The video comes via an interview with ScreenRant, and includes a guest appearance with Colin Ferguson of SyFy show 'Eureka.'
A couple of quotes from the interview:
As soon as the entertainment industry provides an alternative to bit-torrent -- or an alternative to piracy -- that makes it easy for honest people to get access to the program, then the piracy dries up.
Gabe Newell [CEO of Valve] says that pirates provide better customer service. How many times have you paid for a DRM license for something and the server goes down, or you travel across the border? I rented some episodes on Amazon of Doctor Who: when I went to Canada -- I paid for them in America; I live in America -- they say “you can’t watch it anymore because you’re not in America anymore.” That made me angry because I was being honest; I was an honest person. If I had stolen it, I would be watching it.
There are two classes of people in the world: there are people who will never pay for anything, no matter what -- you’re never going to get them. Then there’s people that will pay for something -- and want to. You just have to make it easy for them -- and reasonable.
Good interview, with valid points:
Written by: Andre Yoskowitz @ 27 Jul 2011 22:20