Origin, which is still in beta, has been in the news as it gives EA the rights to access your personal info and practically spy on you. That's without mentioning that Origin is prone to crashing and customer service issues.
Gamers who decided to purchase the retail edition of the game have been having issues, as well, with Origin.
Warez group Razor 1911, patching games since the 1990s, has come to the rescue with a patched .exe.
Says the group:
Razor1911 doesn't accept and support the online DRM "Origin" from EA.
This release is dedicated to our fans worldwide who bought this game on
legal way and don't want to install the trojan from Electronic Arts to play
Install Notes
1. Unpack
2. Copy bf3.exe to your install folder
3. Have fun!
The fixed .exe is verified working, but it is likely EA is working on an update.
Written by: Andre Yoskowitz @ 2 Nov 2011 22:21