'Anonymous' implicated in Sony PSN hack

'Anonymous' implicated in Sony PSN hack
Sony has submitted their written responses to the U.S. House of Representatives Committee on Energy and Commerce over the massive cyber-attack that has taken down the PSN for two weeks and exposed personal info for up to 77 million gamers.

You can view the PDFs of the report, "The Threat of Data Theft to American Consumers" here.

The most shocking part of the report is the fact that they imply the group "Anonymous" in the attack, even though the group has denied any involvement.

Says Sony:

Sony has been the victim of a very carefully planned, very professional, highly sophisticated criminal cyber attack.

We discovered that the intruders had planted a file on one of our Sony Online Entertainment servers named “Anonymous” with the words “We are Legion.”

By April 25, forensic teams were able to confirm the scope of the personal data they believed had been taken, and could not rule out whether credit card information had been accessed. On April 26, we notified customers of those facts.

As of today, the major credit card companies have not reported any fraudulent transactions that they believe are the direct result of this cyber attack.

Protecting individuals’ personal data is the highestpriority and ensuring that the Internet can be made secure for commerce is also essential. Worldwide, countries and businesses will have to come together to ensure the safety of commerce over the Internet and find ways to combat cybercrime and cyber terrorism.

We are taking a number of steps to prevent future breaches, including enhanced levels of data protection and encryption; enhanced ability to detect software intrusions, unauthorized access and unusual activity patterns; additional firewalls; establishment of a new data center in an undisclosed location with increased security; and the naming of a new Chief Information Security Officer.

Sony says the service should be back within a week, and will be offering some goodies as reported here: PSN "Welcome Back"

Written by: Andre Yoskowitz @ 4 May 2011 19:11
Sony PSN Anonymous
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  • deak91

    this is like Abbot and Costello...
    us :so sony who did it?
    sony : Anonymous
    us :anonymous ? so you cant tell us ?
    sony:yes we can
    us : so tell us
    sony : anonymous
    us: i thought you said you could tell us who did it ?
    sony : we did
    .......... lol

    4.5.2011 19:21 #1

  • Matt898



    4.5.2011 19:27 #2

  • opx4real (unverified)

    I am beginning to wonder the reaches of this incident. How far fetched is it to think sony, in the face of all of these events, would concoct something such as this to divert their own accountability for recent transgressions against the general consumer. People such as geohot and members of anonymous are finally making it very clear that the all out corporate take over of the video game industry has become inexcusable. I find it suspect that in all the years of incidents like this occuring, public awareness has always been paramount for all participants. Whos to say sony isnt playing off this as a trump card of sorts to defeat the freedom of speach defending userbase once and for all. For gods sake their flagship games are getting progressively more and more consumption based with less and less concern for the art factor in any game. The same can clearly be said for nintendo. Of course we are modding your edited by ddp consoles, you refuse to put in the minimal effort require to support the lower end, highly creative third party developer and thus end up putting out less games a year than THE edited by ddp SUPER NINTENDO. We need to mod your edited by ddp console to simply gain some value from them at all. edited by ddp the corporate takeover of what has truly been a creative expression based medium.

    4.5.2011 19:27 #3

  • A5J4DX


    4.5.2011 19:55 #4

  • g_slide

    I think Sony is blaming "Anonymous" to point a particular group that Sony game users already have mix feelings about from the most recent hack that they done prior to this. I think Sony is trying persuade everyone to hate hackers and modders, but the group that did this are no different from terrorist. Who knows, I could be wrong and it was "Anonymous" or someone from their team that took it upon themselves to branch out and conduct the hack on the PSN to still our information or that individual could have sold the information to another hacker group.

    After this is all said and done, I'm sure there are going to be a lot of people who hate the word "hacker or modder" and react to it like it's taboo. At least I'm sure that is what Sony is planning to plant into people's mind.

    4.5.2011 20:07 #5

  • brockie

    @g_slide why would they need to plant it in peoples minds its obvious all this crap started over hacking, Sony can not make me think or feel anything. anyways hope who ever did this is getting closer to being found & put in jail for many years.

    4.5.2011 20:29 #6

  • statomike

    "Professional" and "Anonymous" are mutually exclusive.

    4.5.2011 21:17 #7

  • biglo30

    Originally posted by g_slide: I think Sony is blaming "Anonymous" to point a particular group that Sony game users already have mix feelings about from the most recent hack that they done prior to this. I think Sony is trying persuade everyone to hate hackers and modders, but the group that did this are no different from terrorist. Who knows, I could be wrong and it was "Anonymous" or someone from their team that took it upon themselves do branch out and conduct the hack on the PSN to still our information or that individual could have sold the information to another hacker group.

    After this is all said and done, I'm sure there are going to be a lot of people who hate the word "hacker or modder" and react to it like it's taboo. At least I'm sure that is what Sony is planning to plant into people's mind.
    Agreed, good statement, but for some reason I still don't believe it was Anonymous, I think they just said it to cover themselves because they know Anonymous made threats against them and did a few ddos attacks on them.

    4.5.2011 23:50 #8

  • plutonash

    If Anonymous are the ones responsible, they would have already taking credit. Hell, you see what they did to HSG. These guys don't stray from the limelight. More Sony BS. What a terrible company

    5.5.2011 00:45 #9

  • DXR88

    ah let the snow balling begin.

    Powered By

    5.5.2011 01:26 #10

  • TBandit

    I'd like to see this evidence first rather than take their word for it. Rather than play the blame game just get the PSN back up already.

    5.5.2011 01:56 #11

  • brockie

    Sony have not said Anonymous were responsible ffs it was a message left on one of the servers, plus if you think they would own up to this your stupid this is going to get whoever did it in huge trouble if they ever catch the scum.

    5.5.2011 02:05 #12

  • KillerBug

    It really makes no difference if some member of anonymous did this or if some independent party did it. Anonymous the group DIDN'T do it because Anonymous THE GROUP only exists for denial of service attacks. Actual infiltration attacks need to be kept small to minimize the amount of attention.

    5.5.2011 04:07 #13

  • ps3lvanub

    Originally posted by brockie: Sony have not said Anonymous were responsible ffs it was a message left on one of the servers, plus if you think they would own up to this your stupid this is going to get whoever did it in huge trouble if they ever catch the scum. Correct. Sony have been clever about this. They have blamed Anonymous without actually blaming Anonymous. I do not think Anonymous did this. At the end of the day most of the members are human rights activists with intermediate computer skills. Whoever did this was working individually, working solely for profit and wanted a scapegoat and there it was, ready made: Anonymous.

