Facebook tried to buy Twitter in 2008

Facebook tried to buy Twitter in 2008
According to the Financial Times, social networking giant Facebook tried to purchase microblogging site Twitter in 2008 for $500 million, but was rejected.

Twitter co-founder Biz Stone says he wanted the service to become "a viable business" rather than have it taken over by a larger company.

"We've created something that people are finding value in," added Stone. "But we haven't yet created a business out of this, and we really wanted to do that."

In 2008, Facebook CEO Mark Zuckerberg offered $500 million in private Facebook shares for the company but Twitter founders Stone, Evan Williams and Jack Dorsey each agreed that Facebook offered nothing that they wanted.

The microblogging site has 175 million registered users. 95 million tweets are sent daily.

Twitter has been valued at over $3 billion in recent fund-raising sessions despite never making one cent of profit.

Written by: Andre Yoskowitz @ 3 Jan 2011 0:26
Facebook Twitter acquisitions
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  • xaznboitx

    I would sell it

    3.1.2011 02:47 #1

  • dali

    What? Only $3 billion for a thing that gives no profit?

    “You know, it seems that quotes on the internet are becoming less and less reliable.” -Abraham Lincoln.

    3.1.2011 08:02 #2

  • bam431

    Quote:Facebook offered nothing that they wanted.
    Tru Dat, Only thing Facebook is good for is Trollin'.

    Xbox Live: Rogue Jello - PSN: bam431 - IGN: bam431
    Youtube: electrowaffle - Twitter: bam431
    i5 760, P7P55D-E, Vapor-X HD5770, 8GB DDR3, 1TB HDD,

    3.1.2011 10:37 #3

  • toked

    Facebook basically wants to own your social life. Zuckerburg wants to own all your social interaction.

    3.1.2011 13:57 #4

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