Anonymous retaliates for Megaupload shutdown by hitting multiple sites

Anonymous retaliates for Megaupload shutdown by hitting multiple sites
Following news that Megaupload and Megavideo were shut down by ICE, the hacktivist group Anonymous set off on a tale of vengeance.

The group managed to take down the sites for the RIAA, the MPAA, Universal Music Group and, the Department of Justice's official Web page.

Anonymous' twitter accounts @Anonops, @AnonymousIRC and @YourAnonNews confirmed the hits and some of the sites remain down or slow. The hacking collective added (in jest) that the MPAA, UMG and RIAA should just say, "for #SOPA supporters their#SOPAblackout is today."

SOPA and PIPA, the two bills trying to make their way through Congress, have been in the headlines for weeks now as major tech companies and hundreds of thousands of everyday Internet users fight to have freedom from censorship.

By taking down 10 sites in 20 minutes, Anonymous managed to pull off their largest attack, ever, this morning.

Written by: Andre Yoskowitz @ 19 Jan 2012 19:41
hacking MPAA RIAA Anonymous
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  • ivymike


    19.1.2012 20:13 #1

  • Mrguss

    Megaupload site is Back:

    Sites taken down via DDoS
    .....Welcome to the WWWW (World Wide Web War) #OpMegaupload >>>>>>


    19.1.2012 20:20 #2

  • Kannz

    that didn't take long.. :p

    19.1.2012 20:22 #3

  • xaznboitx

    Originally posted by Mrguss: Megaupload site is Back MEGAUPLOAD IS BACK:

    19.1.2012 20:23 #4

  • Mrguss

    Originally posted by xaznboitx: Originally posted by Mrguss: Megaupload site is Back MEGAUPLOAD IS BACK:
    Oh...Tango-Down again !

    In other hacking news:


    19.1.2012 20:40 #5

  • ivymike

    Who here is rooting for Anonymous????

    I am.

    19.1.2012 20:56 #6

  • pdl2mtl90

    I'm rooting for Anonymous!

    19.1.2012 21:08 #7

  • mystic

    the issue with the groups like ICE and RIAA is that they are paid to do this and the more they shut down more go up and they stay in the hire for payment biz. but if they weren't needed like if all shares stopped for say one month then they would be out of Biz. and then everything could go back as normal for all they would have to find new companies to take money from... that said a tit for tat game even 10 to 1 attacks will leave them in power to say they are needed ... issues with the web will empower them to start more legislation on a global level and those that join in with them will become more likely targets for those that appose them .. this will lead to a disruption of the web as we know it ... this is the start of "W4"the new "World Wide Web War" may the gods of the internet forgive us all for it will never be the same ...

    19.1.2012 21:15 #8

  • mystic

    while I'm up on my soapbox and sorry to all :
    when a government takes the view of a biz over the people they represent they its called a dictatorship the more money Hollywood pumps into Washington the more they show that they will protect any special interest groups over its people for a price... and we elected these bozo's, and they are speaking for us all to the world... maybe they are right we can't make good decisions for our selves ... after all we voted for them or maybe we didn't and were just to busy to care... sorry to the world maybe we wont make that choice next time...

    19.1.2012 21:34 #9

  • Mrguss

    Megaupload is Back.....Again:


    19.1.2012 23:13 #10

  • swifty74

    I for one am rooting for anonymous some people might see the actions they take as dramatic or over the top but what happens when all of your rights and freedom is gone not only here in the United States but all over the world if they havent been taken away already they are fighting for our rights as americans they are fighting for the blood that was spilled so we can have these rights to say what we want to say

    This is Ron Blaze signing off

    19.1.2012 23:40 #11

  • xnonsuchx

    Hackers deserve what they get as much as the MPAA, RIAA, etc. deserve to fail when they try to be...uh...too 'overbearing.'

    20.1.2012 00:10 #12

  • Tristan_2

    I had a funny suspicion this was an Operation In Our Sites Takedown which is The Illegal Form of SOPA and PIPA, The RIAA and MPAA don't need those bills,they all ready have this insane power. They have officially declared War against us with this shut down and were winning.

    20.1.2012 02:50 #13

  • H@CKER7 (unverified)


    20.1.2012 04:30 #14

  • AustinHoffman (unverified)

    I cant believe they went and arrested him in ANOTHER country!!!

    p.s. LOL @list of the owners seized cars: (i call dibz on the royce!)

