RIM drops price of PlayBook for Rogers employees

RIM drops price of PlayBook for Rogers employees
Could the discount be extended to everyone soon?

RIM has begun discounting its PlayBook tablet for Rogers employees this week.

Slashing the price of the 16GB to $250, the 32GB to $350 and the 64GB to $400, the discounts range from 42-50 percent, significantly marked down.

Furthermore, the offer has been extended until December 1st.

RIM sold 500,000 PlayBooks in its first quarter of availability but sales have dried up now, with the company only moving 200,000 last quarter.

Written by: Andre Yoskowitz @ 18 Sep 2011 12:37
Rogers tablet RIMM playbook
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  • Mysttic

    And yet I hardly see my wife and I buying this; I happy with our Droid. And over all, even working for em I can't in good conscious support a company who throttles World of Warcraft and Call of Duty because they want to treat it like torrent access. It's complete utter BS.

    18.9.2011 15:07 #1

  • Satviewer2000

    Not low enough. Needs to be firesale levels like HP Touchpad before they will move these already obsolete units.

    19.9.2011 17:45 #2

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