    Then again Sony are probably still feeling sore after a group of ameteurs DDoS'ed some of their sites. For all we know Sony could have planted that file themselves for revenge. It may cause a lot of trouble for Anonymous.

    Make of it what you will,

    IMPORTANT: If you hate Sony for being so corrupt, copy this image into your signature too!


    5.5.2011 04:14 #14

  • kikzm33z

    It would be actually make me feel comfortable if it was Anonymous.

    Anonymous act in a strange way but usually, for the better. If it was Anonymous and they did get the database for all the details, I'm pretty sure that they won't use them because it's all about consumer rights, right?

    5.5.2011 05:56 #15

  • KillerBug

    Originally posted by kikzm33z: It would be actually make me feel comfortable if it was Anonymous.

    Anonymous act in a strange way but usually, for the better. If it was Anonymous and they did get the database for all the details, I'm pretty sure that they won't use them because it's all about consumer rights, right?
    Don't feel better...anonymous does not work this way...they do digital picket lines...that is all. The person or persons who did this might be member(s) of anonymous...but that does not mean that anonymous attacked Sony.

    I should rephrase that last line..."that does not mean that anonymous attacked Sony THIS TIME"

    5.5.2011 06:44 #16

  • jeff_2

    In my humble opinion, perhaps Sony should not be annoying the group Anonymous. As anonymous already has some negative feelings towards Sony. They may find themselves under attack soon from Anonymous, purely as revenge, for falsely accusing them of participation in this incident.

    If you open up your mind to much, your brain may fall out

    5.5.2011 09:02 #17

  • plazma247



    also at:




    BLAMING the DOS attacks is a load of rubbish, sounds more like negligence to me....

    5.5.2011 09:22 #18

  • Mysttic





    BLAMING the DOS attacks is a load of rubbish, sounds more like negligence to me....
    Agreed completely.

    5.5.2011 09:29 #19

  • Gnawnivek

    Please do us a favor, don't link anything from arstechnica. You just discredit yourself when you quoting info from them.


    5.5.2011 10:10 #20

  • baxter00

    Originally posted by brockie: Sony have not said Anonymous were responsible ffs it was a message left on one of the servers, plus if you think they would own up to this your stupid this is going to get whoever did it in huge trouble if they ever catch the scum. They said there was a file called 'Anonymous' on one of the servers. I think that's why they are blaming them. Of course, anyone could put a file of any name on there.

    5.5.2011 10:30 #21

  • aztecs619

    guy they says that unit the hackers give the information were they hack it then that went sony is going to put online serves back.

    p.s. if you wanna more information please stay tune in this website.


    5.5.2011 10:51 #22

  • mystic

    Anonymous thats who sony named so later they can fill in the name john doe or jane doe its a way around naming other just yet see they can laters say the have discovered the true I.D. of Anonymous . this always leave it open to add name of people they think and then they have to have lawyers and go broke trying to clear their names ... or go to jail.. next they will check with the riaa to get a list of dead people to sue...... so sad.....

    5.5.2011 11:11 #23

  • evnflow03

    all that can be read into this, is that sony has found an escape goat and it's called, Anonymous..are you kidding me?!?!?! it's the perfect setup..they just had an attack...and alllllllll of a sudden...they are the ones to blame..are you kiddining me?!?! sony screwed up and they are trying to pass the blame..they know and we know it..when you sign up for the psn network..sony takes full responsibility for the security of the information passed to them..paypal is responsible for all transactions through their systems..what makes sony so different?

    5.5.2011 11:54 #24

  • SomeBozo

    Originally posted by statomike: "Professional" and "Anonymous" are mutually exclusive. I wouldn't say they are.

    5.5.2011 12:00 #25

  • Oner

    Lets just say for arguments sake that it might not have been AnonOps...that doesn't mean An0nymous still isn't behind this. So just to be clear and to get this straight ~ a known Hacktivist Group that in a previous warning video (just after the failed sit-ins & when they got heat for the minor PSN outages) said specifically "Sony prepare for the biggest attack you have ever witnessed An0nymous style" (Source) now wants people to believe it wasn't them? Uhm...yeah...ookaaay...

    5.5.2011 12:04 #26

  • plazma247

    Originally posted by Gnawnivek: Please do us a favor, don't link anything from arstechnica. You just discredit yourself when you quoting info from them. Ive also found the information on another site and linked that as well if that makes you any happier..?

    5.5.2011 12:12 #27

  • brockie

    @baxter00 so they should just pretend it was not there lol. people just want to play games online & whatever way you look at it anonymous had there part to play in all this I do not need them to play judge for me thanks.

    5.5.2011 12:58 #28

  • xtago

    Originally posted by KillerBug: It really makes no difference if some member of anonymous did this or if some independent party did it. Anonymous the group DIDN'T do it because Anonymous THE GROUP only exists for denial of service attacks. Actual infiltration attacks need to be kept small to minimize the amount of attention. Only do DDoS attacks?

    Yet hacked into GBHarry and stole email data from the CEO of the company at the time.

    Are you sure you know what group your talking about?

    5.5.2011 15:08 #29

  • xtago

    People are saying Sony planted the file.

    The problem you will have with proving that is, Sony didn't find the file one of the net security companies found the file.

    And it was on the SOE attacked servers.

    Besides the Anon's "get ready for the biggest attack"

    Anon has said straight after the PSN went down that Sony's servers are poorly protected and Sony has a poor network overall.

    Now Anon are claiming not to have hacked the site, it's laughable because even just DDoSing a site is illegal these days, let alone stealing over 100million account details.

    Right now those people were trying to sell the data back to Sony, and Sony have said no to buying it, and now these people are trying to sell the data off in blocks country by country.

    Germany, Norway, Sweden, etc are getting sold off right now or already sold off on credit card stealing forums.

    The problem Anon have is even if they say they didn't do it, it doesn't matter, because they have been attacking Sony for the last 3-4 months anyway.

    5.5.2011 15:17 #30

  • shortybob

    Quote:Sony has been the victim of a very carefully planned, very professional, highly sophisticated criminal cyber attack. I don't think a bunch of random guys off the internet that break websites in their free time fall under that category. And with the media on Anon, the real hacker probably planted it as an alibi.

    5.5.2011 18:48 #31

  • DXR88

    Originally posted by xtago: People are saying Sony planted the file.

    The problem you will have with proving that is, Sony didn't find the file one of the net security companies found the file.

    And it was on the SOE attacked servers.

    Besides the Anon's "get ready for the biggest attack"

    Anon has said straight after the PSN went down that Sony's servers are poorly protected and Sony has a poor network overall.

