Christian Police Association seeks video game ban

Christian Police Association seeks video game ban
Focuses on upcoming 2K Games title, The Darkness II.

The heads of the Christian Police Fellowship have taken aim at violent video games, singling out an upcoming title from 2K games, The Darkness II. Its complaint about the video game is that it will create a distorted perspective of police officers for younger gamers.

The group drafted a letter for politicians and game developers explaining their objections to violent content in many video games. It pushed for lawmakers and publishers to stop the same of games with violent content immediately.

"For whatsoever a man soweth, that shall he also reap," is quoted in the letter, lifted from the Bible.

2K Games responded to the group, telling GameSpot that, "Reported stories regarding police officers in The Darkness II were erroneous. To be clear, there are no police officers in the game."

The Darkness II is due to be released on February 7 next year in the United States.

Written by: James Delahunty @ 14 Aug 2011 16:08
Violent Video Games
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  • Azuran

    And if there was who cares...

    14.8.2011 17:20 #1

  • ROMaster2

    Quote:We don't like it so we want to force our views on everyone else and make fun illegal. Maybe if parents did their f*cking jobs and PARENTED their kids, this won't be an issue.

    14.8.2011 18:14 #2

  • fukevery1 (unverified)

    Why dont these f**kin people worry about real things instead petty bs like this .Things like crooked politicians, poverty,rights being trampled on, ect...Quit trying to push your views on what you feel is wrong!

    14.8.2011 18:22 #3

  • snake2

    stupid Christians always trying to ruin stuff

    14.8.2011 18:50 #4


    edited by ddp

    The game will be rated M. Which means, kids (for the most part) will not be playing it unless their parents buy it. How about better parenting, instead of blocking a harmless game from responsible players?

    14.8.2011 19:49 #5

  • bobiroc

    That's it blame the video games and not the people that play them from not knowing reality from fantasy and entertainment. Christianity has been forcing it's views on people forever and besides Christianity and other religious views are responsible for more violence in the world than anything else. Maybe they should worry about the people that start wars and kill others in the name of "their" god instead of some video game.

    AMD Phenom II 965 @ 3.67Ghz, 8GB DDR3, ATI Radeon 5770HD, 300GB 10,000RPM Raptor, 2TB Additional HDD, Windows 7 Ultimate.

    14.8.2011 20:29 #6

  • Ragnarok8


    14.8.2011 22:29 #7

  • tisdadd

    For bobiroc - I agree that many things have been done in the name of Christianity that should not have been in any way shape or form. However, if you read through what the New Testament says you will realize that those that have been done were not done by people following what it says.

    Anyway, I feel that parents should be controlling what their kids are doing, and that there are many games that the Christian community should be promoting instead of picking games to demote. Because for those who do not follow Jesus, we really cannot hold them to the same standards.

    In fact, one of my goals in life is to come up with some games that are Biblically sound and yet as fun, preferably more fun, to play than most others. It has always driven me nuts that a lot of Christians look at games as evil, choosing to avoid the great bonding experiences that come with many of them. Or, when companies make a game and say, "Look, it is a Christian game," and make it horrible quality because they figure why bother since the group that will buy it is small. Once more, reading what the Bible actually says would imply that it should be made of the best quality possible.

    Anyway, I agree that people should be able to make their own decisions about what they play, and that parents should be the ones taking responsibility for their children. Games shouldn't be being banned because of their content, that is what a rating system is in place for. Parents, especially those claiming to be Christians, should be involved enough in their child's life to know what sort of games they are playing.

    14.8.2011 23:14 #8

  • xaznboitx

    Might as well banned all bad games.... so stupid really, this why it has game ratings!!!

    15.8.2011 01:04 #9

  • statomike

    Originally posted by bobiroc: That's it blame the video games. I'm not surprised they're trying to put blame on video games. Editing all the violence and mindless destruction out of the Bible is beyond their reach.

