For example, if you are on the current $30 for 2GB plan, you will now have 4GB for the same price.
The promotion will run through the holidays, and is the equivalent of a "price cut," the first one Verizon has offered in a very long time.
Existing users will need to call in to be grandfathered into the higher data while all new contract users will automatically have it in their accounts.
Sharma notes that Verizon is using the promotion to "understand consumer behavior" and develop a pricing strategy going forward with LTE and data.
The deal will put Verizon well ahead of AT&T from a price standpoint, but still behind smaller carriers T-Mobile and Sprint, which offer unlimited data for $30. T-Mobile does throttle speeds down from 4G to 2G after 5GB, however.
Written by: Andre Yoskowitz @ 9 Nov 2011 17:26