    20.1.2012 05:47 #15

  • mystic

    see the Mayans warned us 2012 was going to be the year of the end of the world .. maybe they knew it was going to be the web and they said it would be the end of mankind maybe they want us all to band together and bring a new dawn of mankind one where governments don't rule the people but maybe they work for the betterment of all like working together.... just a thought

    20.1.2012 06:58 #16

  • GrizzCola

    Nice pipe dreams mystic.
    The Revolution is Not Being Televised.
    Go outside and see it for yourself.

    Dew you due the do?

    20.1.2012 10:28 #17

  • mystic

    oh I know its on and as soon as the masses in the world learn of the truth that its going to be an all out war and service around the globe will be involved and targeted maybe then they will notice here in the USA local coverage isn't happing due to media going along with the gov. and that should tell people all the need to know .. look occupy-now and now I.T. companies across are letting the word out that maybe our government isn't working in the best interest of the people or for the people but like most americans it will take awhile for them to notice maybe if the nascar sites were taken down they would wake up , yes in the real world people pay a real price but maybe just maybe the price could be support for those that seek to lead as our voice and say no , not any more , the " world wide web warriors or the "W4" as I like to call them peace out everyone and let the games begin

    20.1.2012 11:03 #18

  • LordRuss

    @mystic... I feel your pain. I can only simply say (from atop my staircase of soap boxes) that people in general are intelligent. Younger folks aren't, but I don't mean that in a hurtful manner. I mean it from a place of experience.

    When I was young, dumb & full of... you get the point, I was taking on the world & ready to eat it raw like a shucked oyster. Come to find out the experienced planet out there took about 8" of 6" ass & I just about didn't make it out.

    Sure we elect these idiots into office. Redundantly, from a group of what? The fickle hordes out there vote because some kind of Sunday morning boogeyman tells them to, or mommy/daddy voted that way since they could remember. There's a bunch of stupidity that has gone behind the curtain over time. I don't know if it's cynicism, senility, greed of a newly misplaced Roman society or a combination of all that makes it seem like it's getting worse.

    Frankly, I'm with you & have been ranting that the plumes of revolution may be seen in the tree lines. So much of the global judicial system has become polluted with 'definitions' or languages of how to 'speak' right & wrong that a common person no longer knows what that means any more.

    Simply put, if you asked to borrow my hammer & I said no, that doesn't mean you can come into my garage & get my drill. Using the 'excuse', "you didn't tell me I couldn't use use your drill" is BS & everyone on the planet knows it. Toddlers even know this. You can see the look in their eyes when they try to get away with it.

    So what does all this crap rant going to boil down to? Anon seems to me to be a start of that very premonition I spoke of some 2 years previous to their arrival (or at least my knowledge of their existence).

    No, I'm not a member. I don't even remotely give myself that much credit. But I have noticed that they are taking to the streets. Are they pawns or realistic members? Don't know. This early in the game it wouldn't be prudent for upper level members to ever show their hand. Simple rules of unconventional warfare.

    Anyway... We all know what theft is. We all have a sense of fairness. We all know what an honest days pay for an honest days work is too & for someone to keep getting paid for not working is BS. Alphabet Nazis, ridiculous residual checks, ludicrous percentages on commission... We all know the stunts that have been pulled blatantly in front of us with no regard as to recourse.

    It's a wholesale slur of profanity that would make a burlesque comedian blush. I would hope that Anonymous mission statement is to put an end to this.

    20.1.2012 12:42 #19

  • djkorn

    So, here is my take on all of this from a IT worker. SOPA and PIPA allow the government the ability to say that you arent playing well with others, and poof you're gone.

    On the same token, it gives the MPAA, RIAA, and other companies the ability to say that they are making enough money off printed materials, and we want these things shut down. The problem is all of this is that S*it evolves. Its nature. Technology has grown over the past 20 years to the point that we can blink a eye, and something changes for the better. When a industry grows, jobs are created, commerce grows, and money flows back out as people are able to take care of themselves and their families.

    this is just the music and movie companies getting butt hurt because their sales of printed materials are down. If you allow this to happen, you force the people into a corner. Anyone here remember Cesear? what happened there when he cornered people into a corner, they F***in killed the man. We as a nation will rise from this eventually, put our heads on straight, and need to do the same thing. If the tech industry pumped money into congress, i can guarantee you that the bills wouldnt have made it to the floor.

