Sprint: We do not throttle unlimited data users

Sprint: We do not throttle unlimited data users
Following Sprint CEO Dan Hesse's conference call yesterday in which it was implied that the carrier could throttle heavy unlimited data users, the company has released a new statement on the matter.

In his call, Hesse said (transcript via Verge):

By the way, when we say "unlimited," we have terms and conditions. Just like back in the old AT&T days when we launched Digital One Rate, you could abuse it, you know, like roaming, go and use it in your house in rural Montana all the time and you're roaming. We could cut you off. There are certain things in our terms and conditions, those abusers [...] we can manage them and we do that quite aggressively and cut them off. So for the vast majority, your 98-99 percent, to them it's an unlimited experience. But for people that want to abuse it and really run up the big data charge, we can knock them off.

Today, Sprint has announced a clarification:

Sprint does not throttle any postpaid phone data users for on-network or off-network usage. Sprint is the only national carrier offering smartphone users truly unlimited data with no throttling, metering or overages while on the Sprint network.

Sprint does have terms and conditions which prohibit certain types of data use that may impair other customers' usage or harm or interfere with the network. At yesterday's investor conference, Sprint CEO Dan Hesse was referring to Sprint's right to terminate service of data abusers who violate Sprint's terms and conditions. Customers who abuse our network by violating the terms and conditions will be contacted by Sprint in an effort to have the customer change their usage to comply with their subscriber agreement. Customers who do not change their usage and remain in violation of the terms and conditions may be subject to actions reserved by Sprint, including but not limited to termination. Consistent with our advertising, engaging in such uses will not result in throttling for customers on unlimited data-included plans for phones.

Unlimited data junkies, rejoice, you can continue to use excessive amounts of data; as long as you have Sprint.

Written by: Andre Yoskowitz @ 6 Jan 2012 17:23
Sprint Data Unlimited Hesse
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  • Notcow

    Sprint is looking like an increasingly better provider the more I hear about them...If I'd heard better things about their coverage and customer service, I'd consider switching. I haven't noticed any throttling from Verizon tho, even though I hear people complaining about them doing so.

    6.1.2012 17:46 #1

  • ThePastor

    I have Sprint with an HTC EVO 4g. I've almost never seen a 4G connection so I'm almost always on 3G.
    Sure, there are very small pockets of questionable coverage but I average over 8gigs a month and if they are throttling me I've never noticed it.
    I live in San Diego, CA and have had a great experience with Sprint.
    The only complaint is the extra $10 I pay per month for the 4G service that I never see.

    "But the bigger point here is that UMG has effectively admitted this takedown was never about copyright. They demanded YouTube censor Megaupload and justify that by saying they have a contract which allows it so its fine. Its painfully clear what they would do with a law like SOPA that gives them much more power"

    6.1.2012 18:34 #2

  • Mrguss

    Originally posted by Notcow: I haven't noticed any throttling from Verizon tho, even though I hear people complaining about them doing so. No throttling on Verizon, but they charge you for every GB you use....so you bill can be easy +$240 a month for the big data user. That's why I move away from them long time ago.


    7.1.2012 02:38 #3

  • Notcow

    Originally posted by Mrguss: Originally posted by Notcow: I haven't noticed any throttling from Verizon tho, even though I hear people complaining about them doing so. No throttling on Verizon, but they charge you for every GB you use....so you bill can be easy +$240 a month for the big data user. That's why I move away from them long time ago. I assume you mean every gig used over their 4G network. I believe that I'm paying $20 a month for the Lite (4GB/Month) package...not sure how that stacks up compared to the competition. I've figured that Verizon had a higher satisfaction rate then any other company, besides maybe T-mobile, so I stuck with em.

    Not sure where you're getting that huge $240 number from, but I have never been billed something so ridiculous.

    7.1.2012 02:56 #4

  • DVDBack23

    Originally posted by Notcow: Originally posted by Mrguss: Originally posted by Notcow: I haven't noticed any throttling from Verizon tho, even though I hear people complaining about them doing so. No throttling on Verizon, but they charge you for every GB you use....so you bill can be easy +$240 a month for the big data user. That's why I move away from them long time ago. I assume you mean every gig used over their 4G network. I believe that I'm paying $20 a month for the Lite (4GB/Month) package...not sure how that stacks up compared to the competition. I've figured that Verizon had a higher satisfaction rate then any other company, besides maybe T-mobile, so I stuck with em.

