Reminder: Verizon unlimited data plans go 'poof' tomorrow

Reminder: Verizon unlimited data plans go 'poof' tomorrow
As a reminder, Verizon plans to get rid of its unlimited smartphone data plans beginning tomorrow, July 7th, instead moving to tiered structure just like rival AT&T.

The company will now offer 75MB for $10 a month, 2GB for $30, 5GB for $50 and 10GB for $80.

If you exceed your tier, the cost is $10 per GB above.

It appears the 75MB plan is available only for feature phones, fortunately, as the data is hardly enough to cover a week of use, even for the lightest smartphone users.

Subscribers with unlimited data plans are "grandfathered" in, meaning they can keep it when they upgrade or renew their contracts. If you ever drop it, however, you can never get it back.

Additionally, Verizon is ending its free tethering testing, and users will now have to pay $30 a month to use LTE mobile hotspot.

AT&T offers somewhat cheaper plans with 200MB for $15, 2GB for $25 and 4GB with tethering for $45.

(Pic via Techspot)

Written by: Andre Yoskowitz @ 5 Jul 2011 23:43
Verizon Smartphone Unlimited Data
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  • Hyasuma

    Just go with Sprint, why ppl so dumb to pay for these stupid plans?

    6.7.2011 00:12 #1

  • KillerBug

    Because sprint does not work...not at home, not in the city, not at the airport, not on the interstate. The only reason I can think of for someone to buy a sprint phone is if they don't want to receive calls, and they don't want to know about missed calls or voice mails until at least 4 hours later. That just leaves AT&T, T-Mobile, and Verizon...and T-Mobile is about to be part of AT&T. Given the terrible choice between AT&T and Verizon, Verizon comes out on top...or at least it did before these restrictions.

    6.7.2011 04:56 #2

  • drumbeats

    I have sprint and it works for me. Last time I checked, it roams on Verizon, I think. And I never have to roam anyways, I have 4-5 bars of coverage everywhere I go. But I guess your mileage may vary.

    6.7.2011 09:58 #3

  • dirtyash

    Originally posted by drumbeats: I have sprint and it works for me. Last time I checked, it roams on Verizon, I think. And I never have to roam anyways, I have 4-5 bars of coverage everywhere I go. But I guess your mileage may vary. +1

    6.7.2011 12:22 #4

  • hearme0

    Originally posted by KillerBug: Because sprint does not work...not at home, not in the city, not at the airport, not on the interstate. The only reason I can think of for someone to buy a sprint phone is if they don't want to receive calls, and they don't want to know about missed calls or voice mails until at least 4 hours later. That just leaves AT&T, T-Mobile, and Verizon...and T-Mobile is about to be part of AT&T. Given the terrible choice between AT&T and Verizon, Verizon comes out on top...or at least it did before these restrictions.
    Where are you that Sprint's service is so bad? You sure as HELL aren't in a major metro area such as Chicago, Phoenix, New Orleans, etc because Sprint works great there.

    Their 4G however, sucks! Uses Clear and isn't even "good" 4G overall.

    I do love my T-mobile Unlimited everything (technically 2Gb before throttling) for 59.99. I slipped in that in the 4 hours it was mistakenly offered.

    6.7.2011 16:17 #5

  • Hyasuma

    Originally posted by KillerBug: Because sprint does not work...not at home, not in the city, not at the airport, not on the interstate. The only reason I can think of for someone to buy a sprint phone is if they don't want to receive calls, and they don't want to know about missed calls or voice mails until at least 4 hours later. That just leaves AT&T, T-Mobile, and Verizon...and T-Mobile is about to be part of AT&T. Given the terrible choice between AT&T and Verizon, Verizon comes out on top...or at least it did before these restrictions. I don't know where you live, but everywhere I go even in the no name town Ann Arbor, I still get 4-5 bars and my 3g is pretty damn quick too, but compare to where I was for the weekend the 3g speed in Chicago was 10 times faster than where I live. I'm satisfy with Sprint. Reason I switched to Sprint from AT&T was cuz it drops my calls ALL THE TIME, and T mobile never gets signal in my house, and drops. Never had verizon but I don't think I will cuz I dislike their plans.

    6.7.2011 17:10 #6

  • ZeusAV

    I have T-Mobile 500 mins, unlimited data/texts (data throttled after 5GB). They added Free Wi-Fi Calling and that makes up for the low minutes allowance. $59.99.

    HSPA+ Data is pretty fast in my area, actually faster than Wi-Max on my roommate's Evo 4G.

    As for voice calling, all of the 4 carriers have solid service in my area but I refuse to go back to AT&T or switch to Verizon due to their ridiculous pricing. That leaves Sprint but their network is CDMA so I went to T-Mobile.

    7.7.2011 12:54 #7

  • bratcher

    My dad is grandfathered in (with Verizon) for his 3G level of service but if he ever upgrades to 4G service then he loses that grandfathered status forever. Thats what Verizon told him yesterday.

    8.7.2011 08:12 #8

  • bw5011

    Originally posted by KillerBug: Because sprint does not work...not at home, not in the city, not at the airport, not on the interstate. The only reason I can think of for someone to buy a sprint phone is if they don't want to receive calls, and they don't want to know about missed calls or voice mails until at least 4 hours later. That just leaves AT&T, T-Mobile, and Verizon...and T-Mobile is about to be part of AT&T. Given the terrible choice between AT&T and Verizon, Verizon comes out on top...or at least it did before these restrictions. You must live under a rock with that Geico guy... Sprint works at my house, works in the city, works on the interstate and about anywhere else I can think of. I enjoy my unlimited data and voice plan.. it is great... the only problem sprint has is customer service and that is a known fact... and the 4G service is fast as well and works great... best phones, best plans, better than AT&T phone service, equal to verzion in voice, worst customer service = Sprint...

    8.7.2011 08:18 #9

  • rrmk37

    I have had sprint since 1998 and its always been good but its better then ever to me.I drive truck across the country and have had almost no dead spots or bad areas.I have been happy with them and we even use the unlimited data plan.One of our daughters lives off her Virgin mobile phone and says it works great in her travels.

    8.7.2011 12:06 #10

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