British dislike mobile phone ownership among kids

British dislike mobile phone ownership among kids
Survey finds British oppose mobile phone ownership amongst young kids.

The poll of 2,000 people found that almost three quarters of them felt it was inappropriate for a child aged below 12 years to own a mobile phone. The survey, which was carried out by, noted that up to 79 percent of children in Britain, aged between 7 and 11 years, already own a mobile phone.

Concerns about children having mobile phones range from the prospect of expensive bills, unmonitored Internet use and a lack of easy parental controls, yet up to 90 percent of parents liked the idea of a child having a mobile phone in case of emergency.

More than 1 in 10 admitted they would buy a new phone for a child as encouragement for good behaviour or good results at school.

"It is reassuring for parents to be in constant contact with their children, but there are clearly concerns about just how careful a young child will be with their own mobile phone," Hannah Bouckley, editor of Recombu, said.

Written by: James Delahunty @ 25 Nov 2011 6:22
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  • KSib

    It depends. Some parents just want to be able to contact their kids say if they walk home from school or go out with a friend or do a slumber party or something.

    25.11.2011 07:16 #1

  • Mr-Movies

    Sounds like the Brit's are pretty smart unlike us in the USA. A child does not need, is not responsible enough, and should not have a cell phone.

    25.11.2011 14:57 #2

  • xboxdvl2

    kids under 12 shouldnt need a mobile phone.once you get in high school its a bit different because you get more independant.

    R.I.P. mr 1990 ford myself a 1993 toyota corolla seems to run good.computers still going good.

    25.11.2011 23:50 #3

  • January39

    Originally posted by Mr-Movies: Sounds like the Brit's are pretty smart unlike us in the USA. A child does not need, is not responsible enough, and should not have a cell phone. I am in the Uk and totally agree with you, after all they see all their friends at school so nothing can be so urgent as to need a phone. That's before you get to who pays the bill!

    26.11.2011 08:42 #4

  • dEwMe

    In the USA a moble phone without service can still dial 911...Is it like that in the UK? I guess that doesn't work if the kid just needs a ride home though.

    Just my $0.02,


    26.11.2011 12:12 #5

  • LordRuss

    Seeing as one kid is grown & one is in his late teens I'll chime in here... I was the first kid to get a console (yeah, yeah, pong) back in the day, but I was like 12-13. Then the 2600 & the whole game changer went into effect.

    As technology changed, so did our culture & our ability to conform to it. Despite the issues with my folks they did include the electronic era into the household quite well & accordingly with my other siblings. Thus, I basically used some of this exposure with my kids later.

    When my oldest got to be about 8 I got a game console as he saw me repeatedly playing on a computer (Doom) & did his damnedest to see me get jail time (via killing him) because he thought he could sneak onto the machine & just play. Ehhh... no.

    Anyway, even after playing a console, he knew the difference as far as gameplay. So at 10, I upgraded the old computer, got a new one & gave him the old one. With restrictions accordingly.

    His brother, being 4.5 years younger, obviously complained. Equally thwarted with, "when you turn 10...". Saying so, I also delivered. You don't just say it not follow through. NOT doing so makes you a butt reaming asshole, not a parent. You can be poor as dirt, but you can always keep a promise.

    Now that the youngest is rounding out HS, the cell phone is basically rendered him impotent because it's vibrated his nuts sterile. Other than the Pavlovian necessity to lift that damned thing up & return text to the idiot sending him a message when I'm talking I think he'll do just fine.

    But little kids frankly don't need something else to tear up, occupy their destructive little minds with or throw across the room in the midst of another titty tantrum. It's enough to micromanage them to get them to do menial day-to-day existing. What retarded 'adult' really thinks their kid is going to do as they're told (especially out of sight) when it comes to a phone?

    Other than kids who are severely ill... I have seen none.

    26.11.2011 15:16 #6

  • xboxdvl2

    when i was young my parents didnt just give me a computer or a console, if i wanted it i had to buy it given an ericsson brick mobile phone when i was about 14 cause i use to go out all the time and stay out for hours after school.

    R.I.P. mr 1990 ford myself a 1993 toyota corolla seems to run good.computers still going good.

    26.11.2011 21:02 #7

  • Notcow

    Quote:yet up to 90 percent of parents liked the idea of a child having a mobile phone in case of emergency.
    What did the other 10% say? Screw the kid?

    27.11.2011 00:31 #8

  • ps3lvanub

    Both me and my sister have had phones since we were 10. Having said that, they were bricks that could only be used for phoning and texting. For the parents concerned about the phone bill there is a little thing called pay-as-you-go. If your child accesses the internet inappropriately or runs up a bill do not blame the child and do not blame the technology. Blame yourselves because you are the person who has enabled your child to do them things when there are plenty of ways that a child can be given a phone without you having to worry whether they are going to be responsible with it or not.

    IMPORTANT: If you hate Sony for being so corrupt, copy this image into your signature too!


    27.11.2011 12:10 #9

  • LordRuss

    Originally posted by ps3lvanub: not blame the child and do not blame the technology. Blame yourselves because you are the person who has enabled your child to do them things when there are plenty of ways that a child can be given a phone without you having to worry whether they are going to be responsible with it or not. To a point... If you are that child, at some point "you" have to take responsibility for your actions. Pulling the reverse sly-cology on your folks (you didn't say I "couldn't" do that) doesn't fly & all kids know it.

    When I was growing up it was a badge of honor to let other guys know about the righteous ass beating you got for screwing up (and I do mean righteous). Now it's fashionable to sit still for 5-10 minutes & they still want to take your kids away from you. Sure, I get it, I hate it when I see a kid getting tagged in the store for showing his/her ass, but I also applaud the parent for addressing the problem right there & then, waiting till you leave just let's the kid revel in the fact that they won something.

    If these little snots under the age of 10 absolutely need a phone, then get them an old fogies brick that just talks. What are they, $25-30? Ring them up & either "where are you" or "get your little butt home"; nuff said. They don't need a $400 to $800 smart phone relieving them of an already stressed educational environment as it is.

    27.11.2011 13:00 #10

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