    Not sure where you're getting that huge $240 number from, but I have never been billed something so ridiculous.
    He just means if you go over whatever your pay tier is, which I believe is $10 per GB overage?

    7.1.2012 03:43 #5

  • Notcow

    Ah, I see. I'd be hard pressed to use 24 GBs of data more than I paid for.

    7.1.2012 04:27 #6

  • KillerBug

    I have to wonder how many people can go over 2GB on sprint anyway...around here you can't even get EDGE most of the time, let alone 3G or 4G...and I don't live in the boondocks; my T-Mobile phone almost never drops out of 4G until I hit the 2GB limit where it drops to 3G. Sprint policies might be nice on paper, but a cell company with no service is not a good company no matter what their policies are.

    7.1.2012 04:44 #7

  • LordRuss

    I feel the pain for all involved in here. Had it not been for the fact I was grandfathered in on the unlimited data portion of my contract with Verizon, I may very well have given up on my cell contract as well. Time will tell when this contract ends as well seeings as it was under the 3G service & the new 4G is being implemented, or I may be confusing that with the ability of the phone... anyway.

    Chances are, seeing as my actual phone uses are starting to be more limited & the smart phone uses are becoming limited... It may simply be time for a change period; at least for me. For you folks in the need - like the computer market - why is the cellular market playing this bloated game? The whole thing reeks of the same "gotcha" antics of the internet providers of the internet's infancy back in the early 90s.

    "Let's charge them this! No, no... let's charge them this! Watch them run! Now charge them this! Look at them complain. Ain't it cute? Nah, don't worry, they'll still pay it..."

    I dig the technology & it's got me out of a few binds, but they sure are taking advantage out of the consumer with no oversight or regulation.


    7.1.2012 13:31 #8

  • Hyasuma

    BS, i never get 4g and let alone the 3g network slowed the past year since i had sprint EVO and then EVO 3d. I'm so sick of it, they told me they will have 4g in the city but they never did, i already switched to Verizon, and i'm getting 36.7 mbps NOW that's way greater than .17mbps, bunch of bull crap.

    Being nice always has its own consequences

    7.1.2012 16:53 #9

  • ThePastor

    Consider the meager use of
    one, 1 hr video podcast per weekday
    20 per month

    Easily in the 7gb-10gb range.

    I don't think asking my phone to play a single podcast per workday is asking too much.

    While it is very possible that many, if not most people do not watch one video per day it certainly should not be out of the realm of possibility. Hardly "excessive use". Certainly not "abuse".
    These artificial limits are there to make you think that you own THEM something. "Using more than 2gb per month is crazy!"
    I've seen the arguments... "Use Wi-Fi". Why should I have to do that? And if I'm STREAMING it?
    I'm not arguing with any of you guys... You guys get it... But these are the arguments I've seen in other places.

    Just remember this. If Sprint can do it, so could Verizon and AT&T and if they won't then you should realize what they are doing to you. Imagine if everyone on Verizon got sick and tired of their bullcrap and moved to Sprint. Think Sprint could build out their network a bit better?

    These issues have very far reaching implications. These things are worth fighting for on principal.
    If we don't demand it now, we won't be able to demand it in the future.

    There, I'm getting off my soap box now. :D

    7.1.2012 17:39 #10

  • Mrguss

    Not sure where you're getting that huge $240 number from, but I have never been billed something so ridiculous.

    My T-Mobile phone almost never drops out of 4G until I hit the 2GB limit where it drops to 3G.

    My 2GB drop out of 4G in 4/5 days...I use around 20GB a month.


    8.1.2012 03:39 #11

  • Bozobub

    Originally posted by KillerBug: I have to wonder how many people can go over 2GB on sprint anyway...around here you can't even get EDGE most of the time, let alone 3G or 4G...and I don't live in the boondocks; my T-Mobile phone almost never drops out of 4G until I hit the 2GB limit where it drops to 3G. Sprint policies might be nice on paper, but a cell company with no service is not a good company no matter what their policies are. When I first moved into the house I live in now, I use my Evo 4g I had at the time (Evo 3D now) as a tethered modem to trasnfer (both up and down) roughly 500 GB over 2 months. I never saw any throttling, or received any complaints from Sprint. This was all on 3G.

