The company will now offer 75MB for $10 a month, 2GB for $30, 5GB for $50 and 10GB for $80.
If you exceed your tier, the cost is $10 per GB above.
It appears the 75MB plan is available only for feature phones, fortunately, as the data is hardly enough to cover a week of use, even for the lightest smartphone users.
Subscribers with unlimited data plans are "grandfathered" in, meaning they can keep it when they upgrade or renew their contracts. If you ever drop it, however, you can never get it back.
Additionally, Verizon is ending its free tethering testing, and users will now have to pay $30 a month to use LTE mobile hotspot.
AT&T offers somewhat cheaper plans with 200MB for $15, 2GB for $25 and 4GB with tethering for $45.
(Pic via Techspot)

Written by: Andre Yoskowitz @ 5 Jul 2011 23:43