Reddit to go dark for 12 hours in protest of SOPA/PIPA

Reddit to go dark for 12 hours in protest of SOPA/PIPA
The Reddit community has been on the front lines of the fight against SOPA and PIPA, the US anti-piracy bills which have been widely criticized for threatening the very foundations of the Internet.

Internet engineers, law professors, service providers, venture capitalists, and political activists from across the spectrum have criticized the two bills for their implications on both free speech and the technical underpinnings of the Internet. Nowhere has that criticism garnered more attention than on Reddit, where movements to boycott GoDaddy and unseat prominent US congressman Paul Ryan have led to both publicly opposing SOPA.

Now Reddit's operators are getting involved directly. They are planning a 12 hour blackout of the site later this month in protest of SOPA and PIPA. On their official blog, Reddit's admins explained:

We?ve seen some amazing activism organized by redditors at /r/sopa and across the reddit community at large. You have made a difference in this fight; and as we near the next stage, and after much thought, talking with experts, and hearing the overwhelming voices from the reddit community, we have decided that we will be blacking out reddit on January 18th from 8am-8pm EST (1300-0100 UTC).

Instead of the normal glorious, user-curated chaos of reddit, we will be displaying a simple message about how the PIPA/SOPA legislation would shut down sites like reddit, link to resources to learn more, and suggest ways to take action. We will showcase the live video stream of the House hearing where Internet entrepreneurs and technical experts (including reddit co-founder Alexis "kn0thing" Ohanian) will be testifying. We will also spotlight community initiatives like meetups to visit Congressional offices, campaigns to contact companies supporting PIPA/SOPA, and other tactics.

While they are not the first major website to propose this sort of action, they are the first to actually announce a plan to go through with it. Nearly a month ago Wikipedia co-founder Jim Wales began publicly discussing the idea of a blackout.

Behind the scenes, members of NetCoalition, a trade group representing companies like Google, Facebook, Yahoo, Amazon, and eBay, have been talking privately about a coordinated blackout this month. Last December NetCoalition's Markham Erickson told CNet there had been some internal discussions about it.

Written by: Rich Fiscus @ 11 Jan 2012 12:34
Censorship anti-piracy SOPA PIPA Reddit
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  • LordRuss

    You know, this might be a good idea. Planned, Orchestrated, Black outs as a public protest would be a great idea. Once all these congress idiots can't get to their kiddy porn or see what their nieces friends are doing because they can't stalk them in silent protest of their paid off legislation... Hell it's better than a hunger strike any day!

    It'd be great if they could orchestrate a strike from the IT department when all of them are running around the senate/house floor trying to get crap done & their internet goes down or solitaire stops working.

    But in passing... just don't mess with my online bill paying or I'd be in a real tizzy.

    11.1.2012 12:52 #1

  • Mrguss

    Great Move: Facebook and Twitter will be next. It create conscience on people minds to protest/Support and Take SOPA down :)))

    Wikipedia join in: #SOPAblackout #J18 (8AM - 8PM EST)


    11.1.2012 16:10 #2

  • SoulGLOW

    What the fuck does Paul Ryan have to do with this? He is Staunchly against this type of shit. Looks like I'm gonna have to go investigate and make sure that no one is trying to use one initiative to accomplish an unrelated outside agenda again.

    11.1.2012 16:14 #3

  • Notcow

    Double post sorry.

    11.1.2012 17:19 #4

  • Notcow

    This is great stuff...but they really need to get Google and some other prominent figures into the mix as well before it has any meaning. I know they're planning on it, but I haven't seen em commit to anything, really.

    11.1.2012 17:19 #5

  • ThePastor

    "A Day Without Google" Would be immense!!!

    I wonder if they could even do it.
    Reddit is big enough, but not known enough. It's a good thing but it's only a start.

    We gotta see this from the biggies.

    11.1.2012 17:23 #6

  • SmaryJerry (unverified)

    The day everyone realizes reddit was a waste of their time.

    11.1.2012 18:25 #7

  • LordRuss

    Originally posted by SmaryJerry: The day everyone realizes reddit was a waste of their time. To be a young company & only 10 people running it AND actually, physically doing something with regards to SOPA? It's immaterial what your dogma of their state of being is. They may very well have put in place a simple "ball in motion" that my dad's generation used (with a lot of pot) to make this little thing that Obama said he would make his election campaign on.


    12.1.2012 11:19 #8

  • SysAdPgh

    I thought o-Boob-o's election campaign was on killing businesses and sending them overseas... Like GE Healthcare, Westinghouse and even Boeing is designing a super-plant over in China. Soon China's Internet policies will be liberal over ours.

    14.1.2012 02:01 #9

  • LordRuss

    Originally posted by SysAdPgh: I thought o-Boob-o's election campaign was on killing businesses and sending them overseas... Like GE Healthcare, Westinghouse and even Boeing is designing a super-plant over in China. Soon China's Internet policies will be liberal over ours.
    That might be true... but Romney certainly has a perfect portfolio of proven performance preceding him... Obama, I suppose by your definition, is just getting there.

    14.1.2012 14:05 #10

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