Apple: 1 million iPhone 4S sold on first day of pre-order

Apple: 1 million iPhone 4S sold on first day of pre-order
Apple has announced today that iPhone 4S per-orders have topped 1 million on their first day of availability, beating out the record previously set by the iPhone 4.

That previous record was 600,000, in June 2010.

Says Apple of the achievement:

We are blown away with the incredible customer response to iPhone 4S. The first day pre-orders for iPhone 4S have been the most for any new product that Apple has ever launched and we are thrilled that customers love iPhone 4S as much as we do.

While the number does seem impressive, it is important to note that Apple's iPhone 4 pre-order period was cut short last year due to an AT&T technical glitch.

Additionally, there are now 90 new carriers with access to the device, which means pre-orders may not be as huge as the number suggests.

More info on the device here: Apple unveils iPhone 4S

Written by: Andre Yoskowitz @ 10 Oct 2011 13:38
iPhone 4S 1 million pre-order
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  • IguanaC64

    I think iPhone addicts have been's been almost a year and a half since the iPhone4 was released. It's hard for me to understand why anyone would bother with this upgrade other than to just have the latest iPhone. It brings nothing to the table except a faster processor (was the average user with an iPhone 4 unhappy with the processor?) and a new interactive digital assistant thing (that I can't see myself bothering with).

    10.10.2011 15:18 #1


    Originally posted by IguanaC64: I think iPhone addicts have been's been almost a year and a half since the iPhone4 was released. It's hard for me to understand why anyone would bother with this upgrade other than to just have the latest iPhone. It brings nothing to the table except a faster processor (was the average user with an iPhone 4 unhappy with the processor?) and a new interactive digital assistant thing (that I can't see myself bothering with). Sure, but with 2 year contracts most people upgrading are likely to be from 3GS or older.

    On another note.. I have no idea why anyone would want anything Apple. Android is so amazing, completely without issues, the phones are indestructible. If its an Android phone, slap a 4 inch screen into the mix and 4G that most people have little to no access on and i'll start drooling like everyone else that is anti-apple. LONG LIVE ANDROID.

    10.10.2011 15:55 #2

  • Hyasuma

    Originally posted by CNDLG: Originally posted by IguanaC64: I think iPhone addicts have been's been almost a year and a half since the iPhone4 was released. It's hard for me to understand why anyone would bother with this upgrade other than to just have the latest iPhone. It brings nothing to the table except a faster processor (was the average user with an iPhone 4 unhappy with the processor?) and a new interactive digital assistant thing (that I can't see myself bothering with). Sure, but with 2 year contracts most people upgrading are likely to be from 3GS or older.

    On another note.. I have no idea why anyone would want anything Apple. Android is so amazing, completely without issues, the phones are indestructible. If its an Android phone, slap a 4 inch screen into the mix and 4G that most people have little to no access on and i'll start drooling like everyone else that is anti-apple. LONG LIVE ANDROID.
    agreed! Android for life!

    10.10.2011 17:59 #3

  • bakedalex

    apple # 1

    10.10.2011 19:19 #4

  • dali

    Originally posted by bakedalex: apple # 1
    Good argument, indeed. Did it take the entire same neuron you used to decide you'd buy the latest over-priced, ultra-closed, outdated iPhone model, like all other 999,999 people who could not care less about the crap they're wasting their money on?

    "You know, it seems that quotes on the internet are becoming less and less reliable." -Abraham Lincoln.

    10.10.2011 20:19 #5

  • Hyasuma

    Originally posted by bakedalex: apple # 1 Fan boy, you have no idea what Android phones can do do you, so sad, so very sad

    10.10.2011 20:49 #6

  • jookycola

    bahhhhhh, bahhhhhhh. that's all i could hear out in front of the apple store at my mall. I wondered where all those sheep came from.

    10.10.2011 23:17 #7

  • marrero66

    Im an iPhone 4 user and I was so disappointed about the 4s that I'm going to jump the bridge over to android. I need some suggestions about what is a good android phone for AT&T.