    We need to wake up to the ideals that everything that our fathers and fathers fathers worked so hard for is going up in smoke. The hacker groups are simply showing the world what happens when you pin us into a corner. You cant sensor the internet, you cant sensor tv, and you cant sensor free speech. They just need to find a way to work hand in hand in regards to these issues, otherwise we as a people will find other ways to do what we are doing. 2012 needs to be the year of new government.

    20.1.2012 14:59 #20

  • hearme0

    MU should put their servers in the Middle East like Pakistan or Iran where they already say F YOU to the U.S. Ain't nothin' can be done when they're there.

    20.1.2012 15:39 #21

  • LordRuss

    @djkorn... I kind of also see it as the growing up /after high school, coming of age story 'thing' the class bully tends to deal with. I can't necessarily say it happens near as much now with all the happy joy-joy hippie shit their doing nowadays, but back when I was a kid, you had the typical bullies that would shove kids in the lockers & all the other cliques...

    My point being, once high school came to an end & the bully never went on to college or did much else to better himself, his stagnation ended up emasculating the once powerful nature of his old "stealing your lunch money days". So come a reunion, all everyone saw was a drunken shell of a pathetic nobody.

    Now that entertainment has grown & become affordable to folks like me who studied it & have advanced degrees in it to now have a chance to entertain without playing the bully's game anymore, they're cognatively scared of a large scale loss of control.

    But even like the criminals in maxi prisons with jail bird educations, they think they can use the stool pigeon law degree to f*k the system & get one over on all of us. I.e., line up their lawyers 7 legally bully everyone around (like you said). Kind of a last gasp if you will.

    If I might be so bold... I think you're hinting at a big high school reunion coming up & the old schoolers aren't going to be looking so good after all these years. If you catch my euphemism.

    20.1.2012 15:57 #22

  • djkorn

    Originally posted by LordRuss: @djkorn... I kind of also see it as the growing up /after high school, coming of age story 'thing' the class bully tends to deal with. I can't necessarily say it happens near as much now with all the happy joy-joy hippie shit their doing nowadays, but back when I was a kid, you had the typical bullies that would shove kids in the lockers & all the other cliques...

    My point being, once high school came to an end & the bully never went on to college or did much else to better himself, his stagnation ended up emasculating the once powerful nature of his old "stealing your lunch money days". So come a reunion, all everyone saw was a drunken shell of a pathetic nobody.

    Now that entertainment has grown & become affordable to folks like me who studied it & have advanced degrees in it to now have a chance to entertain without playing the bully's game anymore, they're cognatively scared of a large scale loss of control.

    But even like the criminals in maxi prisons with jail bird educations, they think they can use the stool pigeon law degree to f*k the system & get one over on all of us. I.e., line up their lawyers 7 legally bully everyone around (like you said). Kind of a last gasp if you will.

    If I might be so bold... I think you're hinting at a big high school reunion coming up & the old schoolers aren't going to be looking so good after all these years. If you catch my euphemism.
    You are very right. I mean, i just started working in the IT field after getting my associates in Network Security, and currently perusing the Bachelors degree as well. But the thing still rings true to all of us, that we are in the place and time where we can afford to buy the products that we want, and entertain without breaking the wallet. Its sad to say this, but this may be the beginning of the end. Craigslist now has a bill up that is basically threatens to remove sites like this because people are buying things second hand, and they dont like this. But the point of the economy and the world is that as we move forward, things change. If i buy something from someone off CL, they take said money and go spend it on more stuff from the store. companies are still making money, and the world keeps going. But if you censor the people's voices, us the kids who had our lunch money stolen in high school, we will all stand up and show what we can do. the hackers are already doing this now all throughout the world, deal one blow to MU, ten more pop up, and soon it gets to the point where you cant walk anywhere without seeing P2P or torrents or music sharing. Where there is a will, there is a way. We the people keep the industries going by not only buying their stuff, but breaking it and showing them the flaws, it employs more people, they spend more money, and the world keeps moving.

    20.1.2012 17:08 #23

  • LordRuss

    Originally posted by djkorn: If i buy something from someone off CL, they take said money and go spend it on more stuff from the store. companies are still making money, and the world keeps going. But if you censor the people's voices, us the kids who had our lunch money stolen in high school, we will all stand up and show what we can do. the hackers are already doing this now all throughout the world, deal one blow to MU, ten more pop up, and soon it gets to the point where you cant walk anywhere without seeing P2P or torrents or music sharing. Where there is a will, there is a way. It all started with ASVAB back in 1911 when this organization thought up a way to make money for doing nothing (the lunchroom bully if you will). The idea was echoed by Thomas Edison though patent/copyright violations & Hollywood just saw the good idea bomb go off & went into the light.