    15.8.2011 02:53 #10

  • xboxdvl2

    you wanna see bad impressions of police officers go look at videos of american police on youtube.saw 1 video the other day that had a bunch of police officers beat a schizophrenic man to death for breaking into a car and it was real.

    christians dont follow all the guidelines and beliefs set out by the old testament or the new testament or the bible.they manipulate religion and twist everything to suit there own actions.

    R.I.P. mr 1990 ford myself a 1993 toyota corolla seems to run good.computers still going good.

    15.8.2011 04:04 #11

  • xaznboitx

    Christian Police? some people from church who are Christian rape kids before so not sure what they're trying to prove here.

    15.8.2011 04:14 #12

  • Bionetic

    While I don't agree with this idea of blaming video games for the problems in society can we please cut back on all the Christian bashing. Christians aren't all bad. I feel that way considering I am one.

    15.8.2011 05:24 #13

  • the_hoolie

    They should make a video game based on the Old Testament. Now that probably would be banned !!! Violence, human sacrifice, gang rape, murder, pillage, plagues of boils, etc. etc. etc. Sounds horrific, doesn't it?

    15.8.2011 08:32 #14

  • Semperfipal

    All religious extremists all dangerous, especially bible thumping Christians.

    15.8.2011 10:34 #15

  • ffocus06

    Originally posted by Ragnarok8: Christian...police...? I know right? lmao what a joke! If they are wanting to ban it because of distored views on police officers we should just start banning books and movies that do the same thing. Sorry, no more Training Day because Denzel Washington was extorting people and doing drugs while a police officer. I mean give me a break! If you wanna make wholesome and christian games then you better open your own studio. Like someone else said, if parents would do their jobs then people wouldn't have to worry about it.

    15.8.2011 12:32 #16

  • xboxdvl2

    Originally posted by Semperfipal: All religious extremists all dangerous, especially bible thumping Christians. religion is not dangerous until they have this case its a christian group trying to dictate what video games people can make,or play.had it been a group of atheist trying to ban a religion based videogame then they'd get laughed at.

    R.I.P. mr 1990 ford myself a 1993 toyota corolla seems to run good.computers still going good.

    15.8.2011 13:03 #17

  • KillerBug

    When you look for something intangible, you will find a rose red because God wanted a beautiful flower, or is it red because it is from the Hell, created for the purposes of inspiring unmarried couples to fornicate?

    You can find God or Satan in that flower, it all depends on what you are looking for...and if they are looking for Satan, then they are not Christians.

    15.8.2011 13:04 #18

  • LordRuss

    "Madam, sometimes a cigar is just a cigar." Sigmund Freud

    I still reside in what is called the 'bible belt' & find it really frustrating to see these individuals take up arms against an inanimate enemy & then persecute those (real people/soldiers) that practice violence under the name of God & country. A notion that they (the christian minority) both voted for & supported.

    How many times have I seen businesses flat out - run out of town because these morons, with little voice, pitched such a fit about what was being sold inside their walls... then to moan & complain when there are no jobs or textiles to afford a living, when it was they that chased the businesses out for one screwed up moral contradiction or another.

    Like the socialist radicals of history, they have burned books containing what they didn't like or were (their) morally apposed to. They've burned albums that contained lyrics of a similar fashion & burned movies in effigy.

    Now that those mediums have moved on & science has more than convinced the educated public that recorded medium doesn't affect what is in one's heart or mind, they've now turned to video games.

    God doesn't turn the game machine off when your kid is either too stupid or age limited to be playing the game, it's the parents job; just as it isn't god making an idiot pull the trigger on an innocent, neither is playing a video game.

    It's ALL an individual choice.

    15.8.2011 17:35 #19

  • EvaMae

    Mormons, Jehovas Witnesses, Catholics, Roman Catholics, Baptists, Evangelical... Theres a massive difference between each of them, some are sects or considered as cults others as mainstream. They didnt complain at Grand Theft Auto (well they did but a ban was never considered, or was it?) or Call of Duty, even though people who recently committed horrific crimes had apparently played them prior to their killing innocent people (the tabloids say this is relevant and means violent games = violent crimes, but i dunno.)

