VIDEO: The PC is not dead, Intel insists

VIDEO: The PC is not dead, Intel insists
Chipmaker dismisses "tabloid" headlines.

Intel put together a video responding to claims that the PC is coming to its end. The gist of the argument against the PC is that shipments of tablet PCs and smartphones are on the rise, people are using them to do much of the daily tasks they used to do with their PCs and therefore, the PC era may be coming to its end.

"That may sell the tabloids, but here in the real world, the PC remains alive and well," the voice-over assets. It claims that with 400 million new PCs sold in 2011, and with new form factors such as all-in-one PCs and Ultrabooks, "you might want to hold off on writing that obituary."

Written by: James Delahunty @ 28 Oct 2011 13:58
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  • lamain

    I do have some customers that use there computers for such simple things like Facebook or reading the news that I recommend they get a pad of some sort. But for large majority of my customers that need it for work, school, gaming, and many more tasks I see no way that I could justify recommending a pad for the main use.

    I do see pads as a very cool travel companion that could replace a laptops. But again it depends on the main reason you are packing that laptop. I see no way to use a pad and be as productive as you can be on a laptop on all tasks.

    For my personal use I still only see a pad as a toy that could be a lot of fun but definitely not even close to replacing my main computer.

    28.10.2011 14:57 #1

  • ThePastor

    The day that the PC dies and all consumer use is on a tablet is the day that internet freedom dies.

    I can do whatever I want on my PC.
    Try doing whatever you want on a tablet and get back to me.

    Unfortunately for them, all Blu-ray protections have been broken and BD rips can be found around the Internet, usually before the retail even hits shelves.

    28.10.2011 15:26 #2

  • keola37

    Tablets and smartphones are toys.

    A PC is a tool.

    28.10.2011 17:39 #3

  • WierdName

    I'm surprised they showed legitimate looking newspapers. Such a headline would have been more appropriate between an article about Steve Jobs being still alive hiding in South America and one about how we'll be experiencing full virtual reality from a wrist device in 5 years. When you can use a mouse, keyboard, countless peripherals, and play the latest games on their highest settings such a headline might have some legitimacy. Then again, that would just be a PC with a touchscreen... Oh, wait.

    Doesnt expecting the unexpected make the unexpected expected and therefore mean youre expecting the expected which was the unexpected until you expected it?
    "Opinions are immunities to being told were wrong." - Relient K

    28.10.2011 18:33 #4

  • 1nsan3

    sorry but a "Ipad" tablets, are useless to me. i would rather bring around my laptop with me than a tablet. the pc will never die. the tablet will die before the pc does. those things are still VERY limited. and they can always limit you , rather than like a pc.

    28.10.2011 20:26 #5

  • KillerBug

    The PC will die one day...when we have unthinkably fast always-on mobile internet with no limits or throttling, and we have VR headsets that allow you to simulate the experience of working at a keyboard and mouse. Of course, tablets will be long gone by then.

    29.10.2011 02:55 #6

  • Clam_Up

    The first time I remember hearing that the desktop-based computer would be dead within X years was 1982. If I had a nickel for every time I've heard it since...

    The problem with the logic used by everyone who proclaims the life of desktops is limited is that, no matter how fast a tablet gets, more hardware can be crammed into a desktop case than will fit in a portable device.

    I built the desktop I'm composing this on back in 2009. High-end portables are just now coming out that are comparable, speed-wise. I'm not sure how many will be willing to take a two and a half year setback in performance just to get away from desktop computing.

    29.10.2011 04:37 #7

  • KillerBug

    Originally posted by Clam_Up: The first time I remember hearing that the desktop-based computer would be dead within X years was 1982. If I had a nickel for every time I've heard it since...

    The problem with the logic used by everyone who proclaims the life of desktops is limited is that, no matter how fast a tablet gets, more hardware can be crammed into a desktop case than will fit in a portable device.

    I built the desktop I'm composing this on back in 2009. High-end portables are just now coming out that are comparable, speed-wise. I'm not sure how many will be willing to take a two and a half year setback in performance just to get away from desktop computing.
    That is why super-fast internet is the key to the death of PC...there will eventually come a time when remote servers can do the job...and there is more room for tech in a big server box than in a desktop or especially a laptop.

    29.10.2011 05:17 #8

  • WierdName

    Originally posted by Clam_Up: I built the desktop I'm composing this on back in 2009. High-end portables are just now coming out that are comparable, speed-wise. I'm not sure how many will be willing to take a two and a half year setback in performance just to get away from desktop computing. Right now I'm using the laptop I got for graduation back in Jan '07.