    Who else would charge extortionist rates from radio stations for playing music of new & old artists to the masses in order to get said audiences to buy their music that would probably never otherwise get noticed? Talk about the ultimate destructive parasitic contradiction.

    Frankly I'm surprised that thrift shops, garage sales & baptist church parking lots haven't been SWAT teamed raided like drug czar plantations by now.

    Besides, after having watched Bill Maher last night & his end of show whine about his movie being pirated I found myself echoing a statement similar to yours from so many forums past...

    It goes similar to this... I actually bought Bill's movie "Religilous". It was actually, 'alright'. In all matter of facts, I could have (and in a matter of speaking have already, before it's release & his stand up career) "been there, done that". So his documentation of human folly & letting everyone basically blow it for themselves was good enough. Anyone with half a brain has seen it & will probably be the only ones watching anyway. Huge strike for sales going into the films release from the get go.

    Now he bitches about pirates being the core to his loss of income. Really? I beg to differ. Sounds like Billy-boy has fallen for the same BS that he mocks every Friday night. Not the fact that "I" supported his ass at $24 for the DVD or that the rest of his potential audience didn't merit his production at that price.

    For a guy who is quite capable at arguing the non existence of a sentient being & that a class war does in fact rage on, he is in certain denial of perceived value or his own talent.

    We ALL need to get a heavy dose of humility & personal suffrage. We all have forgotten what it means to TRULY strive. To truly do without. When a person is in such dire straits that they have to turn their back on another in order to reserve their own survival, then & only then can we know how to help someone 'properly'.

    Teach them to fish. If they control the fish, they need to die.

    21.1.2012 13:42 #24

  • numscull

    Originally posted by ivymike: Who here is rooting for Anonymous????

    I am.
    Here! Here!

    22.1.2012 02:12 #25

  • xboxdvl2

    i actually saw bill maher on youtube a few hours ago.he was talking piracy (and sopa) on a tv show and got drilled by 3 guests.And no i havnt seen his dvd.

    I honestly dont think piracy costs the industy millions of dollars,think riaa waste more money on legal fees trying to fight piracy.

    as for megaupload i have used it for a few songs and files for mugen.the files for mugen arnt copyrighted as they are made and distributed by the makers of the files by users.

    people destroy themselves and help bring others down.

    @mystic i believe the mayans didnt finish the calander as they were being invaded and didnt have time.

    R.I.P. mr 1990 ford myself a 1993 toyota corolla seems to run good.computers still going good.

    22.1.2012 03:46 #26

  • LordRuss

    Originally posted by xboxdvl2: i actually saw bill maher on youtube a few hours ago.he was talking piracy (and sopa) on a tv show and got drilled by 3 guests.And no i havnt seen his dvd.

    I honestly dont think piracy costs the industy millions of dollars,think riaa waste more money on legal fees trying to fight piracy.

    people destroy themselves and help bring others down.
    Just to be redundant, his movie was... quaint... As for the particular interview you spoke of, I can't say I saw that one, nor truly say where his stance about the whole subject was going. All I can comment on was the show I saw a couple of evenings ago & the tenor being projected then.

    However, you're right, with a twist, organizations aren't losing quite the money they'd have us to believe due to piracy. Let's be honest. There will always be thieves. There is 'some' kind of loss given that something was taken from somebody. It's the profound value placed on the stolen item that's getting all the attention. I.e., $50K for each song downloaded.

    That's part of the destructive nature you speak of (or at least I'm taking it that direction with a bit of artistic license). I.e., misery loves company. The song is only worth $1. Supposed 'damages' are only about $20 a song. As no windows, legs, fingers, mental acuity or sexual functionality got broken due to the immediate manner in which the song got downloaded.

    It isn't until now that Megaupload got taken in as they did. That's why they went after the weakest. But it's still no different than being held responsible for a riot breaking out & your shelves being cleared by the mob & then being sued because you didn't shoot everyone.

    I'm hoping this is what Anonymous is working towards thwarting. It certainly seems that way. But it's tough as hell to be Robin Hood these days. And no, not Batman, his ass never gave back to the poor. Nor did he address class. Remember, he was even above the 1%. Unlike some of the members of Anonymous, who know what suffering means, Batman could at anytime go back to mansion.

    22.1.2012 11:27 #27

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