    Now Anon are claiming not to have hacked the site, it's laughable because even just DDoSing a site is illegal these days, let alone stealing over 100million account details.

    Right now those people were trying to sell the data back to Sony, and Sony have said no to buying it, and now these people are trying to sell the data off in blocks country by country.

    Germany, Norway, Sweden, etc are getting sold off right now or already sold off on credit card stealing forums.

    The problem Anon have is even if they say they didn't do it, it doesn't matter, because they have been attacking Sony for the last 3-4 months anyway.
    Anonymous isn't dumb, there not going to leave a File Called anon behind. who ever did the hacking set this all up, even if this said hacking even occurred.

    i for one believe its all just a ruse, Sony just found out the hard way how Small there ePENIS really is, and are just pissed that they can dribble with the big boys. that and there pushing for an agenda.

    Powered By

    5.5.2011 18:51 #32

  • GryphB

    They're just using Anonymous as a scapegoat; because they have no one else to place the blame on.

    5.5.2011 21:24 #33

  • Gnawnivek

    Originally posted by GryphB: They're just using Anonymous as a scapegoat; because they have no one else to place the blame on. Duh, why look around when the obvious scapegoat is right front of you? Even if you doctored the file on the server, nobody going to think twice about it, so what's the harm in that? If Anonymous gets upset, Sony got the Feds, win win.


    5.5.2011 21:39 #34

  • cazer

    Originally posted by Oner: Lets just say for arguments sake that it might not have been AnonOps...that doesn't mean An0nymous still isn't behind this. So just to be clear and to get this straight ~ a known Hacktivist Group that in a previous warning video (just after the failed sit-ins & when they got heat for the minor PSN outages) said specifically "Sony prepare for the biggest attack you have ever witnessed An0nymous style" (Source) now wants people to believe it wasn't them? Uhm...yeah...ookaaay... everything you said is true. but not knowing you must look at it in other ways. maybe and i say maybe the one that did this named the file anonymous to make sony and the fbi look at anonymous knowing the history between the two.

    5.5.2011 23:43 #35

  • Mrguss

    Anonymous says: it's being framed by "standard online thieves" for PSN security breach.


    "The FBI will continue to investigate us (Anonymous) for crimes of civil disobediance while continuing to ignore the crimes planned by major corporations with which they are in league"


    6.5.2011 05:51 #36

  • TrinUK

    Originally posted by brockie: @g_slide why would they need to plant it in peoples minds its obvious all this crap started over hacking, Sony can not make me think or feel anything. anyways hope who ever did this is getting closer to being found & put in jail for many years. Who is to say Sony lied about the date of the breach, planted the Anonymous file themselves then went public? Far fetched right? I mean Sony have lied pretty much about everything. From what the PS3 could do, what features it would have (later to be removed), lying about why the network was down etc.... Sony cannot win this battle and have caused themselves and customers more harm.

    Or maybe Microsoft agents saw this as an opportunity to take down the competition by hacking them to smithereens.

    Trin - Making Digital Waves

    6.5.2011 06:45 #37

  • Gnawnivek

    Originally posted by TrinUK: Originally posted by brockie: @g_slide why would they need to plant it in peoples minds its obvious all this crap started over hacking, Sony can not make me think or feel anything. anyways hope who ever did this is getting closer to being found & put in jail for many years. Who is to say Sony lied about the date of the breach, planted the Anonymous file themselves then went public? Far fetched right? I mean Sony have lied pretty much about everything. From what the PS3 could do, what features it would have (later to be removed), lying about why the network was down etc.... Sony cannot win this battle and have caused themselves and customers more harm.

    Or maybe Microsoft agents saw this as an opportunity to take down the competition by hacking them to smithereens.
    Seriously, lying about what the PS3 could do? What the hell you're talking about? Did I miss something?


    6.5.2011 09:11 #38

  • plazma247

    @ Gnawnivek i think hes talking about the fact Sony said it was physically impossible for the slim to run other os hence why it could not have it... but it was shown that remarkably after some hacking... it ran.

    6.5.2011 09:27 #39

  • TrinUK

    Originally posted by Gnawnivek: Originally posted by TrinUK: Originally posted by brockie: @g_slide why would they need to plant it in peoples minds its obvious all this crap started over hacking, Sony can not make me think or feel anything. anyways hope who ever did this is getting closer to being found & put in jail for many years. Who is to say Sony lied about the date of the breach, planted the Anonymous file themselves then went public? Far fetched right? I mean Sony have lied pretty much about everything. From what the PS3 could do, what features it would have (later to be removed), lying about why the network was down etc.... Sony cannot win this battle and have caused themselves and customers more harm.

    Or maybe Microsoft agents saw this as an opportunity to take down the competition by hacking them to smithereens.
    Seriously, lying about what the PS3 could do? What the hell you're talking about? Did I miss something?
    Yes I think you did miss something - They claimed the PS3 would allow users to play PS2 games and the PS3 would allow users to install another operating system which would take full advantage of the PS3's hardware. Both statements were false. Not all units could play PS2 games and those that could did not have 100% compatibility. Then the relaunch of the slim ditches PS2 support! As for other OS? Even with the other OS option enabled? This did not give users full access to the PS3 hardware but restricted access (Graphics were restricted and deliberately not supported in other OS mode). This was done to prevent users working on a translated PS2 emulator or emulators that require extensive 3D hardware support. Lies

    Trin - Making Digital Waves

    6.5.2011 09:36 #40

  • pippincp

    Comment about Anonymous


    6.5.2011 10:11 #41

  • TekPete

    What a shame that Sony didn't invest their resources into making their network secure instead of taking users to court because they modded their PS3s and employed teams of lawyers on huge salaries.

    It's ironic that the only victims are owners of Sony products. I wonder do they still think Sony are wonderful any more?

    6.5.2011 11:01 #42

  • Gnawnivek

    Originally posted by TrinUK:
    Yes I think you did miss something - They claimed the PS3 would allow users to play PS2 games and the PS3 would allow users to install another operating system which would take full advantage of the PS3's hardware. Both statements were false. Not all units could play PS2 games and those that could did not have 100% compatibility. Then the relaunch of the slim ditches PS2 support! As for other OS? Even with the other OS option enabled? This did not give users full access to the PS3 hardware but restricted access (Graphics were restricted and deliberately not supported in other OS mode). This was done to prevent users working on a translated PS2 emulator or emulators that require extensive 3D hardware support. Lies
    Okay, what you said is very esoteric, it's far from "lied about everything." You have valid points, but I've to say, most gamers don't really care. I'm not going to debate full BC, OtherOS and emulators simply because that's not the reasons I bought my PS3. On the other hand, PSN is down and still down, a pain...


