This new number puts it on top of the list for the most number of potential defendants in a file sharing case, just ahead of the lawsuit against sharers of the "Expendables" movie, which initially took aim at 23,322 sharers. Both lawsuits are being managed by Washington, DC-based law firm Dunlap, Grubb and Weaver.
Filed last year, the Hurt Locker lawsuit originally targeted about 5,000 file sharers, but has jumped to almost 25,000 since. Of the 24,583 people, 10,532 subscribe to Comcast services, 5,239 to Verizon, 2,699 to Charter and 1,750 to Time Warner.
This mammoth mass-lawsuit won't be carried out quickly however, as both Charter and Verizon have only agreed to provide between 100 and 150 subscriber identities per months, whereas Comcast hasn't agreed to hand over any details at all yet.
TorrentFreak is hosting documents that list all targeted IP addresses in the Hurt Locker case.
Written by: James Delahunty @ 25 May 2011 17:52