting Oner, cos the slide (pictured so no translation required) definitely does claim only 41 million Xboxes sold when it should have said 44.6 million. Yeah but it also depends on how you factor "sold". Because MS uses "Sell In" (to Retailer) not "Sell Through" (to Consumer) like Ninty & Sony. The Sell In is 44.6 and the Sell Through is 41-42. That is an additional area of confusion that doesn't help.

    Edit: Oh and let me be clear ~ I do not believe the PS3 is ahead. It's close...but it will be a few more months before it will clearly be ahead.

    11.11.2010 11:13 #22

  • Interestx

    Well, let's be honest, they all use 'shipped' or 'sold' when it suits them.
    I've seen both of them at that little game.

    11.11.2010 13:02 #23

  • Oner

    Originally posted by Interestx: Well, let's be honest, they all use 'shipped' or 'sold' when it suits them.
    I've seen both of them at that little game.

    The "honest" thing about this is, that in MS's own words, on their own reports, it shows they use "Sell In/Sold to Retailer". Here is the proof ~

    If you follow this link here you will notice under "Key Performance Indicators (KPI)" it states 2.8 Million Units were "sold" during the first quarter of fiscal year 2011. But yet on the same page here if you select the "Performance" Link it specifically states this

    Quote:"We shipped 2.8 Million Xbox 360 consoles during the first quarter of fiscal year 2011"

    This corroborates/confirms MS uses the LTD Xbox 360 unit "sales" of 44.6 (same as the previous investor amount news that was released a little over a week ago) as "Sell In" or "Sold to Retailer" for their total amount calculations of the 360. Which would lead one to reasonably believe the "slip up" by Major Nelson about there being 42 Million 360's sold (that he later changed to the investor reports of 45 Million "Sell In") around the world is actually what is "Sell Through (to consumers)"

    Now couple that with the verifiable facts of the Sony internal reports/documents that clearly state ~

    "Beginning with Q1 FY07, the method or reporting hardware and software unit sales has been changed from shipments to recorded sales"

    Page 4 ~

    Page 1 ~

    and you can't get any more clearer proof than that. Nintendo & Sony for YEARS have stated/counted Sell Through (to consumers) for their consoles. While MS has NEVER changed from using Sell In (to retailers).

    This has been PROVEN and explained ad nauseam time and time again with the also clearly stated news over the years ~

    Verifiable Link 1
    Verifiable Link 2
    Verifiable Link 3
    Verifiable Link 4
    Verifiable Link 5

    It is also well known that MS has been caught "stuffing channels" to pad their "Sold" (Sell In to Retailer) when needed. If you would like to see more on that please go here. This was also proven because Microsoft shipped no new 360s for the entire quarter afterwards because retailers still had enough unsold 360s for that entire quarter!

    Additionally this isn't the first time MS have adjusted their "numbers". They did the same exact thing last year when Sony released their sold numbers AFTER Microsoft for the EU last year and MS tried to cover their butts by coming out with a second higher number afterwards.

    On a side note I have to say that certain people will attempt to insult me and call me unfounded names, but facts are facts and they are 100% truthful. This is all documented and proven information that anyone can reasonably understand...and that is where I believe those same people get frustrated and resort to insults instead of actually trying to prove me wrong with undeniable facts like I have.

    11.11.2010 18:53 #24

  • Oner

    Originally posted by Oner: Originally posted by Birnam: Only thing I want this Holiday season is Gran Tourismo Same here. And it sure looks like it could be either Tuesday 11/23 (perfect for Black Friday 11/26 here in the US) ~ & 11/26 in the EU Looks like my info was just about right on as GT5 will be released in the US & EU on 11/24/2010 right before Black Friday in the States for maximum impact on sales for GT5 itself and PS3's as well.

    12.11.2010 12:55 #25

  • molsen

    GT5 coming soon. Blacks Ops now out. I'm glad I bought a PS3 for this season. BR and decent games was my motive. Move for my kid was my "story" for the wife. Was on the fence for a while. Wii did not really get me excited as a gamer. 360 is nice might buy that next year.

    12.11.2010 19:04 #26

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