The iPhone still can't figure out daylight savings time

The iPhone still can't figure out daylight savings time
Once again, the iPhone has managed to mess up daylight savings time, frustrating smartphone owners.

The smartphone sent time back one hour instead of "springing" it forward one hour, leaving iPhone owners two hours behind.

Last fall, when the phones were supposed to "fall" an hour back, they didn't.

Problems were cited in North America, Europe and Australia.

Earlier this year iPhone owners said their phone alarm clocks stopped working following the New Year.

For now, the fix is simple. Turn on "airplane mode" for a second and then turn it back off.

Written by: Andre Yoskowitz @ 14 Mar 2011 13:41
Apple iPhone Daylight Savings Time
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  • bshafer

    I have an iPhone 4 with 4.2.1 iOS and the DST functions worked perfectly last fall and this week. Not sure why people are having problems?

    14.3.2011 14:38 #1

  • xnonsuchx

    Oh boy! More BS iPhone slam articles...when very few people appear to have been supposedly affected and still for unknown reasons. Nevermind Android users who had DST update issues as well, huh?

    14.3.2011 15:37 #2

  • srs73

    Anyone stop to think...

    ...that this was not an Apple issue? Perhaps a carrier issue? Why do I say this, you ask?

    When I woke up yesterday and saw that my iPhone didn't "spring forward" I immediately assumed it was an iOS issue. Logged on to some forums, did some searching, made some posts.

    Called my sister. Because my sister (in MA) and I (in SC) both have a Verizon iPhone, both with 4.2.6. Her's updated, mine did not. I decided to turn off automatic updating, which, when I did so, the time magically corrected itself (the part Apple controls). When I turned automatic updating back on (set from the tower)? Time reverted back. Oh, and my wife's phone (just a "feature" phone)? Also did not "spring forward." Since that is a Samsung Intensity, hard for that to be an Apple issue, too, no?

    Anyway, I called Verizon, and they confirmed that my area had this as a known issue at the towers, and it was currently being worked as a Level 1 Priority.

    So let's all not just hop on the easy bandwagon of "Apple's fault" on this one...

    14.3.2011 15:55 #3

  • npuri

    My iPhone 4 in NH changed time correctly and on-time. There were no issues. Period.

    14.3.2011 16:00 #4

  • R01010100

    the time on my iphone 4 changed just like it was supposed to. did the same last time change. same thing with my fiance's iphone 4 and her brother and parents' iphone 3gs. sounds like rubish.

    14.3.2011 16:56 #5

  • iphoneguy (unverified)

    For some reason this "fix" still doesn't work for me

    14.3.2011 17:54 #6

  • xaznboitx

    it's time to stop calling this a smartphone from now on

    14.3.2011 21:01 #7

  • KillerBug

    My droid updated just fine, on verizon.

    14.3.2011 21:35 #8

  • Mrguss

    Originally posted by xaznboitx: it's time to stop calling this a smartphone from now on How about just iCrap !


    15.3.2011 02:18 #9

  • iamgq

    havent met anyone with this problem?

    True thug Afterdawn memeber since 05! Shout out to all those old school member still in the ranks of Newbie! Represent!

    15.3.2011 02:50 #10

  • deak91

    um it can its because George bush extended it on both ends ... well for the people who live on the west coast thats what screwed it up and apple has not adjusted the software fore it if all you have to do is sync it up with itunes

    15.3.2011 03:39 #11

  • dcmorrow

    No problem with my phone v4.3, Cali, AT&T.

    15.3.2011 14:02 #12

  • Lawburg (unverified)

    I had no problems with my iPhone

    15.3.2011 18:31 #13

  • Dennis1573 (unverified)

    No problems here Iphone wiorked like a charm this year and last.

    16.3.2011 12:25 #14

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