Google chairman says they will not play favorites even with Motorola acquisiton

Google chairman says they will not play favorites even with Motorola acquisiton
Google chairman Eric Schmidt has said today that despite the company's $12.5 billion acquisition of Motorola Mobility, the company will not pick favorites in the Android market, and that all current partners will remain equally competitive.

Says Schmidt (via Bloomberg):

The Android ecosystem is the No. 1 priority, and that we won?t do anything with Motorola, or anybody else by the way, that would screw up the dynamics of that industry. We need strong, hard competition among all the Android players. We won?t play favorites in the way people are concerned about.

The chairman also noted that the company would be acquiring 17,000 patents in the deal, which will certainly help the search engine giant protect its interests.

Main concerns over the acquisition were that Motorola devices would get access to the most updated versions of Android the soonest, thus leaving other companies like HTC, LG, Samsung and Acer at a disadvantage.

Written by: Andre Yoskowitz @ 4 Oct 2011 2:22
Google Android Motorola Patents
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  • xtago

    The Google based phone already get updates the most anyway, if your worried about the updates then get a google based mobile.

    They should be handing out icecream to those phones now.

    Where as all the other brands will have to wait as that brand has to make up their own version of android for their phones.

    It's been like that from the start I don't know why people are suddenly worried about the updates being on google mobiles first?

    4.10.2011 02:39 #1

  • KillerBug

    Motorola will have a huge advantage if they just stick to stock android and abandon motoblur...everyone has some crummy GUI overlay that just ruins android, and they all seem to have crummy mp3 player apps, crippled versions of Gmail, and tons of bloatware that can only be removed with root. I had to copy the media player from my old Droid 1 to my Sensation 4G to keep it from crashing every time I tried to play Dimmu Borgir...and I still have not figured out how to make Gmail work like it did on my old Motorola...the HTC version of Gmail won't autosync no matter what I do, and the GUI is setup so you can't install the market version of gmail if you remove the crippled APK from the app folder.

    4.10.2011 02:53 #2

  • llongtheD

    Yeah, and if I were running a daycare, I wouldn't favor my own children to everyone else's. The fact that it was even brought up says something.

    If your fish seems sick, put it back in the water.

    4.10.2011 06:20 #3

  • Morreale

    I don't know why people worry about this... It's obviously better business to have a bunch of companies happily sell your product then just to favor one. Unless you're crApple that is.

    ***\\\//****\\\ ****\\\****

    4.10.2011 08:29 #4

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