    8.1.2012 15:32 #12

  • chevnoire

    Sprint doesnt throttle you- they just kicked me off- terminated my service off my family plan. No early termination fee- but I was still pissed. I never had any trouble with Sprint and heard not a peep out of them about my data usage-(which was always the same- high as hell to be honest)... until they got the crummy iPhone on the network.
    They used the spy tech embedded in Sense- that ciq stuff to look at every program I opened on my phone every website I visited etc...- they dont throttle you- if you have high data usage on their quote- unlimited data plan--- they kick you off their unlimited data and service if you exceed what they deem is excessive data. Booted like I was trash. I really enjoyed Sprint- but hey.... I got my moneys worth- let me tell you! LOL (I was using 200 gigs a month! For almost 2 years). All these people living in the woods complaining about not getting 4g- suck it- move to civilization or stop whining-pick one?
    I was getting 3 or 4 bars of 4g speed close to 20megs down and 3 megs up consistently. I never dropped a call from Sprint ever in almost 2 years. Its all about where u live. if your in the damned sticks living like a mountain man- stop complaining.
    I had a blast with Sprint- blew off all the xmas offers to be stuck with a dual core phone for 2 years and now I see the quad phones are coming this spring.... MetroPCS has been strangely good- they have 4g LTE for 60 dollars a month- I might just stay where I am- its fast as hell cheap as all get out... I might be done with makor carriers- 60 buck a month taxes and fees included with no contract... with 4g faster than sprints... But the phones are light weight- i'm using an new LG on their network-that has slightly less features than the 2 year old Evo 4g I used on Sprint..so theres trade offs.

    13.1.2012 09:15 #13

  • ScottyBB

    Originally posted by Notcow: Sprint is looking like an increasingly better provider the more I hear about them...If Id heard better things about their coverage and customer service, Id consider switching. I havent noticed any throttling from Verizon tho, even though I hear people complaining about them doing so.
    I recently had a horrible experience with Sprint; I do not recommend anyone doing business with this underhanded company. As a matter of fact, Sprint is using bait and switch tactics to lure users into their unlimited plans, and after only a month or so, switching them to another plan that is limited without proper notice. That is what happened to me. I did not abuse any terms or conditions. Anyway, the company is horrible, and does not care about the customer, but will con you out of any penny then can.... DO NOT DO BUSINESS WITH SPRINT!!

    13.1.2012 15:01 #14

  • Bozobub

    Odd... I've been on the same unlimited plan for more than two years, with no particular issues.

    If you buy your phone at a kiosk or 3rd-party vendor, this is unfortunately rather common, no matter what carrier is involved. If you bought it at a Sprint store, I have no clue. Either way, as soon as they change they terms, you have the legal right to drop them like a brick, without ANY termination fees or the subsidized charges for any phone(s) you have, so actual Sprint stores have very little motive for this kind of thing. They do, after all, have to give you a hardcopy of your contract's terms and conditions, so it's very easy to enforce.

    @ chenvoire: Yeah, they *do* enforce some limits on 4G, which is understandable, considering its popularity, but none that I have seen on 3G data usage.

