Nintendo 3DS getting 'Black Screen of Death'?

Nintendo 3DS getting 'Black Screen of Death'?
The Nintendo 3DS launched this weekend in Europe and North America but there have already been numerous reports of a "Black Screen of Death," an strange error in the handheld.

If you receive the error, you are prompted to call Nintendo for support.

Reads the full error (via Soft):

An error has occurred. Hold down the Power button to turn off power, then turn it on and try again. If the problem persists, please contact your local customer support center.

The worst part of the error is it is still unclear what triggers it, and it appears that the error screen is frequent for some users.

Nintendo did respond, but it was not very revealing:

Our recommendations are that if anyone is experiencing any problems with their Nintendo 3DS console, we recommend that in the first instance they download and install the latest system update, now available online. If the problems still persist we recommend they contact their local Nintendo Customer Service centre to investigate the problem.

Written by: Andre Yoskowitz @ 28 Mar 2011 17:59
Nintendo 3DS Error
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  • xaznboitx

    what a waste of warranty... if you try to return it, gamestop going to think you mess with the handheld

    28.3.2011 19:10 #1

  • blueboy09

    Actually, just buy it at Wal-Mart they'll sure return anything these days, just ask for an exchange 9 times out of 10 they'll honor it. Hopefully it will be in stock when you return it.

    Chance prepares the favored mind. Look up once in a while and you might learn something. - BLUEBOY

    28.3.2011 19:52 #2

  • aw2600

    Nintendo has always been really good about replacing defective products. I purchased the original Gameboy at launch in 1989. After a few months the screen developed missing lines of graphics. (A common problem.) One call to support and they sent me a new Gameboy, no questions asked.

    28.3.2011 21:15 #3

  • KillerBug

    The f**king better replace them...their device cost almost twice as much as the PSP, and it really isn't as good (unless you are a pediatric eye doctor).

    28.3.2011 22:50 #4

  • xboxdvl2

    Originally posted by KillerBug: The f**king better replace them...their device cost almost twice as much as the PSP, and it really isn't as good (unless you are a pediatric eye doctor). anything that breaks due to normal use under warrenty should be replaced.saying that xbox 360 had rrod,ps3 had ylod.consoles are getting bricked.quality has gone down prices have gone up.

    as for psp and nintendo 3ds.i tryed psp when it first came out and ive tryed a few games on the original nintendo ds.the psp seemed to have ps2 graphics.the nintendo had snes graphics.

    married to my car and computer.both of them have problems.

    29.3.2011 02:52 #5

  • xaznboitx

    so far, I heard it happens a lot with Ubisoft games

    29.3.2011 11:00 #6

  • xaznboitx

    so far, I heard it happens a lot with Ubisoft games

    29.3.2011 11:00 #7

  • 0ldskool

    Originally posted by aw2600: Nintendo has always been really good about replacing defective products. I purchased the original Gameboy at launch in 1989. After a few months the screen developed missing lines of graphics. (A common problem.) One call to support and they sent me a new Gameboy, no questions asked. 1989 huh, well I think companies have changed a bit since than. Its no longer about the customer, its about the stock holders....

    The average woman would rather have beauty than brains, because the average man can see better than he can think.
    --quote by unknown

    1.4.2011 15:26 #8

  • seegee

    Originally posted by xaznboitx: so far, I heard it happens a lot with Ubisoft games Ubisoft? Why am I not surprised?

    18.4.2011 00:07 #9

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