Carrier IQ hit with its first class-action lawsuit

Carrier IQ hit with its first class-action lawsuit
That was fast.

Plaintiffs have sued Carrier IQ, and phone makers HTC and Samsung for violating federal wiretapping laws this week, just one day after the U.S. Senate got involved in the scandal.

For the past few weeks, there has been much ado about Carrier IQ, the software unknowingly pre-loaded in over 140 million smartphones around the world.

The company has been accused of being a rootkit/keylogger pre-installed on Android, iOS, BlackBerry and Nokia devices around the world. The software quietly watches and logs all keystrokes entered into the device, including texts. It also monitors location, when you shut your phone off, and who you call.

In the latest suit, violations of the Federal Wiretap Act, if convicted, will cost the company $100 per day, per violation. Conservatively saying that the company has been spying on you for 6 months, the fine could be as high as $2,520,000,000,000.

Class Action against Carrier IQ_ HTC

Written by: Andre Yoskowitz @ 2 Dec 2011 11:51
Samsung HTC Lawsuit Carrier IQ
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  • LordRuss

    THANK (insert your favorite deity here)!!! Of course none of the people carrying the cell phones will see anything. Like always, some victims get to continue being victims. While others may want to step up & turn the tables.

    I just want to know who the knot head was that didn't think this Carrier IQ through thoroughly enough & then who the money bags moron was that actually signed off on this that thought his ass was Kevlar protected; but give me a couple of minutes before you do... I want to get some popcorn.

    2.12.2011 12:06 #1

  • KillerBug

    Why is Carrier IQ being sued? They didn't install the software! This is like suing a microphone manufacturer because someone else used their devices to spy on you. It is the carriers who are at fault.

    2.12.2011 23:18 #2

  • Ziggy43 (unverified)


    $2,520,000,000,000 would go a long way towards solving our countries debt crisis.

    3.12.2011 07:11 #3

  • LordRuss

    Originally posted by Ziggy43: Wow,

    $2,520,000,000,000 would go a long way towards solving our countries debt crisis.
    Sure... so long as it went back to the tax payers rather than the politicians to continue to piss away.

    3.12.2011 15:16 #4

  • DVDBack23

    Originally posted by Ziggy43: Wow,

    $2,520,000,000,000 would go a long way towards solving our countries debt crisis.
    LOL although the company would file for bankruptcy for any fine over $50 million or so, I'm sure :p

    3.12.2011 15:29 #5

  • blueboy09

    Originally posted by KillerBug: Why is Carrier IQ being sued? They didn't install the software! This is like suing a microphone manufacturer because someone else used their devices to spy on you. It is the carriers who are at fault. While I agree to what your saying, keep in mind that this program was provided to these companies. evidentally to get a leg up in the competition. That's why CarrierIQ and other companies such as HTC are being sued, mainly because they knew about this and tried to hide from the average consumer what's going on with their phones. I don't know about you, but I wouldn't want anybody putting a magnifying glass on me monitoring me every minute where and whom I'm taking or texting to.

    Chance prepares the favored mind. Look up once in a while and you might learn something. - BLUEBOY

    3.12.2011 16:24 #6

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