Baidu to create smartphone OS based off Android?

Baidu to create smartphone OS based off Android?
According to local reports from China, Baidu is secretly creating "Qiushi," a smartphone OS based off Android.

Baidu is China's largest search engine and has often been called the "Google of China," so using Google's Android as a basis for a new OS is ironic.

The rumor is the OS will be completed by the end of the year.

Baidu somewhat dismissed the report by saying Qiushi is a "mobile ad product" that is under development but would not elaborate.

There are two very popular Android-based OS in China currently, DianxinOS and MIUI but there is certainly room for a new entry.

Written by: Andre Yoskowitz @ 27 Jun 2011 13:23
Android Baidu Search Engine Smartphone OS
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  • 1 comment
  • NHS2008

    Don't they already have a sub par android based OS in China?

    27.6.2011 13:49 #1

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