    6.5.2011 11:34 #43

  • Gnawnivek

    Originally posted by TekPete: What a shame that Sony didn't invest their resources into making their network secure instead of taking users to court because they modded their PS3s and employed teams of lawyers on huge salaries.

    It's ironic that the only victims are owners of Sony products. I wonder do they still think Sony are wonderful any more?
    That's not entirely true. Without PSN, Sony is losing money too. PSN is not just free online gaming you know. People can buy games and rent movies too. PSN game developers are hurting as well, which is also bad for Sony... Sony want PSN restored asap like rest of us.


    6.5.2011 11:37 #44

  • Gdot73

    too bad the dumb casuals & family parents dont read this sorta stuff & stop buying sony's sh1t. not a single ngp/psp2 should be bought by anyone, but obv that wont happen. i jus got me a ps3 to take advantage of like a whore, 2nd hand ofcourse, no money for sony.

    6.5.2011 12:53 #45

  • Gnawnivek

    Originally posted by Gdot73: too bad the dumb casuals & family parents dont read this sorta stuff & stop buying sony's sh1t. not a single ngp/psp2 should be bought by anyone, but obv that wont happen. i jus got me a ps3 to take advantage of like a whore, 2nd hand ofcourse, no money for sony. I find it funny that people think they're somehow clever hiding from Sony by buying 2nd hand Sony products. You're still helping Sony indirectly, because you're using USED Sony products. Also, the guy/gal you bought the used item from, you paid him/her money. You can't stop him/her from spending that money on more Sony products, duh.


    6.5.2011 13:26 #46

  • TekPete

    I don't really care that Sony are losing money; this is not the issue. Sony deserve to go down in flames. Long gone are the days when they were capable of making quality products.

    I've already gone into the issues of MDs, Camcorders, DRM and Rootkit in detail and some OST CDs not having all the music that was played in the film (another over-priced CD with the missing tracks to be made available in a few months). Sony have only contempt for their customers.

    Get your heads around this concept "STOP BUYING SONY PRODUCTS - THEY ARE Edited AND SONY ARE A BUNCH OF MARD Edited".

    Incidentally Sony are now offering some kind of fraud protection to PS3 users whose credit card details may now be at risk; that is users based in the USA. From what I understand no such arrangement is available to the rest of the world. Perhaps the States have far better consumer laws; Sony are only doing this because they have to.

    6.5.2011 13:29 #47

  • Gnawnivek

    Originally posted by TekPete: I don't really care that Sony are losing money; this is not the issue. Sony deserve to go down in flames. Long gone are the days when they were capable of making quality products.

    I've already gone into the issues of MDs, Camcorders, DRM and Rootkit in detail and some OST CDs not having all the music that was played in the film (another over-priced CD with the missing tracks to be made available in a few months). Sony have only contempt for their customers.

    Get your heads around this concept "STOP BUYING SONY PRODUCTS - THEY ARE Edited AND SONY ARE A BUNCH OF MARD Edited".

    Incidentally Sony are now offering some kind of fraud protection to PS3 users whose credit card details may now be at risk; that is users based in the USA. From what I understand no such arrangement is available to the rest of the world. Perhaps the States have far better consumer laws; Sony are only doing this because they have to.
    Let me ask you this, what's in it for you if Sony go down in flames? What's in it for me? What's in it for the rest of the world? Are we going to have better products if Sony is not around?


    6.5.2011 14:29 #48

  • Oner

    Originally posted by cazer: Originally posted by Oner: Lets just say for arguments sake that it might not have been AnonOps...that doesn't mean An0nymous still isn't behind this. So just to be clear and to get this straight ~ a known Hacktivist Group that in a previous warning video (just after the failed sit-ins & when they got heat for the minor PSN outages) said specifically "Sony prepare for the biggest attack you have ever witnessed An0nymous style" (Source) now wants people to believe it wasn't them? Uhm...yeah...ookaaay... everything you said is true. but not knowing you must look at it in other ways. maybe and i say maybe the one that did this named the file anonymous to make sony and the fbi look at anonymous knowing the history between the two. You have to look at thing in different ways but you also have to understand what is on the table before you automatically go with a flat out baseless presumption.

    For those who think/believe Sony "planted the file", it was one of the 3rd party teams (FBI/DoHS etc) investigating the intrusion that found it. Other than that if you don't have any proof it's all just false assumption/unsupported speculation/rumor. And that seems more like an excuse on the side for the hackers who have stolen personal data of the people they claim to be helping!? (lest we forget what HAS happened) ~ I guess I am in the select few who sees that there is something completely wrong with that, of which there is no excuse for.

    The really funny thing is that Sony doesn't actually say it WAS An0nymous who is responsible, they just say that there was a file with this in it and that's it. When asked by Mary Bono Mack (of the US Congress) the question ~

    Quote:Have you identified the individual(s) responsible for the breach? Source

    Their answer was a clear and direct "No."

    There was absolutely no speculation, no comment that implied anything towards anybody. NOTHING. Anything to the contrary is just plain false information/FUD and more than likely stems from ones own biased view about something that was never actually said. I.E. Conjecture

    On a side note I read through the whole document and it has some good info in it for those who want to know more. It clears up a lot of misinformation in reference to the timeline about the hack itself as well as when Sony informed consumers.

    6.5.2011 14:46 #49

  • LordRuss

    Call me crazy (and I believe it has already made the rounds), but it seems that Sony has made a clever case for slander & momentary 'heat dissipation' from a large portion of their consumer base while they attempt to figure out who the real perpetrators of the security breach are.

    I was complaining from the start that Anon made public that they acknowledged targeting the wrong people with their original server attack and again, publicly apologized for it. Sony's 'mentioning' is a just a clever ruse at revenge for the original breach & damage control to the more unwitting of their share holders and clientele of their product line.

    I still wouldn't put any faith in any documentation they put out, despite how many pages it contained or legalese there in.

    There's a simple rule I try to follow when it comes to conspiracy... if the story has more than 3 layers of facts and that fourth fact CAN'T easily be traced back to the originating truth... the whole damned story is a lie. Basically meaning that you can't keep all the lies together to keep the story held together. Thus, Sony's story of Anon being the root of this particular breach doesn't hold water.

    I agree with a few of the folks here that it may be possible of few rouge individuals of Anon may have acted on their own, the group of Anon had nothing to do with it.

    But that's just my two cents...

    If something I said bothers you, then maybe you needed bother'n...

