Secretly negotiated intellectual property treaty, ACTA, to be signed October 1

Secretly negotiated intellectual property treaty, ACTA, to be signed October 1
ACTA, the secretly negotiated agreement to strengthen intellectual property laws and enforcement, will be signed on October 1 at a ceremony in Japan.

According to a press release from the Japanese government, signatories will include Japan, the EU, US, Australia, Canada, South Korea, Mexico, Morocco, New Zealand, Singapore & Switzerland.

From the beginning, ACTA has been negotiated in secret with the public and consumer interest groups excluded while entertainment industry lobbyists have actively participating. The secrecy has even extended to prohibiting elected officials from finding out what their own governments were agreeing to.

Despite assurances by the negotiating parties that ACTA would not require changes to the laws of any participating country, every draft of the agreement which has been leaked have shown that to be absolutely false.

In the US, officials from the US Trade Representative's office have defended ACTA by saying it's an executive agreement, rather than a treaty, meaning it wouldn't require changes to the law. ACTA critics have pointed out that this is merely an excuse to avoid having the agreement debated in the Senate.

More importantly, there are significant questions about the president's authority to enter into an international agreement over a matter which the US Constitution specifically gives authority over to Congress.

It also appears many of ACTA's provisions violate fundamental rights recognized in the EU.

Written by: Rich Fiscus @ 27 Sep 2011 17:43
Copyright Laws ACTA Anti Counterfeiting Trade Agreement treaty
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  • KSib

    Hmmm... well, that's no good. But will it actually be enforced? Last I heard companies could have gameplay videos taken down just because it's their game. Someone feel free to correct me if I'm wrong though and/or expand on what I said.

    27.9.2011 18:17 #1

  • ivymike

    Bye Bye Freedom, It's been nice knowing ya. >:{

    27.9.2011 19:58 #2

  • DXR88

    Ha, great. i've got a few 308 rounds they can seize while there robbing me of my fourth amendment rights.

    Powered By

    27.9.2011 21:03 #3

  • KillerBug

    A treaty to declare war on one's own citizens? Brilliant! I bet Hitler wishes he had thought of that...oh wait...I think he did.

    27.9.2011 21:57 #4

  • llongtheD

    So much for democracy, guess that's a dead concept. You can only squeeze the people for so long and then...

    This will be signed at a ceremony in Japan, and affect the laws in the U.S.? Anyone that believes their vote counts, and corporations aren't running things needs to wake the F*ck up.

    @drx88, your fourth amendment rights were gone when they passed the patriot act.

    If your fish seems sick, put it back in the water.

    27.9.2011 23:13 #5

  • ZippyDSM

    A shame the public is too dumb to stand up for anything..... they refuse to hold up their end of a democracy thus government defaults to aristocrat merchant barons.

    Until lobbying is a hanging offense I choose anarchy!
    Ah modern gaming its like modern film only the watering down of fiction and characters is replaced with shallow and watered down mechanics, gimmicks and shiny-er "people".

    27.9.2011 23:25 #6

  • llongtheD

    Originally posted by ZippyDSM: A shame the public is too dumb to stand up for anything..... they refuse to hold up their end of a democracy thus government defaults to aristocrat merchant barons. I think the people do try and hold up their end of democracy, but our votes are confined to this idiot democrat, or this idiot republican. The media is basically under their control, and they won't let anyone else in the game. There is too much at stake for them. Why do you think they won't let anyone in the presidential debates that isn't affiliated with one of the "parties." They certainly don't want another Ross Perot candidate messing with who they've picked to be their puppet

    If your fish seems sick, put it back in the water.

    27.9.2011 23:37 #7

  • pmshah

    Originally posted by llongtheD: Originally posted by ZippyDSM: A shame the public is too dumb to stand up for anything..... they refuse to hold up their end of a democracy thus government defaults to aristocrat merchant barons. I think the people do try and hold up their end of democracy, but our votes are confined to this idiot democrat, or this idiot republican. The media is basically under their control, and they won't let anyone else in the game. There is too much at stake for them. Why do you think they won't let anyone in the presidential debates that isn't affiliated with one of the "parties." They certainly don't want another Ross Perot candidate messing with who they've picked to be their puppet You are sadly mistaken. They are under media control.

    "interest groups excluded while entertainment industry lobbyists have actively participating"

    Did the author forget a word "have BEEN actively participating"


    should it be "lobbyists have actively PARTICIPATED".

    Why is there no stress on usage of grammatically correct English?