    13.1.2012 15:16 #15

  • ScottyBB

    Originally posted by chevnoire: Sprint doesnt throttle you- they just kicked me off- terminated my service off my family plan. No early termination fee- but I was still pissed. I never had any trouble with Sprint and heard not a peep out of them about my data usage-(which was always the same- high as hell to be honest)... until they got the crummy iPhone on the network.
    They used the spy tech embedded in Sense- that ciq stuff to look at every program I opened on my phone every website I visited etc...- they dont throttle you- if you have high data usage on their quote- unlimited data plan--- they kick you off their unlimited data and service if you exceed what they deem is excessive data. Booted like I was trash. I really enjoyed Sprint- but hey.... I got my moneys worth- let me tell you! LOL (I was using 200 gigs a month! For almost 2 years). All these people living in the woods complaining about not getting 4g- suck it- move to civilization or stop whining-pick one?
    I was getting 3 or 4 bars of 4g speed close to 20megs down and 3 megs up consistently. I never dropped a call from Sprint ever in almost 2 years. Its all about where u live. if your in the damned sticks living like a mountain man- stop complaining.
    I had a blast with Sprint- blew off all the xmas offers to be stuck with a dual core phone for 2 years and now I see the quad phones are coming this spring.... MetroPCS has been strangely good- they have 4g LTE for 60 dollars a month- I might just stay where I am- its fast as hell cheap as all get out... I might be done with makor carriers- 60 buck a month taxes and fees included with no contract... with 4g faster than sprints... But the phones are light weight- i'm using an new LG on their network-that has slightly less features than the 2 year old Evo 4g I used on Sprint..so theres trade offs.
    SPRINT SUCKS, don't do business with that company; you will REGRET it!!

    13.1.2012 15:19 #16

  • ThePastor

    The Anti-Sprint posts seem to be a bit lacking in details, and what details are provided seem excessive and unrealistic.

    And while I'm certainly an advocate for Unlimited = Unlimited, 200gigs per month does, even to me, seem a bit on the excessive side.

    I'm just sayin...

    "But the bigger point here is that UMG has effectively admitted this takedown was never about copyright. They demanded YouTube censor Megaupload and justify that by saying they have a contract which allows it so its fine. Its painfully clear what they would do with a law like SOPA that gives them much more power"

    13.1.2012 15:24 #17

  • ScottyBB

    Originally posted by Notcow: Sprint is looking like an increasingly better provider the more I hear about them...If I'd heard better things about their coverage and customer service, I'd consider switching. I haven't noticed any throttling from Verizon tho, even though I hear people complaining about them doing so. SPRINT is terrible; its all a sham. They will sucker you in with their bait and switch tactics, then switch you off of unlimited without you knowing it, and send you a huge bill with rdiculous roaming charges at .25 per MB.. I know it, because they did it to me!!!

    13.1.2012 15:24 #18

  • ScottyBB

    Originally posted by ThePastor: Interesting.
    The Anti-Sprint posts seem to be a bit lacking in details, and what details are provided seem excessive and unrealistic.

    And while I'm certainly an advocate for Unlimited = Unlimited, 200gigs per month does, even to me, seem a bit on the excessive side.

    I'm just sayin...
    You don't need the details. I am not going to write a book again. Jeez. Take my word for it, or do business with Sprint and see for yourself; that is if you think getting punched in the face is a good time, lol. Anyway, don't say I did not warn you. There is nothing unrealistic about it, unless you are just naive, and believe corporations can do no wrong.

    Scotty B

    13.1.2012 15:29 #19

  • chevnoire

    I bought my phone HTC Evo 4g full price from a Sprint store- my wife and daughter's I got thru wirefly- they are still on my family plan- just dad paying the bill got kicked off!

    I'm over Sprint- loving faster Quote:LTE 4g on MetroPCS for exactly $60dollars a month fees and taxes included .... Gonna get my wife and daughter the LG version of the OG Evo... the only thing with MetroPCS is youo have to buy the phone unsubsidized but its still ooodles cheaper than Sprint or any major carrier... I paid 250 for same phone as my Evo basically and a 60 dollar a month phone and data bill.
    While the quad phones look great- I'm not wanting to go back to that phone and data bill... I want the rest of my family off Sprint now- I can save a bundle- just have to buy the phones upfront.

    13.1.2012 16:06 #20

  • LordRuss

    Originally posted by ScottyBB: You don't need the details. I am not going to write a book again. Jeez. Take my word for it,... That's how recording, scriptwriting & acting contracts get signed too. By the way, do you know what the universal translation for "trust me" is? "F**K Y**"! Has been for a millennium.

    Pastor wasn't asking for your book [or my help either] & frankly I was getting a bit fed up with the Sprint whining in here over the bait & switch piss festival. I'm not even particularly interested if you got your testicles burnt in your flip phone when they sent a back-feed pulse in an attempt to curb your last 150GB download ceiling, despite the fact you have a perfectly legal unlimited contract. Frankly I'm being bent over Verizon's tailgate out in their forest where no one can hear me scream.