    6.5.2011 17:28 #50

  • Gdot73

    Originally posted by Gnawnivek: Originally posted by Gdot73: too bad the dumb casuals & family parents dont read this sorta stuff & stop buying sony's sh1t. not a single ngp/psp2 should be bought by anyone, but obv that wont happen. i jus got me a ps3 to take advantage of like a whore, 2nd hand ofcourse, no money for sony. I find it funny that people think they're somehow clever hiding from Sony by buying 2nd hand Sony products. You're still helping Sony indirectly, because you're using USED Sony products. Also, the guy/gal you bought the used item from, you paid him/her money. You can't stop him/her from spending that money on more Sony products, duh. they sold it to me because they didnt want it i assume, could steer them away from it in future if they had their console & it didnt get played. doubt much of the used console money goes to them

    6.5.2011 23:23 #51

  • seegee

    Originally posted by brockie: @g_slide why would they need to plant it in peoples minds its obvious all this crap started over hacking, Sony can not make me think or feel anything. anyways hope who ever did this is getting closer to being found & put in jail for many years. The fact that you are supporting sony is proof enough for me that sony can and does control your thoughts. It appears that, after all the abuse sony has thrown at us (drm, rootkits, firmware updates that remove features, etc) you would still purchase sony products and accept more arrogant abuse. Kudos to sony for carefully orchestrating their marketing and consumer relations in order to hook you for life.

    7.5.2011 01:21 #52


    Wow, Sony is giving us 30 days of + and some ID theft protection program, nothing but junk spam. That's not all they are giving us though, they also will be giving us useless updates about updates?! They will continue to charge the gamers that do subscribe to PSN + every month without service. They will continue to lie. Sony has a deadline with me and should with all of you (they work for us) and that day is May 11. Sony, if it's not up by then YOUR FIRED and I will buy an Xbox the next day.

    8.5.2011 01:31 #53

  • evnflow03

    Quote:For those who think/believe Sony "planted the file", it was one of the 3rd party teams (FBI/DoHS etc) investigating the intrusion that found it. Other than that if you don't have any proof it's all just false assumption/unsupported speculation/rumor. And that seems more like an excuse on the side for the hackers who have stolen personal data of the people they claim to be helping!? (lest we forget what HAS happened) ~ I guess I am in the select few who sees that there is something completely wrong with that, of which there is no excuse for.
    true, it was a 3rd party that found the file, but is it so far fetched, that it was placed there by someone wanting to push the blame off of themselves? or by sony looking for an out? it is their network, and they would have had to look at it first, before handing everything over for a third-party to look into it..

    Anonymous' motto is fairly widespread and public..their short-fall and greatest weapon is that anyone can be anonymous and that they don't readily know or have an official group ..it's a double-edged sword..

    Quote:The really funny thing is that Sony doesn't actually say it WAS An0nymous who is responsible, they just say that there was a file with this in it and that's it. When asked by Mary Bono Mack (of the US Congress) the question ~

    Quote:Have you identified the individual(s) responsible for the breach?


    Their answer was a clear and direct "No."

    There was absolutely no speculation, no comment that implied anything towards anybody. NOTHING. Anything to the contrary is just plain false information/FUD and more than likely stems from ones own biased view about something that was never actually said. I.E. Conjecture
    the release, stating that the file was found on their network, with Anonymous' motto, is enough of an accusation..they needed a third party to find that file to lend it more "credibility"..if the person or person(s) responsible were smart enough to crack their network..why be so stupid as to leave behind your calling card, instead of just disappearing without a trace?..it just doesn't seem to add up..

    Just an opinion and thoughts..hope nothing is taken as being said as personal..and to be honest, it's up in the air, on how this is going to play out..either way i hope whoever is responsible..be it Anonymous, a very smart criminal, or even Sony..are held accountable for their actions and punished for what has happened..

    8.5.2011 03:50 #54

  • sundean

    At least if they had a few options left or some open servers created from the hackers (Anonymous) to making it or some option for us to have servers to play.
    By Anonymous I mean do you open or create a new server so we can log into PSN or something I lose not only money but also friends too


    8.5.2011 04:59 #55

  • xboxdvl2

    if sony goes down we are stuck with xbox,nintendo and pc for gaming.nintendo games are aimed at kids and women.xbox live isnt free.gaming on pc is decent if you got a few hundred $$$ to spend on a new graphics card every 3months.sony are stupid for provoking & taking legal action against hackers and for letting psn get hacked (probably by pissing off hackers) but they still make quality games and car sterios.

    married to my car and computer.both of them have problems.

    8.5.2011 06:14 #56

  • plazma247

    @xboxdvl2 are you kidding, their car stereos suck i sould know ive got one !!, worst CD Player ever, list of faults:

    1. Forgets subs is attached randomly turns off amp channel
    2. Volume control is main control and its easy to jog functions.
    3. Bluetooth microphone actually behind font facia (its pants)
    4. Digital anti skip is like 2 seconds

    i could go on, i was always a firm believer in kenwood sound systems, my last one was capable of still playing cds without skipping with the car air born !! bah off to bassjunkies, out with the Cronies Product and in with a Kenwood again....

    PS the difference in the sub 100hz range on my Sony is pretty poor when compared to that of all my previous 6 kenwood units. When your diving 15" of Rockford Punch you really hear it...

    8.5.2011 06:26 #57

  • kfir1

    I really dont care what happens to sony. I sold my ps3. And I dont buy any sony products anymore. Sony just sucks. So, go ahead hackers bring PSN down and the rest of sony.

    8.5.2011 06:49 #58

  • Gdot73

    Originally posted by evnflow03: Quote:For those who think/believe Sony "planted the file", it was one of the 3rd party teams (FBI/DoHS etc) investigating the intrusion that found it. Other than that if you don't have any proof it's all just false assumption/unsupported speculation/rumor. And that seems more like an excuse on the side for the hackers who have stolen personal data of the people they claim to be helping!? (lest we forget what HAS happened) ~ I guess I am in the select few who sees that there is something completely wrong with that, of which there is no excuse for.
    true, it was a 3rd party that found the file, but is it so far fetched, that it was placed there by someone wanting to push the blame off of themselves? or by sony looking for an out? it is their network, and they would have had to look at it first, before handing everything over for a third-party to look into it..

    Anonymous' motto is fairly widespread and public..their short-fall and greatest weapon is that anyone can be anonymous and that they don't readily know or have an official group ..it's a double-edged sword..

    Quote:The really funny thing is that Sony doesn't actually say it WAS An0nymous who is responsible, they just say that there was a file with this in it and that's it. When asked by Mary Bono Mack (of the US Congress) the question ~

    Quote:Have you identified the individual(s) responsible for the breach?


