The company does not want to "defend or indemnify Sony against any claims asserted in the class-action lawsuits, miscellaneous claims, or potential future actions instituted by any state attorney general."
Additionally, the insurance company has sued Mitsui Sumitomo Insurance, AIG and ACE asking the court to "clarify their responsibilities under policies" written for Sony.
Adds attorney Richard Bortnick, of a firm not involved with the case (via Retuers):
Zurich doesn't think there's coverage, but to the extent there may be a duty to defend it wants to make sure all of the insurers with a potential duty to defend are contributing.
The company plans to argue that the general liability insurance they wrote for the electronics company does not cover cyber attacks.
In April, a massive attack on the PSN managed to net hackers personal details on 100 million users. Sony has the attack will cost them $178 million this year and is looking for insurers to help pay.
Written by: Andre Yoskowitz @ 23 Jul 2011 21:49