    Anyway, if you were wirelessly tethering your apartment complex off your phone, you had it coming. I can't answer for the Pastor, but when I was in the military & even in the civilian sector, I left a paper trail for firing someone or when someone is trying to sue my ass. That way I have my ass covered & documentation proving one way or another my innocence. Sprint must have done 'something' along the same lines.

    We're not interested in "those" details. Besides, look in your profile & toss a link at us if you already wrote a dissertation instead of whining about it.


    13.1.2012 16:10 #21

  • chevnoire

    Anyone not saying what your thinking is whining to you.
    Get over yourself- you come across as self-important bore.
    That guys opinion is every bit as relevant and shows his point of view about the subject matter at hand...
    In all actuality you weren't saying jack shi* on the topic- you were just sniping at somebody- who pisse* in your cornflakes?

    I don't know about you- but my mom told me almost 50 years ago- if you haven't got something nice to say to somebody shut the feck up!
    And what unit in the military? My last Army gig was as a frontline commander in the 1st Battalion 505th Parachute Infantry Regiment 82nd Airborne - usually I have more in common with veterans- bet you were in the military band or something....
    (My comtribution to the flame wars)- dont mess with a Pastor!

    13.1.2012 16:19 #22

  • LordRuss

    Calm down black Chevy or is that chevron like that of a private or sergeant? I'm neither slow nor stupid, nor new to the game so let's give us both a bit of credit seeing as you're not adding anything to forum either. I've also made a name for myself in here & think I might know what I'm talking about. I've also Grown up with the Pastors, let's not even go there.

    I was a combat photographer 25V, Combat Documentation Production Specialist, my DD214 will more than speak for itself. I spent 2 years at the Medical Command & 2 years attached to 16th Cavalry, the other 2 years avoiding the "children with no name" while working out of AFKN, Seoul Korea & here in about 4 more years when you think you have enough security clearance we'll talk about what I did for those fine folks, because frankly, I had no business playing with them. What I got to see & record for "all" divisions made history I'd just soon forget. So don't talk to me about a mess.

    So for your information Air-porn, I did indeed comment "on the subject". If you'd bothered to read instead of swallowing all those vapors back then you'd have noticed I mentioned his wireless tethering, but I guess you don't understand technology?

    You sir might have made history. Me & my boys recorded it.


    13.1.2012 16:42 #23

  • ScottyBB

    Originally posted by LordRuss: Originally posted by ScottyBB: You don't need the details. I am not going to write a book again. Jeez. Take my word for it,... That's how recording, scriptwriting & acting contracts get signed too. By the way, do you know what the universal translation for "trust me" is? "F**K Y**"! Has been for a millennium.

    Pastor wasn't asking for your book [or my help either] & frankly I was getting a bit fed up with the Sprint whining in here over the bait & switch piss festival. I am not even particularly interested if you got your testicles burnt in your flip phone when they sent a back-feed pulse in an attempt to curb your last 150GB download ceiling, despite the fact you have a perfectly legal unlimited contract. Frankly I'm being bent over Verizon's tailgate out in their forest where no one can hear me scream.

    Anyway, if you were wirelessly tethering your apartment complex off your phone, you had it coming. I can't answer for the Pastor, but when I was in the military & even in the civilian sector, I left a paper trail for firing someone or when someone is trying to sue my ass. That way I have my ass covered & documentation proving one way or another my innocence. Sprint must have done 'something' along the same lines.

    We're not interested in "those" details. Besides, look in your profile & toss a link at us if you already wrote a dissertation instead of whining about it.
    That ridiculous rant may have actually bothered me if anything you said had applied to me. I bought a mobile hotspot at CompUSA that is designed to connect up to 10 devices at 4G speeds. I only bought the device to connect my laptop when I travel, and to have in emergency situations if the power or cable broadband service at my house goes down. I need a reliable means of connecting to the internet because I am a full time computer science student.