    Their answer was a clear and direct "No."

    There was absolutely no speculation, no comment that implied anything towards anybody. NOTHING. Anything to the contrary is just plain false information/FUD and more than likely stems from ones own biased view about something that was never actually said. I.E. Conjecture
    the release, stating that the file was found on their network, with Anonymous' motto, is enough of an accusation..they needed a third party to find that file to lend it more "credibility"..if the person or person(s) responsible were smart enough to crack their network..why be so stupid as to leave behind your calling card, instead of just disappearing without a trace?..it just doesn't seem to add up..

    Just an opinion and thoughts..hope nothing is taken as being said as personal..and to be honest, it's up in the air, on how this is going to play out..either way i hope whoever is responsible..be it Anonymous, a very smart criminal, or even Sony..are held accountable for their actions and punished for what has happened..

    ita sony being punished for trying to fight hackers & stating that anyone who watched a video would be fined. their dumb accusations made people fight back & rightfully so, they deserve every negative they get. i'll never buy another sony product new for atleast the next 10 years because of what they said. dont try & fight us, the community that discuss your product. once we own it we can do anything we like with it no matter what. if we can get games for free, or back up our games to hdd, then we will do it because we own the system & can modify it in any way we choose. im waitin for my 3.60 cfw, as iv just bought a ps3, used ofcourse =]

    8.5.2011 07:59 #59

  • xboxdvl2

    Originally posted by plazma247: @xboxdvl2 are you kidding, their car stereos suck i sould know ive got one !!, worst CD Player ever, list of faults:

    1. Forgets subs is attached randomly turns off amp channel
    2. Volume control is main control and its easy to jog functions.
    3. Bluetooth microphone actually behind font facia (its pants)
    4. Digital anti skip is like 2 seconds

    i could go on, i was always a firm believer in kenwood sound systems, my last one was capable of still playing cds without skipping with the car air born !! bah off to bassjunkies, out with the Cronies Product and in with a Kenwood again....

    PS the difference in the sub 100hz range on my Sony is pretty poor when compared to that of all my previous 6 kenwood units. When your diving 15" of Rockford Punch you really hear it...
    the sub/amp problem might be bad wiring.not sure about the other problems.(correction)they use to make decent car sterios.im thinking pioneer cd/mp3 player for my next car.havnt really done much with car sterios since about 03.ken wood is out of my price range.all there products are very high priced here.
    anyway when i get a decent car for $2500 or less(which is turning out to be extremely hard) and have money to spend on a car sterio i well start a thread in other topics.

    married to my car and computer.both of them have problems.

    8.5.2011 08:09 #60

  • LordRuss

    Just to jump on the "other than console" electronic bandwagon as well...

    Other than purchasing the PS3 for a handful of games that I wanted and the addition of a bluray player kicked in (for fear of not wanting to pay and exorbitant price when the whole hi-definition parade kicked off) I have only owned a frightfully few Sony products myself.

    Their car audio is belligerently shite. I agree that Kenwood and Alpine have rounded out most of my aftermarket there. All of my home audio has either been Pioneer or Kenwood (presently Sony, but only for the mere fact that it was for free & that that fact only); otherwise I have saved my nickles & dimes for the higher end stuff that makes most people sick to hear about anyway & starts a flaming war.

    My point being that Sony really didn't merit my money then and certainly not now. It just seems at times we all get roped into 'tasting' the Cool Aid, not necessarily the whole chug-a-lug contest.

    Now that I mention it... I don't think I added a damn thing to this part of the forum at all... Well, hopefully a smile, anyway.

    If something I said bothers you, then maybe you needed bother'n...

    8.5.2011 13:35 #61

  • Jemborg

    Have not bought anything from Mony for ages.

    But it's occurred to me that after this fracas I might be able to pick up a cheap s/h one for the few exclusives I'm interested in... like "Blob of War the PMSing".

    As to the blew-ray... meh, prefer the decent one in my HTS-PC coupled mit AnyDVD. It's GFX did cost several PS3s after all. It's actually rather useful.

    Is that right... if I get it s/h it has to be account de-activated or whateveritis? Otherwise it won't update? If that's so... WTF?

    Can't see the Anon group behind this myself. Their attack usually only extend to a low orbit ion cannon.


    Its a lot easier being righteous than right.

    8.5.2011 14:46 #62

  • LordRuss

    Originally posted by Jemborg: Have not bought anything from Mony for ages.

    But it's occurred to me that after this fracas I might be able to pick up a cheap s/h one for the few exclusives I'm interested in... like "Blob of War the PMSing".

    As to the blew-ray... meh, prefer the decent one in my HTS-PC coupled mit AnyDVD. It's GFX did cost several PS3s after all. It's actually rather useful.

    Is that right... if I get it s/h it has to be account de-activated or whateveritis? Otherwise it won't update? If that's so... WTF?

    Can't see the Anon group behind this myself. Their attack usually only extend to a low orbit ion cannon.

    Getting back on track, I'm in full agreement...

    If something I said bothers you, then maybe you needed bother'n...

    8.5.2011 14:55 #63

  • airman

    Isn't Sony legally responsible for lost user data? Other companies that were hacked were socket with huge fines and the magnitude of those was no where near that of this breach.


    8.5.2011 23:32 #64

  • SomeBozo

    Originally posted by airman: Isn't Sony legally responsible for lost user data? Other companies that were hacked were socket with huge fines and the magnitude of those was no where near that of this breach. Might depend, example where a good lawyer helps. The companies that might have been hit hard may not have had the correct working in the EULA (End User License Agreement), while Sony i bet had we only warranty the value of the machine for total damages, which would be the part that might be settled in court once someone can prove they suffered loss because of sony's negligence. For me sony running with unpatched servers without a firewall and knowing for months before hand of the security risks did nothing. In my mind there is a clear example of negligence on sony's part.

    In the example of other companies getting hit hard, it all depends on the information itself as well.

    I personally would love to see sony get hit hard, mainly to be an example for others that private information must be kept private. Additionally data within the company should be encrypted and require a hardware dongle or a certificate only available internally (or both) in order to read the data. It should be that if someone is able to hack in and copy the data files they should be useless without the correct encryption keys. So again i think sony is not just negligent but grossly negligent...

    9.5.2011 00:27 #65

  • airman

    Originally posted by SomeBozo: Originally posted by airman: Isn't Sony legally responsible for lost user data? Other companies that were hacked were socket with huge fines and the magnitude of those was no where near that of this breach. Might depend, example where a good lawyer helps. The companies that might have been hit hard may not have had the correct working in the EULA (End User License Agreement), while Sony i bet had we only warranty the value of the machine for total damages, which would be the part that might be settled in court once someone can prove they suffered loss because of sony's negligence. For me sony running with unpatched servers without a firewall and knowing for months before hand of the security risks did nothing. In my mind there is a clear example of negligence on sony's part.