    Lord Russ- i agree parents have a massive responsibility and nowadays a lot of them dont seem to understand that and often neglect discipline in what their kids should and should not watch/do/say. To some extent though i think public society & politics has desensitised parents of this fact and police are less firm. (they are in england anyway). what do you reck?

    15.8.2011 18:00 #20

  • Semperfipal

    Originally posted by xboxdvl2: Originally posted by Semperfipal: All religious extremists all dangerous, especially bible thumping Christians. religion is not dangerous until they have this case its a christian group trying to dictate what video games people can make,or play.had it been a group of atheist trying to ban a religion based videogame then they'd get laughed at. All religion sucks! IMO

    15.8.2011 18:13 #21

  • LordRuss

    Originally posted by EvaMae: To some extent though i think public society & politics has desensitised parents of this fact and police are less firm. (they are in england anyway). what do you reck? I didn't want to single any group out whatsoever, but I concur with your overview...

    However, with regards over the desensitizing I can only reflect on what it was like when I grew up & relate it to now. We could blame the media for overburdening our sensory factors with 'too much input' & sensationalizing the affects that other medias have on our peoples, but since 1965 to today the story & the rhetoric hasn't changed, just the people. Or to say in another way, I'm not the same person today that I was 20 years ago.

    I want to beat out of my kids everything that I saw in myself. This is a no brainer continuation of my previous ancestors as well I'm sure of yours.

    I suppose I "could" say that the god of 2000 years ago is just simply not the god we need today. Whomever/whatever, he or she is to be needs to reflect & comment on the things pertinent today. Modern day technology alone has made it obvious as to what "goes bump in the night" & the boogie man can be dealt with on a nuclear, subatomic level.

    What was once heard as voices in someones head & then taken as gospel is now frowned upon & medicated and is realized to be in no ones best interests than the individual spouting. People in general are far too smart for that anymore. Equally, if this god is all-knowing, then blue tooth & digital subscription isn't beneath him/her.

    Borrowing from a cliche line of the 50s & 60s & simplify even further, "the devil made me do it" isn't an intelligent excuse for one's actions anymore. So to use it lends ones self to be viewed as a crackpot. So switching the "devil's" name to "video game" is no longer an excuse either. The bulk of the human populous is far too smart for that anymore.

    They simply need to take advantage of their education & grow up.

    15.8.2011 18:29 #22

  • Oner

    Originally posted by Semperfipal: All religion sucks! IMO I wouldn't say that...I would say religion (any/all) as a whole is good, it's the people who profess, distort, twist and "read" what they specifically want are what make religion(s) bad.

    15.8.2011 20:37 #23

  • ThePastor

    Faith and spirituality are not the problem. The problem is when a small group use their power over their people to push their faith and spirituality on others.

    I do not think religion, by itself is necessarily bad, but you need to keep your views to your group and don't judge my views.

    Yes, as members of society, you have a say in how our society grows and matures (or doesn't), but your say needs to be tolerant, just like my views of your religion are tolerant. Make your views known but use the tools of society, not the tools of religion, to express those views.

    This will cause MORE sales, not less. They have not achieved their purpose. They have failed in their task and as such, are irrelevant, other than making themselves a laughing stock.

    Unfortunately for them, all Blu-ray protections have been broken and BD rips can be found around the Internet, usually before the retail even hits shelves.

    15.8.2011 20:40 #24

  • KiKi TX (unverified)

    Originally posted by fukevery1: Why dont these f**kin people worry about real things instead petty bs like this .Things like crooked politicians, poverty,rights being trampled on, ect...Quit trying to push your views on what you feel is wrong! My dear love, Are you not pushing your own views on what you, too, feel is wrong? You feel that politicians are crooked. You feel that rights are being trampled upon. You feel that poverty is overwhelming humanity. Youre right about those things, you know. The majority of politicians are corrupt.

    I am one of these edited by ddp people that you slander. I am a Christian. You feel that I am wrong, so you push your view that I am one of "those" edited by ddp people.

    Please, my love, consider the God you hate. I dont know your name, but I can assure you that God knows your name and sees inside your heart and reads your every thought. And He loves you with an everlasting love. He loved you before you were born.