    Unfortunately, about a month and a half after signing a two-year contract with Sprint, they arbitrarily changed my plan from unlimited to 5 GB per month + overages of .25 per MB without notifying me, or dropping the price of service. I hardly even turned the device on. The nightmare really began when I lent the device to a friend for a few days, so he could do his schoolwork. I did not worry too much about the situation, because I had unlimited data, right? Not so, my friend had downloaded the Adobe Master collection, and a few other collections he needed for school. I was curious to how much data he had used, so I checked my account online. Unfortunately, Sprint showed $500.00 for overage charges. This is a little over 1 month after signing a two-year "truly unlimited" contract. Hogwash!!

    I called several times to try and cancel the account; each time I called, they tried to up-sell me, but still charge me for the overage. Do you see why I feel like I have been the victim of a bait and switch scam? Obviously, Sprint has problems with their ethics in doing business. In addition, my situation is not an isolated event. There have been many people complaining about Sprint's business practices.

    I recently switched to T-Mobile, which has a better network, lower prices, and is actually truly unlimited. T-Mobile is everything that Sprint is not, and it makes a world of difference in customer service and satisfaction.

    If anything, the Sprint contract should read nothing but the derogatory comment you left earlier, something like F** you sucker!! Sign here!!!

    Sprint had terrible network coverage in this major city, and their customer service showed me that they are more interested in screwing the customer rather than satisfying them.

    LordRuss, I am sorry for your luck that you live somewhere that "trust me" means F---You, that is truly tragic, and you may consider counseling and medication to get you through to a better place. It is definitely not universal, there are very few if any universals, especially in language; you would know that if you took a sociology class.

    You may consider speaking with a counselor about that tailgate experience as well. That is just terrible!

    I am not interested in exposing any details that should be kept private on this discussion board.

    Just because there is fine print in a contract does not make it right. Really, business should be straight up, trustworthy and honest. The bait and switch that I have a problem with is in the advertising, not in the contract. Almost every contract you sign these days has some truly horrifying clause. the "truly unlimited" plan, is far from it. In fact, I found Sprint's plan to be the least unlimited out of all the wireless providers; how can they blatantly advertise this hogwash? Ridiculous, just like your trollish post.

    13.1.2012 17:51 #24

  • ThePastor

    Ummm, wow...

    I hate sprint
    I hate At&t
    I hate T-Moblie
    I hate Verizon

    Please click all that apply...

    For ME, in SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA, with a CLEARWIRE 4G phone, ... Sprint has been very good.

    "But the bigger point here is that UMG has effectively admitted this takedown was never about copyright. They demanded YouTube censor Megaupload and justify that by saying they have a contract which allows it so its fine. Its painfully clear what they would do with a law like SOPA that gives them much more power"

    13.1.2012 18:52 #25

  • Bozobub

    Again, if ANY carrier changes your plan, you have a guaranteed right to drop them like a brick, by federal law + established legal precedent. What, you didn't get the same hardcopy of your contract everyone else gets..? Did you not read your bill?

    If they'd pulled the same stunt on me (which they have not, negating your stentorian comments about how they WILL screw anyone over), I would've dropped 'em and simply never paid the bill. It's quite easy to add comments to your credit report explaining the situation, you know. If they DID treat you in such a shoddy manner - and I've never said they didn't - did you just bend over and take it?! Hell, a sufficiently upset phone call, armed with your hardcopy of your contract, would probably have done the job quite handily. Knowing your rights = power. And yes, you damn well BETTER read the fine print. Always.

    Furthermore, "Trust me," has ALWAYS meant "F*ck you." It's a hoary old joke for a reason.

    And last: At least for me, yes, Sprint's data plan has been unlimited. Your experience does not negate mine in any way, nor does mine negate yours. Deal with it.

    Now put that schmeckel back in yer pants.

    13.1.2012 19:01 #26

  • ScottyBB

    Actually, I have dropped them, and I am not going to pay the bill. Also, like I am doing here, I am making sure to make a point NOT to recommend Sprint to anyone, and it will remain that way for the foreseeable future.

    Beezllepoop, obviously, you have an ego problem, if you think at all I give a s**t what you troll on here. Now go and grow up a bit! Perhaps you could get LordRuss to give you a reach a round or have him pass the lube while you are at it.

    Maybe "trust me," is an old joke on the eighth layer of hell where you are from.

    Scotty B

    13.1.2012 19:12 #27

  • Bozobub

    Originally posted by ScottyBB: Actually, I have dropped them, and I am not going to pay the bill. Also, like I am doing here, I am making sure to make a point NOT to recommend Sprint to anyone, and it will remain that way for the foreseeable future.