    In the example of other companies getting hit hard, it all depends on the information itself as well.

    I personally would love to see sony get hit hard, mainly to be an example for others that private information must be kept private. Additionally data within the company should be encrypted and require a hardware dongle or a certificate only available internally (or both) in order to read the data. It should be that if someone is able to hack in and copy the data files they should be useless without the correct encryption keys. So again i think sony is not just negligent but grossly negligent...

    I'm not so sure about the lawyers. In the other cases it was the government who found the companies negligent and they are now required by law to protect that information even where the potential for loss exists. So the size of the awards has been based on the size of the breaches. Of course it depends on the agencies and who has friends where... OTOH some pretty large organizations have had some pretty stiff fines for failure to protect their customers information. With Sony getting off pretty much scott free over the root kit affair, it would only seem like poetic justice for them to get hauled over the coals on this one.


    9.5.2011 02:56 #66

  • TrinUK

    Originally posted by Gnawnivek: Originally posted by TrinUK:
    Yes I think you did miss something - They claimed the PS3 would allow users to play PS2 games and the PS3 would allow users to install another operating system which would take full advantage of the PS3's hardware. Both statements were false. Not all units could play PS2 games and those that could did not have 100% compatibility. Then the relaunch of the slim ditches PS2 support! As for other OS? Even with the other OS option enabled? This did not give users full access to the PS3 hardware but restricted access (Graphics were restricted and deliberately not supported in other OS mode). This was done to prevent users working on a translated PS2 emulator or emulators that require extensive 3D hardware support. Lies
    Okay, what you said is very esoteric, it's far from "lied about everything." You have valid points, but I've to say, most gamers don't really care. I'm not going to debate full BC, OtherOS and emulators simply because that's not the reasons I bought my PS3. On the other hand, PSN is down and still down, a pain...
    I agree, I also bought my PS3 not because of the other OS but because of the free online gaming network. It's a pain but I hope they can get this whole thing sorted out soon. I wouldnt be surprised if Apple made a console anytime soon.

    Trin - Making Digital Waves

    9.5.2011 08:39 #67

  • LordRuss

    I agree, I also bought my PS3 not because of the other OS but because of the free online gaming network. It's a pain but I hope they can get this whole thing sorted out soon. I wouldn't be surprised if Apple made a console anytime soon. But then they'll want to track each time you played what game, watched program, went to the toilet, hit the fridge, had a wank, etc... Steve Jobs is even more of mind control freak than I care to imagine. But that's just my bent imagination...

    Try my old blog for a good laugh... Russell's World

    If something I said bothers you, then maybe you needed bother'n...

    9.5.2011 10:07 #68

  • TrinUK

    Originally posted by LordRuss: I agree, I also bought my PS3 not because of the other OS but because of the free online gaming network. It's a pain but I hope they can get this whole thing sorted out soon. I wouldn't be surprised if Apple made a console anytime soon. But then they'll want to track each time you played what game, watched program, went to the toilet, hit the fridge, had a wank, etc... Steve Jobs is even more of mind control freak than I care to imagine. But that's just my bent imagination...

    Try my old blog for a good laugh... Russell's World That's why I dont own a eye phone, eye pad or eye mac - ha ha. Apple should replace their logo with the all seeing eye and add the moto "resistance is futile". Then again, any item connected to the national grid is open to privacy invasion thanks to Mossad and the CIA.

    Trin - Making Digital Waves

    9.5.2011 10:27 #69

  • LordRuss

    Originally posted by TrinUK: Originally posted by LordRuss: I agree, I also bought my PS3 not because of the other OS but because of the free online gaming network. It's a pain but I hope they can get this whole thing sorted out soon. I wouldn't be surprised if Apple made a console anytime soon. But then they'll want to track each time you played what game, watched program, went to the toilet, hit the fridge, had a wank, etc... Steve Jobs is even more of mind control freak than I care to imagine. But that's just my bent imagination...

    Try my old blog for a good laugh... Russell's World That's why I dont own a eye phone, eye pad or eye mac - ha ha. Apple should replace their logo with the all seeing eye and add the moto "resistance is futile". Then again, any item connected to the national grid is open to privacy invasion thanks to Mossad and the CIA. I know I'm getting old, but I think I just caught on to what the whole "i" thing is about on the head end of all those components that Stevie has been putting out... your printing of "eye" put it in complete perspective for me! Thank god I haven't bought any of that crap either.

    I put you in for sainthood... be on the look out in your mailbox for your decoder ring!

    If something I said bothers you, then maybe you needed bother'n...

    9.5.2011 11:26 #70

  • Oner

    Originally posted by evnflow03: Quote:For those who think/believe Sony "planted the file", it was one of the 3rd party teams (FBI/DoHS etc) investigating the intrusion that found it. Other than that if you don't have any proof it's all just false assumption/unsupported speculation/rumor. And that seems more like an excuse on the side for the hackers who have stolen personal data of the people they claim to be helping!? (lest we forget what HAS happened) ~ I guess I am in the select few who sees that there is something completely wrong with that, of which there is no excuse for.
    true, it was a 3rd party that found the file, but is it so far fetched, that it was placed there by someone wanting to push the blame off of themselves? or by sony looking for an out? it is their network, and they would have had to look at it first, before handing everything over for a third-party to look into it..

    Anonymous' motto is fairly widespread and public..their short-fall and greatest weapon is that anyone can be anonymous and that they don't readily know or have an official group ..it's a double-edged sword..

    Quote:The really funny thing is that Sony doesn't actually say it WAS An0nymous who is responsible, they just say that there was a file with this in it and that's it. When asked by Mary Bono Mack (of the US Congress) the question ~

    Quote:Have you identified the individual(s) responsible for the breach?


    Their answer was a clear and direct "No."

    There was absolutely no speculation, no comment that implied anything towards anybody. NOTHING. Anything to the contrary is just plain false information/FUD and more than likely stems from ones own biased view about something that was never actually said. I.E. Conjecture
    the release, stating that the file was found on their network, with Anonymous' motto, is enough of an accusation..they needed a third party to find that file to lend it more "credibility"..if the person or person(s) responsible were smart enough to crack their network..why be so stupid as to leave behind your calling card, instead of just disappearing without a trace?..it just doesn't seem to add up..