    Doesnt expecting the unexpected make the unexpected expected and therefore mean youre expecting the expected which was the unexpected until you expected it?
    "Opinions are immunities to being told were wrong." - Relient K

    29.10.2011 05:27 #9

  • @clam_up (unverified)

    @ clam_up. 2 years ago I had a Core i7-930 which was overclocked to 4.1ghz and 2 5870's in Crossfire. There is absolutely no ultraportable out today that can even come close or compare in performance to that rig I had two years ago. There isn't going to be an ultraportable that will match the performance of that rig for years and years to come. Probably at least 5 years to 7 years but I think even longer than that. Maybe 5 to 7 years but still very doubtful there may be an ultraportable to have compareable performance of the core i7-930 but still nothing will come close to matching the two 5870s crossfire when talking about GPUs. Anyways as ultraportables get faster desktops and laptops get exponentially faster. Look at a tablet a year ago compared to today. Barely any faster in terms of cpu and GPU performance. Look at a desktop a year ago compared to today. A lot faster in cpu and gou performance. Ivy bridge 22nm is coming out in march to April and also AMD 7000 series and gtx 600 series video cards. Think about the year after that. It's crazy but I love it.

    29.10.2011 05:27 #10

  • Jeffrey_P

    i7 920 @3.5 GHz for everyday use. I did jack it to 4.0GHz for a while just for kicks and giggles. Ran Super Pi with zero errors for 24 hours. It's laughable to think a tablet will run games @ high resolution with all the eye candy turned on like my CPU and NVidia 295GTX does.

    Maybe someday tablets and the like will replace the PC. I doubt this will happen in the near future.


    30.10.2011 20:31 #11

  • TrinUK

    They must have been dreaming when they wrote that article and released it? The PC will never die out. Back to reality.......

    Trin - Making Digital Waves

    31.10.2011 05:09 #12

  • hearme0

    The Hell it is!!! What ass speculated this? PC is as popular as ever and I agree with a previous statement about being able to "do whatever we want with a PC" as opposed to a tablet. Tablets are good for a couple things; web browsing (porn, news, Facebook, Twitter)and email.........nothing else.

    31.10.2011 19:45 #13

  • ThePastor

    What I meant to say is that the tablet, being classified as a "mobile" device, is under significantly more control.
    A PC is wide open. I can install any OS, put any file on it, copy, move, delete, orginize. I can install any piece of software and watch any movie and listen to any audio.
    Pretty much anything I can think of, I can find a way to do on a PC.

    But a tablet is controlled by the manufacturer, OS maker, Service provider and any number of other entities.
    I can't imagine trying to install Slysoft's "Any DVD" onto a tablet.
    Also, when the new internet rules came out a few months ago, they conveniently left out the "mobile" stuff. Sure, on a hardline the ISP's have very strict rules to abide by, but not so much on the mobile side. Even Google relented to this.

    I think that the future is very clear.
    If we do not get up and make a stand this reality WILL come true and PC's WILL be over-priced hobby boxes built out of spare parts by the truely serious. Everyone else will be stuck on some locked down tablet. the MPAA, the RISC and all of them are hoping against hope that they can hold out that long because when that day comes, we are locked in.

    Unfortunately for them, all Blu-ray protections have been broken and BD rips can be found around the Internet, usually before the retail even hits shelves.

    31.10.2011 20:59 #14

  • alfa206

    I dont belive that PC would die... because its main tool for everything.

    Win7 Ultimate x64 SP1 | Intel Core i5-2400 CPU ~3.1GHz | Asus P8H67-M LE Series | 8GB 1600MHZ DDR3 NON-ECC CL9 DIMM KIT2 B | Nvidia GeForce GTS 250 Green, 512MB | Acer P235H 23"+HP w2007 20" Wide LCD | Total WD ~3Tb HDD | Corsair PSU TX V2 750W 14CM ATX2.31 80+ | Nexus prominent 5 Silent Midi Tower

    1.11.2011 13:46 #15

  • upap

    Agree with everyone....PCs are not dead and will not be for loong time. Tablets are good on the go, for surfing web etc...and my personal favourite... being the remote of home entertainment system (htPC) ....i love you the sci-fi feeling you just love so much :D

    2.11.2011 13:15 #16

  • FredBun

    For travel, sure, my home, I wouldn't touch it.

    4.11.2011 11:21 #17

  • Mez

    Originally posted by KillerBug: Originally posted by Clam_Up: The first time I remember hearing that the desktop-based computer would be dead within X years was 1982. If I had a nickel for every time I've heard it since...

    The problem with the logic used by everyone who proclaims the life of desktops is limited is that, no matter how fast a tablet gets, more hardware can be crammed into a desktop case than will fit in a portable device.

    I built the desktop I'm composing this on back in 2009. High-end portables are just now coming out that are comparable, speed-wise. I'm not sure how many will be willing to take a two and a half year setback in performance just to get away from desktop computing.
    That is why super-fast internet is the key to the death of PC...there will eventually come a time when remote servers can do the job...and there is more room for tech in a big server box than in a desktop or especially a laptop.
    However, there will be a large community that will resist storing all their data on a third party device. I will be one of those.

    5.11.2011 10:34 #18

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