We now have several guides devoted to Blu-ray. If you need help extracting titles from a Blu-ray disc, we have two new guides you may want to check out. Extract Content From A Blu-ray Disc shows you how to use free programs for selecting titles and MeGUI's HD Streams Extractor for extracting video, audio & subtitles for processing.
If you don't want each title extracted into a single Matroska (MKV) file, Create MKV files from Blu-ray titles with MakeMKV may be of interest.
If you have a collection of TV series DVDs you don't plan to replace any time soon, you might want to think about combining them in Blu--ray format, either on a DVD or a Blu-ray disc. You can get help with that in our guides on Extracting Content From A DVD, Converting SUB/IDX Subtitles to BDN XML & Authoring a Basic Blu-ray Disc With EasyBD Lite.
You may not know AfterDawn also has an official YouTube Channel. We have been slowly adding video guides to it, most of which you can also find embedded in some of the guides listed above.
Other video guides are currently only found on YouTube, such as our three part Introduction to Multimedia Containers.
Next time you're on YouTube, come check us out!
Written by: Rich Fiscus @ 19 Aug 2011 13:30