    Beezllepoop, obviously, you have an ego problem, if you think at all I give a s**t what you troll on here. Now go and grow up a bit! Perhaps you could get LordRuss to give you a reach a round or have him pass the lube while you are at it.

    Maybe "trust me," is an old joke on the eighth layer of hell where you are from.

    Ah, but I never insulted YOU (until now). You, in fact are the overheated troll here, silly. Furthermore, making fun of the name "Bozobub" isn't going to get you very far. Or did you not actually think about why I chose the name..? lol - Sorry, me calling you out - relatively politely, yet - on being an ass, doesn't make ME an ass. Get over yourself.

    Again, your experience with Sprint does not negate mine, or anyone else's. And of course, ours don't negate yours. Froth all you like, stomp your feet, whatever, that's not going to change one iota. Don't forget your mum will get pissed if you get too loud! Her basement, her rules, Junior.

    It's this simple: You didn't read your contract. You got hosed. End of story. Cue teeny, tiny fiddle serenade; it's a sad, old story, and will continue as long as idiots don't bother to read the legal documents they sign. If you think ANY corporation actually has your best interests at heart, you're quite raving mad!

    Your hysterics, ignorance of the historical reference to "trust me" = "f*ck you" (yes, it IS an old, old saying, twit), and failed insults peg you as a rage-addicted 20-something ponce, at the most. And you can take THIS post as intentionally insulting all you like, because it is... Learn2insult, then come back, if you must show your ass to us once more.

    Edit --> And that's the 13-1/2th layer of Hell, fool. You know, the Circle of Mimes, Clowns and Other Evil Wearers of Greasepaint. It terrified Dante so much, he refused to write about it...

    13.1.2012 20:24 #28

  • LordRuss

    Wasn't expecting a dissertation in return yet again, ScottBB. As a matter of fact, that tailgate issue is being looked into. And, redundantly, the "F You" euphemism was more of a metaphor, but apparently was lost in translation and seems to be lost in a mix of trolling & whining from someone who typed out something about his involvement with the 802 Airborne & a couple of other folks that took umbridge that don't seem to have anything to do with this.

    I was just making a point that you seemed a bit more than snide in your comments with ThePastor & that tenor with everybody's complaints toward Sprint in general was slanted. As ThePastor is a big boy (not to be confused with chevnoir, who may now be a pastor) & doesn't need my help, I made the comment about tethering, which you echoed in your lengthy explanation anyway may have given way to your over paying havoc. I wouldn't have put up with it either.

    Thus, kinda making the whole lengthy conversation & brouhaha a much to do about far more than it need to be. But then chevnoir would have something to say about my being elitist again & I'm not in the mood for another pissing contest.


    13.1.2012 23:40 #29

  • SoulGLOW

    I dont think that sprint throttles at all at least not 4G, but they will boot you, not for using ass-loads of data, but for using torrents or game & server hosting. Bitches. Even Legal Torrents. Bitches. Out-right bitches.
    I've been in a pissing contest with Sprint since November 7, 2011 when they cancelled my phone line with no prior warning. At this point I had been with them a month shy of 8 years. I live in an area that has perfect 4g coverage and as such I use my HTC Evo 4G (rooted) as my home internet connection. I almost never use 3G for this unless a problem occurs. I would use torrents, Netflix and everything else. Even playing Xbox LIVE. During my first conversation with the "Excessive Roaming Department" right after they cut my line off, I was told that I used 54 GB of data last month. They said that wasnt the issue though. It was for violating a clause in the user agreement about Game hosting and torrents. They said that I was sent a warning all the way back in June and another in August and September. That never happened. So I had to get my number ported out in order to keep it. That took some fighting too, due to the left hand not knowing what right hand is doing at Sprint. Anyways when its all said and done and the contract on my other phone is up I am done with Sprint. And no that doesnt mean that I am movin on to Verizon or AT&T or T-mobile. I am keeping the NET10 phone that I had my main number ported to cuz after research and number crunching I am better off with that phone company's set bills and getting century-link for home internet.

    14.2.2012 21:37 #30

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