The reports had said that the company was ordering component maker Gigabyte Technology to freeze production until at least January, when Google is expected to upgrade the firmware for Google TV.
Logitech has denied those reports today, making it clear that since the device can receive OTA updates, there is no need to freeze production on current devices.
Reads Logitech's PR:
Logitech does not discuss the specific production plans for any of its products. As high-volume manufacturer of electronic products, Logitech’s use of its own factories as well as those of its manufacturing partners, provides the company with flexibility in how and when it produces products to accommodate customer demand.
Logitech is said to have shipped 500,000 of the Revue.
Google TV has seen mediocre reviews since the Revue launched in November mainly due to broadcasters like ABC CBS, NBCU and Fox blocking their content to the platform.
The Logitech Revue sells for $250.
Written by: Andre Yoskowitz @ 27 Dec 2010 23:25