Furthermore, Sony is asking developers to add their existing games to the PlayStation Network as digital downloads, so new owners can purchase them.
If you purchased a game from the PlayStation Network, you can re-download that game for free on the new device, however, if you owned the game on UMD, you are out of luck.
The company did say it will not be releasing any external UMD accessories, so it appears that Sony is finally leaving the dead format in the past.
New to the NGP are dual micro-analog sticks, giving gamers a feature they begged for on the original PSP.
The device has a massive 5-inch multi-touch OLED screen with 960×544 resolution, a multi-touch panel on the back and will run on a quad-core ARM cortex processor.
Sony has added tilt-sensitive SIXAXIS controls, standard and front-side cameras, GPS, an electric compass, Wi-Fi and 3G support.
Written by: Andre Yoskowitz @ 2 Feb 2011 19:52