The company says that Amazon and Netflix had been fighting for the top spot since 2004. This is the first year that either saw a significant dip in their customer sentiment.
On the 100-point scale, Amazon scored a solid 88, the highest score any retailer, ever. Netflix fell 7 points to 79 following a series of PR disasters. During the summer, the company arrogantly hiked the prices of their services and then tried to spin off the DVD rental business as "Qwikster." The company's stock fell from $300 to $50 as investors followed subscribers out the door.
Netflix saw a drop across the board, losing points in site content, site functionality, merchandise, and prices. Despite Netflix's drop, Overstock.com and Gap fell to 72 and 73, respectively, leaving them at the very bottom of the index.
The biggest jumps were TigerDirect to 79 and JC Penny to 83.
Chart via Crunch:

Written by: Andre Yoskowitz @ 28 Dec 2011 14:57