    28.9.2011 02:07 #8

  • llongtheD

    Originally posted by pmshah: Originally posted by llongtheD: Originally posted by ZippyDSM: A shame the public is too dumb to stand up for anything..... they refuse to hold up their end of a democracy thus government defaults to aristocrat merchant barons. I think the people do try and hold up their end of democracy, but our votes are confined to this idiot democrat, or this idiot republican. The media is basically under their control, and they won't let anyone else in the game. There is too much at stake for them. Why do you think they won't let anyone in the presidential debates that isn't affiliated with one of the "parties." They certainly don't want another Ross Perot candidate messing with who they've picked to be their puppet You are sadly mistaken. They are under media control.

    "interest groups excluded while entertainment industry lobbyists have actively participating"

    Did the author forget a word "have BEEN actively participating"


    should it be "lobbyists have actively PARTICIPATED".

    Why is there no stress on usage of grammatically correct English?
    Sadly mistaken, maybe you need to re-read what I posted, or maybe
    I need to go back and take English again. I'm not an English major, don't want to be. If you want to make this about grammar, spelling, and punctuation, visit a different forum.

    Maybe if we get all of the english majors together we can change things.

    That's the elitist club crap that has ruined this country. Maybe we should focus on getting things fixed, then focus on the grammar.

    Maybe we should spend our days reading EULA's, and ToS agreements huh? Maybe those shouldn't be allowed at all? Maybe our leaders should be held accountable for their actions, just like any other citizen?

    If your fish seems sick, put it back in the water.

    28.9.2011 04:06 #9

  • xtago

    Originally posted by KSib: Hmmm... well, that's no good. But will it actually be enforced? Last I heard companies could have gameplay videos taken down just because it's their game. Someone feel free to correct me if I'm wrong though and/or expand on what I said. I think this isn't fully agreed to in Australia it's still to be voted on or 100% agreed to, there's info about what this from the Australian Government.

    It's pretty much as a case of letting the US film companies sue anyone and release stuff as they see fit and how they want without the countries government having any say about it.

    It's more about bypassing the countries laws.

    Some euro countries have knocked this back big time as it limits a country from releasing it's own movies and stuff in favour of releasing more US films in a country that agrees to it.

    In the USA it doesn't really mean much but outside it can mean to killing off of local content just so US companies get extra money due to releasing say 200 movies and limiting a country to only 50 local released movies, this doesn't work in countries that don't have English as the main language so that is why it's only been accepted in few countries.

    28.9.2011 06:03 #10

  • xtago

    Originally posted by pmshah: Originally posted by llongtheD: Originally posted by ZippyDSM: A shame the public is too dumb to stand up for anything..... they refuse to hold up their end of a democracy thus government defaults to aristocrat merchant barons. I think the people do try and hold up their end of democracy, but our votes are confined to this idiot democrat, or this idiot republican. The media is basically under their control, and they won't let anyone else in the game. There is too much at stake for them. Why do you think they won't let anyone in the presidential debates that isn't affiliated with one of the "parties." They certainly don't want another Ross Perot candidate messing with who they've picked to be their puppet You are sadly mistaken. They are under media control.

    "interest groups excluded while entertainment industry lobbyists have actively participating"

    Did the author forget a word "have BEEN actively participating"


    should it be "lobbyists have actively PARTICIPATED".

    Why is there no stress on usage of grammatically correct English?
    I hope your not American as they still can't figure out where to place an ' in an English word properly, so they put it at the end of the word, just in case it's needed or not needed.

    it is pretty sad really.

    28.9.2011 06:08 #11

  • xtago

    Originally posted by ZippyDSM: A shame the public is too dumb to stand up for anything..... they refuse to hold up their end of a democracy thus government defaults to aristocrat merchant barons. They can't... as the public isn't able to vote on it at all.

    28.9.2011 06:09 #12

  • KillerBug

    Originally posted by KSib: Hmmm... well, that's no good. But will it actually be enforced? Last I heard companies could have gameplay videos taken down just because it's their game. Someone feel free to correct me if I'm wrong though and/or expand on what I said. IF you are a huge corporation, it will not be enforced. If you are a government agency it will not be enforced. If you bribe the correct government official it will not be enforced. If you have ties to the CIA or other terrorist groups it will not be enforced.

    If you are just a normal, honest, hard-working, tax-paying citizen, it will be enforced.

    28.9.2011 06:18 #13

  • buxtahuda

    Originally posted by KillerBug: Originally posted by KSib: Hmmm... well, that's no good. But will it actually be enforced? Last I heard companies could have gameplay videos taken down just because it's their game. Someone feel free to correct me if I'm wrong though and/or expand on what I said. IF you are a huge corporation, it will not be enforced. If you are a government agency it will not be enforced. If you bribe the correct government official it will not be enforced. If you have ties to the CIA or other terrorist groups it will not be enforced.