    So you say, "F*ck all that love stuff, thats BS."


    16.8.2011 10:44 #25

  • Jeffrey_P

    People who think video games cause nasty problems are wrong.
    The kid(s) most likely have violent tendencies in the first place.
    Like someone mentioned, it is the parents or lack of parenting. Possibly violence in the home by the parents themselves.

    I was shocked to read this article in June of this year:

    When I was a kid Bugs Bunny and the Road Runner should of caused me to purchase Acme products and drop an Anvil on somebodies head. Do the powers at be think, "My Little Pony" is a cure all?

    Finally some folks with common sense.

    Cars, Guitars & Radiation.

    19.8.2011 01:35 #26

  • KillerBug

    I am still amazed that they are speaking up at all...Norway isn't old news yet...and that guy clearly did what he did because of his christian beliefs (he even wrote a thick book about it).

    19.8.2011 06:19 #27

  • bobiroc

    Originally posted by Jeffrey_P: People who think video games cause nasty problems are wrong.
    The kid(s) most likely have violent tendencies in the first place.
    Like someone mentioned, it is the parents or lack of parenting. Possibly violence in the home by the parents themselves.

    I was shocked to read this article in June of this year:

    When I was a kid Bugs Bunny and the Road Runner should of caused me to purchase Acme products and drop an Anvil on somebodies head. Do the powers at be think, "My Little Pony" is a cure all?

    Finally some folks with common sense.
    Society has changed. Many parents have given up being involved with their children. The do not teach them right or wrong and do not correct them when they exhibit bad behavior. On top of that they make excuses like "Oh they are just expressing themselves. I have to let little johnny be himself"

    To me this is like the whole guns kill people crap. I grew up in a house where my father was a cop and he had a gun. I also watched Looney tunes and Tom and Jerry and all those cartoons with violence in them. I am a long time gamer and played games with violence in them. The difference is my parents taught me good moral values so I knew the difference between right and wrong and fantasy and reality. I knew my father's gun was NOT a toy and was off limits and when I was old enough he taught me how to respect the gun and how to clean and shoot it safely.

    Today I see parents letting their 6 year old play rated M games and the parents leave them be and do not care to keep their kids in line. It is all very sad really.

    AMD Phenom II 965 @ 3.67Ghz, 8GB DDR3, ATI Radeon 5770HD, 300GB 10,000RPM Raptor, 2TB Additional HDD, Windows 7 Ultimate.

    19.8.2011 09:26 #28

  • KillerBug

    It isn't is just strange. Those same parents that let their kid play GTA4 won't let the kid watch a PG13 movie because of content. Also, they are usually just fine with a game showing graphic one cared that you could run down 50 people while running from the cops and shooting those who managed to dive out of your way, all while delivering drugs; but there is a secret code that allows for dry humping, so a woman most famous for having her husband cheat on her decided to ban the game after it had already sold millions of copies. Today Mortal Kombat can show any manner of terrible murder techniques in precise detail...but if a nipple happens to become exposed for a single frame while the torso is being ripped to shreds, that is not acceptable; that shred of clothing must stay attached to the nipple as if it were a tassel in a strip club.

    There is only one way to deal with these kinds of people...push farther. If you give them a single inch they will take a mile. Agree to remove one item and before you know it you will have to get a priest to OK your work before release. This sounds like something that could never happen...but it has already happened to hollywood; actual priests are involved in the rating process for other religions are represented either...just Catholics.

    20.8.2011 05:26 #29

  • xboxdvl2

    I played mortal kombat as a kid i didnt turn out violent (got sick of mortal kombat been playing ssf iv last last few days).what i dont understand is them parents that will let there kids watch extremely violent movies and then put there hands over the kids eyes when a sex scene comes on.nudity and sex is normal.

    the catholic church is one of the weathiest organisations in the world and through out history have been one of the most powerful.

    R.I.P. mr 1990 ford myself a 1993 toyota corolla seems to run good.computers still going good.

    21.8.2011 01:33 #30

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