Axl Rose sues Activision over track in 'Guitar Hero'

Axl Rose sues Activision over track in 'Guitar Hero'
Guns N' Roses lead singer Axl Rose has sued Activision this week for $20 million, claiming that the developer's use of the song "Welcome to the Jungle" in the game Guitar Hero 3 violated an imagery deal.

Rose says Activision had promised to not include any images of former band member "Slash" in exchange for Rose authorizing the song to be used in the game. Additionally, Rose made it clear he wanted no mention of Slash's new band, Velvet Revolver, in the game.

The complaint says: "Activision began spinning a web of lies and deception to conceal its true intentions to not only feature Slash and VR prominently in 'GH III,' but also promote the game by emphasizing and reinforcing an association between Slash and Guns N Roses and the band's song 'Welcome to the Jungle.'"

As pictured, the cover of Guitar Hero 3 has a pretty obvious animated Slash, prominently in the center of the cover art.

Rose says he immediately rescinded all authorization for the song, but Activision "lied" and claimed the Slash-character was just for promotional use.

"This lawsuit is about protecting Guns N' Roses and 'Welcome to the Jungle,' and is about holding Activision accountable for its misuse of these incredibly valuable assets,"
adds Rose's lawyer Skip Miller. "The relief we are seeking is disgorgement of profits and compensatory and punitive damages."

Written by: Andre Yoskowitz @ 23 Nov 2010 23:28
Guitar Hero console activision Lawsuit
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  • KillerBug

    What a little whiny pussy. Slash is better than you...just face it, and realize that acting like this proves the point to anyone who does not know who either of you are.

    23.11.2010 23:45 #1

  • ROMaster2

    Originally posted by Axl Rose: Baww I don't have enough money so I'm going to sue for more!

    23.11.2010 23:52 #2

  • Hopium

    activision obviously violated agreements, regardless of the agreements a breach of contract is still reason to sue, he wont get that much hopefully but he is standing up for himself and isnt letting a corporation walk all over him, i dont know why you guys are hating on him, you would do the same fscking thing. especially if it was your prize possession, which is sadly the case for axl. rip GnR

    24.11.2010 00:52 #3

  • JGJD2001

    i hope he wins....damn activision has got away with enough crap....look at what they did with COD series....not worth the extra they charge.

    Who Dare Wins

    24.11.2010 09:00 #4

  • core2kid

    I just hope Activision gets hit in some other way. This is ridiculous.

    24.11.2010 09:36 #5

  • Interestx

    Well in fairness to Axl he did once publicly say that he was now just a "rich a$$hole".

    Petty, vindictive & ludicrous stuff.
    Whoever is advising him is just taking the money before they run.
    Even if he 'wins' I can't imagine any jury or judge would give him 2 cents for this idiocy.

    Slash was as much 'GnR' as Axl ever was - that is the real GnR, not the latest version with the sum total of, er, nobody from the original band, except Axl himself.

    Way to make yourself look stupid Axl.

    24.11.2010 09:50 #6

  • kikzm33z

    2 things that I hate.

    Axl is already rich and known for being a complete dick so he might as well get some cash out of Activision, who would probably die if they lost a penny.

    24.11.2010 11:39 #7

  • dEwMe

    It's Axl in the role of the vindictive ex-wife.
    Yes, Slash's new band is better looking, younger and skinnier than your sad sagging ass!

    Just my $0.02,


    24.11.2010 13:19 #8

  • KillerBug

    Originally posted by kikzm33z: 2 things that I hate.

    Axl is already rich and known for being a complete dick so he might as well get some cash out of Activision, who would probably die if they lost a penny.
    I never thought of it like that...if his goal really is to bankrupt Activision, then I support him fully.

    25.11.2010 02:42 #9

  • Bucknekid

    Axl is a broken axle (not as in broke with no money) but broke in the head. Broken agreement or not he is foolish. Sorta like making the public wait for the super duper Chinese Democrazy [sic] for like ten years that sucks worse than his hair does.

    25.11.2010 11:29 #10

  • Unfocused

    It would seem that he is a little behind the times. How old is this game? Asside from the likness of Slash, there are also unlockable videos on the Wii version of the game that feauture Slash talking about the differences between Guitar Hero and a Real Guitar.

    25.11.2010 20:34 #11

  • bankai987

    aw, axl rose another washed up rock star using a broken law system to sue for a chunk of cash.

    27.11.2010 05:46 #12

  • SoulGLOW

    Damn Axl is such a whiny little bitch. I thought about naming my kid Axl and then I remembered this retarded little man-bitch and said hell no. As for his argument "...but also promote the game by emphasizing and reinforcing an association between Slash and Guns N Roses and the band's song 'Welcome to the Jungle.'" he is full of crap cuz Axl has said himself that Slash came up with those rifs and the solo. I hate how lead singers get so damn narcissistic and act like their guitarists arent badass. And look what always happens...they break up and then they arent nearly as big or outright suck. Cases in point: Van Halen, Limp Biscuit, Black Sabbath, Adema, just to name a few.

    27.11.2010 22:46 #13

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