Google TV 2.0 unveiled with Android app support

Google TV 2.0 unveiled with Android app support
Google has announced version 2.0 of Google TV which will be available for Sony TVs next week and Logitech set-top boxes at some point in the future.

Google TV's revamped interface includes a home screen which you can populate with Android apps, better integration with YouTube, and content recommendations.

The selection of Android apps compatible with Google TV will be small initially. Most existing apps won't be compatible because of their reliance on the hardware found on mobile devices.

According to Google's announcement:

Android developers can now bring existing mobile apps or entirely new ones to TV. Initially, the number of apps won?t be large ? apps requiring a touch screen, GPS, or telephony won?t show up ? but 50 developers have seeded the Market with cool and useful apps for the TV.

The biggest question right now is whether Google TV is a product in search of market. Their current strategy of relying on third parties to provide compatible hardware has limited its exposure.

With their 2 existing partners, Sony and Logitech, both cutting prices on Google TV hardware earlier this year, it's unlikely other vendors will be coming on board any time soon.

Last week Google Product Management VP Mario Queiroz told Reuters the platform is a, "long-term bet." That's fine for Google, but their partners may not be as committed.

The bright spot on the horizon for Google is their acquisition of Motorola Mobility. In addition to phones, Motorola Mobility is a major set-top box manufacturer.

Written by: Rich Fiscus @ 28 Oct 2011 17:39
Sony Android Google TV apps Logitech
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  • 1 comment
  • KillerBug

    Too little, too late. Android isn't meant for this anyway.

    29.10.2011 00:04 #1

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