    Just an opinion and thoughts..hope nothing is taken as being said as personal..and to be honest, it's up in the air, on how this is going to play out..either way i hope whoever is responsible..be it Anonymous, a very smart criminal, or even Sony..are held accountable for their actions and punished for what has happened..
    Understandable but when you look at what we know so far it doesn't make sense. Remember An0nymous just before the outage said specifically "Sony prepare for the biggest attack you have ever witnessed An0nymous style" then the BIGGEST attack happens only for them to backtrack and claim "we did not do this" when Homeland Security, the Department of Justice, and other multiple security firm/legal entities get involved!?

    Now as I said it may not have been An0nOps but that doesn't mean An0n isn't behind this. Your whole group is about "An0ns" so you can't say it wasn't "An0ns" when you don't even know who "An0ns" really are in your group now can you? It's a double edge sword that they don't want to admit to owning. Plus it seems like a bunch of immature people who are trying to cover their asses now because of how much heat is coming at them from World Wide agencies (remember the HSA, DoJ & etc can't be the only ones investigating this).

    Am I saying it 100% solid evidence. No. But for people to instantly give an excuse when there is no proof it wasn't them, with a stupid pseudo reverse conspiracy theory when all facts say other wise (DDoS, Orchestrated Gatherings, Press Releases, Multiple warnings & the biggest last warning). It all cannot just be brushed under the rug that easily with a "Sony planted it" conspiracy THEORY based off no fact or proof. I really don't see "Sony" chancing/lying to the US congress and all these agencies (of which are the ones who found the file) less credible than a conspiracy theory from those blinded by a biased hatred.

    Originally posted by SomeBozo: Originally posted by airman: Isn't Sony legally responsible for lost user data? Other companies that were hacked were socket with huge fines and the magnitude of those was no where near that of this breach. Might depend, example where a good lawyer helps. The companies that might have been hit hard may not have had the correct working in the EULA (End User License Agreement), while Sony i bet had we only warranty the value of the machine for total damages, which would be the part that might be settled in court once someone can prove they suffered loss because of sony's negligence. For me sony running with unpatched servers without a firewall and knowing for months before hand of the security risks did nothing. In my mind there is a clear example of negligence on sony's part.

    In the example of other companies getting hit hard, it all depends on the information itself as well.

    I personally would love to see sony get hit hard, mainly to be an example for others that private information must be kept private. Additionally data within the company should be encrypted and require a hardware dongle or a certificate only available internally (or both) in order to read the data. It should be that if someone is able to hack in and copy the data files they should be useless without the correct encryption keys. So again i think sony is not just negligent but grossly negligent...
    That is not truthfully accurate information you are speaking and where the propagation of a misinformed comment that continues to grow lies. The misnomer of

    Quote:unpatched servers without a firewall and knowing for months before hand of the security risks is not true. It started from 1 comment that came from an IRC chat of which was NEVER CONFIRMED as valid. Then only to be blown out of proportion and made int FUD headlines by forum posts and "journalists" who never fact checked ANYTHING of which then ultimately made it to Dr. Eugene Spafford's testimony before Congress of which he was citing unverified/untrue information! This "security expert" in a written statement said ~

    Quote:I have no information about what protections they had in place, although some news reports indicate that Sony was running software that was badly out of date and had been warned about that risk. Thus PROVING he had no first-hand knowledge of the state of Sony's servers or Sony's knowledge about possible exploits. He didn't know a damned thing and literally just repeated empty unsubstantiated claims he read in the media!


    And now people consistently claim this as fact everywhere. It has basically become the game of telephone (explanation) just like so many other media BS.

    9.5.2011 12:48 #71

  • Jemborg

    Originally posted by TrinUK: I agree, I also bought my PS3 not because of the other OS but because of the free online gaming network. It's a pain but I hope they can get this whole thing sorted out soon. I wouldnt be surprised if Apple made a console anytime soon. Do you mean to say that if Mony turned around and stated, "in the interests of better security and improving the service we have decided to charge our users $2 per week", you would give up PSN? Surely not?

    At first I laughed at the notion of Crapple producing a gaming console, but on second thoughts it's not so outrageous a idea. :)

    On other fronts... still can't believe people are making excuses for Mony and believing everything they say.

    Its a lot easier being righteous than right.

    9.5.2011 13:17 #72

  • Gnawnivek

    Originally posted by Oner:
    Quote:unpatched servers without a firewall and knowing for months before hand of the security risks is not true. It started from 1 comment that came from an IRC chat of which was NEVER CONFIRMED as valid. Then only to be blown out of proportion and made int FUD headlines by forum posts and "journalists" who never fact checked ANYTHING of which then ultimately made it to Dr. Eugene Spafford's testimony before Congress of which he was citing unverified/untrue information! This "security expert" in a written statement said ~

    Quote:I have no information about what protections they had in place, although some news reports indicate that Sony was running software that was badly out of date and had been warned about that risk. Thus PROVING he had no first-hand knowledge of the state of Sony's servers or Sony's knowledge about possible exploits. He didn't know a damned thing and literally just repeated empty unsubstantiated claims he read in the media!


    And now people consistently claim this as fact everywhere. It has basically become the game of telephone (explanation) just like so many other media BS.
    Thanks for clearing it up Oner, learned something new :)


    9.5.2011 13:54 #73

  • LordRuss

    You know, outlandish as it is for Sony to draw fire onto Anonymous for whatever reason (probably for breathing room at the moment): How about I raise a stink...

    I would like to make this outlandish statement...

    I think "Sony" is the one that has actually violated the client security. I say someone (or group) within their own company has actually stolen their own client information and has made off with it.

    Sure its conspiracy, but not so outlandish that it throws off the FBI of a few days for Sony to do their own internal investigation and attempt to solve, prosecute and implement its own solution before the public as a whole can class action their own wrath.

    If something I said bothers you, then maybe you needed bother'n...

    9.5.2011 16:17 #74

  • Oner

    Originally posted by LordRuss: You know, outlandish as it is for Sony to draw fire onto Anonymous for whatever reason (probably for breathing room at the moment): How about I raise a stink...

    I would like to make this outlandish statement...

    I think "Sony" is the one that has actually violated the client security. I say someone (or group) within their own company has actually stolen their own client information and has made off with it.

    Sure its conspiracy, but not so outlandish that it throws off the FBI of a few days for Sony to do their own internal investigation and attempt to solve, prosecute and implement its own solution before the public as a whole can class action their own wrath.
    There is always a possibility of anything as there were layoffs (in the range of 200) within the Network Division 2 weeks before the PSN outage.

    9.5.2011 19:00 #75

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