    10.10.2011 23:23 #8

  • 3MUK

    lol i actually dont understand the hate for apple so much . lol they make great products . overpriced but hey my family members who have no knowledge of smartphones or what so ever are moving from Nokia's to iPhone. its a step forward . yeh android in terms of specs is higher but apple in terms of ease of use if way ahead. Dont get me wrong ima hardcore android user. I love my android but im not like others that when they hear iPhone they spasm and go crazy.

    "You can lead a fool to wisdom but you cant make him think"

    10.10.2011 23:58 #9

  • jonyjoe101

    does it come with a free bumper or do I have to buy it seperately, I prefer not to have any drop calls in case I get excited and hold the iphone the wrong way. Consumer reports has rated the iphone as great on ease of use but not that great for making phone calls, maybe this new phone is more refine.

    11.10.2011 00:03 #10

  • xnonsuchx

    Originally posted by 3MUK: lol i actually dont understand the hate for apple so much . lol they make great products . overpriced but hey my family members who have no knowledge of smartphones or what so ever are moving from Nokia's to iPhone. its a step forward . yeh android in terms of specs is higher but apple in terms of ease of use if way ahead. Dont get me wrong ima hardcore android user. I love my android but im not like others that when they hear iPhone they spasm and go crazy.
    Some people can't just not buy something they don't like, but feel some aggressive need deep within them to go on tirades about it and call everyone who doesn't agree with them complete idiots.

    11.10.2011 01:17 #11

  • plutonash

    I dont understand why so many people are settling. My friend, a big apple lover, has been waiting all year to put me down with iphone 5. With its initial debut, he said they might as well produced tracphone+ yet hes getting one anyways after cursing apple. Hes on verizon too. Any 3G handset should be DOA going up against their 4G network/phones. Just sad to see people have such blind loyalty even when dissappointed.

    "Cable thief is a victimless crime."

    11.10.2011 01:30 #12

  • xtago

    Originally posted by IguanaC64: I think iPhone addicts have been's been almost a year and a half since the iPhone4 was released. It's hard for me to understand why anyone would bother with this upgrade other than to just have the latest iPhone. It brings nothing to the table except a faster processor (was the average user with an iPhone 4 unhappy with the processor?) and a new interactive digital assistant thing (that I can't see myself bothering with). the sima is just a copy of the google voice thing but the problem with these voice apps is you can't train them so when you really want to use them they do everything but do what you want.

    I don't think many apple people know that.

    11.10.2011 02:32 #13

  • snardos

    I don't understand why people say that iOS is easier than android. I know a bunch of people who are not computer savvy, and have android phones. Not one of them has had an issue using it.

    11.10.2011 08:51 #14

  • Hyasuma

    I def will say that Android phone is more complicated to use than a easy to touch app button on Iphone. I had Iphone and 3g and went to Sprint for EVO. My problem with the Iphone was that it wouldn't let me customize the way i wanted, no live wallpaper or transfer files from phone to phone unless you jail break it, but once you jail break it, I had more problems with drop calls, slowing on my iphone, freezes a lot more but on the other hand i had Tomtom gps and other expensive apps free. Now you are force to update according to my friend who has an Iphone 4, the phone won't start unless you updated to the latest version. (to prevent jailbreak anyways)

    Android is more free, drag and drop files easily like an usb, transferring files like pics and music to another phone just by turning on your bluetooth to transfer. You want to have an free app that you have to pay on android market? you go to google and find the APK files and drag it to your phone to install the app, no need to root or jailbreak. No need to deal with Itunes, not be able to exchange battery, free customization the way you want with your phone, and is universal. only downfall is that crapple have more exclusive games that I wish android would have, like street fighters, metal gears, king of fighters etc

    11.10.2011 10:49 #15

  • dali

    +1 in everything you said, Hyasuma, but it won't convince a single fanboy. It never does. They won't ever listen to anyone telling them the large list of actual flaws of their iDevices. Otherwise, Apple itself would have been long gone dead by now.

    "You know, it seems that quotes on the internet are becoming less and less reliable." -Abraham Lincoln.

    11.10.2011 11:11 #16

  • Mrguss

    Originally posted by bakedalex: apple # 1 There is no cure for stupidity: This is still a 3G phone that people will be stuck with for 2 years. I bet all the people that bought it still use dial-up.

    .....a steve jobs effect !


    11.10.2011 18:07 #17

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