    If you are just a normal, honest, hard-working, tax-paying citizen, it will be enforced.
    More truth ^^

    28.9.2011 08:41 #14

  • SoulGLOW

    Let it keep piling up. Pretty soon these bitches are gonna find out what its like to step on a rattlesnake (Dont Tread On Me)once they place that last piece of straw on the camels back. By the way The U.S. of A. is not a democracy...we are a representative Republic...Look it up. Unfortunately we are slowly being duped into this line of thinking. Anyways, stock up on silver,non-perishable food, ammo, mags, and boots. Learn how to make your own Hydrogen generator and learn about military tactics. We're gonna need everybody we can get.

    28.9.2011 09:00 #15

  • buxtahuda

    Originally posted by SoulGLOW: Let it keep piling up. Pretty soon these bitches are gonna find out what its like to step on a rattlesnake (Dont Tread On Me)once they place that last piece of straw on the camels back. By the way The U.S. of A. is not a democracy...we are a representative Republic...Look it up. Unfortunately we are slowly being duped into this line of thinking. Anyways, stock up on silver,non-perishable food, ammo, mags, and boots. Learn how to make your own Hydrogen generator and learn about military tactics. We're gonna need everybody we can get. Did you just watch Jericho too? lol sorry, couldn't resist, but it does seem as though it's quickly moving in that direction doesn't it? Regardless, it is indeed a very good idea to have those things and that knowledge. Suppose alcohol is considered non-perishable food?

    ~*Livin' Electronicallly*~

    28.9.2011 17:37 #16

  • juventini

    Originally posted by DXR88: Ha, great. i've got a few 308 rounds they can seize while there robbing me of my fourth amendment rights. AMEN.

    Forza Juve!!

    29.9.2011 12:48 #17

  • juventini

    Originally posted by llongtheD: So much for democracy, guess that's a dead concept. You can only squeeze the people for so long and then...

    This will be signed at a ceremony in Japan, and affect the laws in the U.S.? Anyone that believes their vote counts, and corporations aren't running things needs to wake the F*ck up.

    @drx88, your fourth amendment rights were gone when they passed the patriot act.

    Forza Juve!!

    29.9.2011 12:50 #18

  • juventini

    Originally posted by buxtahuda: Originally posted by SoulGLOW: Let it keep piling up. Pretty soon these bitches are gonna find out what its like to step on a rattlesnake (Dont Tread On Me)once they place that last piece of straw on the camels back. By the way The U.S. of A. is not a democracy...we are a representative Republic...Look it up. Unfortunately we are slowly being duped into this line of thinking. Anyways, stock up on silver,non-perishable food, ammo, mags, and boots. Learn how to make your own Hydrogen generator and learn about military tactics. We're gonna need everybody we can get. Did you just watch Jericho too? lol sorry, couldn't resist, but it does seem as though it's quickly moving in that direction doesn't it? Regardless, it is indeed a very good idea to have those things and that knowledge. Suppose alcohol is considered non-perishable food? LOL

    Forza Juve!!

    29.9.2011 12:57 #19

  • llongtheD

    What's with the immovable autodesk ad afterdawn? Oops its gone now, my bad.

    If your fish seems sick, put it back in the water.

    30.9.2011 02:42 #20

  • fritzb43

    Like most earthshaking actions in this area, less will happen rather than more.

    A good response to this nonsense would be to "go dark" and ramp up your activities tenfold.

    As the Borg say, "Resistance (in this case, theirs) is futile."

    Help stamp out hate...and haters.

    30.9.2011 07:47 #21

  • FreddyF

    Originally posted by llongtheD:
    That's the elitist club crap that has ruined this country. Maybe we should focus on getting things fixed, then focus on the grammar.

    Maybe we should spend our days reading EULA's, and ToS agreements huh? Maybe those shouldn't be allowed at all? Maybe our leaders should be held accountable for their actions, just like any other citizen?
    Actually,if you read some of the laws comming out of congress, you would revise your statement. The incredibly poor grammer has caused a lot of legal problems. The grammer as well as the language they use which no one can understand, even the lawyers and judges that have to deal with the mess.

    Yes, government officials (All of them) should be held accountable for their actions. If you make a bad decision and 1 person dies you could spend the rest of your life in jail, if a politician makes a bad decision and thousands die, they might not get re-elected. I'm not talking war, I'm talking failing to follow procedures they developed to handle emergencies because it might make them look weak to the voters. NO criminal or civil liability. That is a crime....

    30.9.2011 10:24 #22

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