Developer: Next round of gaming consoles will be the last

Developer: Next round of gaming consoles will be the last
According to Fredrik Wester, the CEO of developer Paradox Interactive, the next round of gaming consoles will be the last generation.

Says the exec: "The next generation of console hardware will probably be the last. I'd be surprised if we see another generation after that."

Wester also says boxed products will eventually disappear, giving way to "open" platforms like the PC, mobile/tablets and social networks. Many companies would prefer to use direct download services like Steam to distribute their games, cutting out physical discs and the theoretical "middle man."

Paradox, for example, has seen a 97 percent rise in digital revenue in just two years, along with a 250 percent rise in income.

(Mock PS4 via Rant)

Written by: Andre Yoskowitz @ 22 Jan 2012 14:23
PS4 Xbox console
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  • snickle

    Thats the stupidest thing I ever heard. We dont even have hologram gaming yet.

    22.1.2012 14:39 #1

  • plutonash

    He shouldn't say they'd be the last. But IF the next generation of consoles are leaps and bounds of what we have already, they will either have a long life span or sales of consoles will decrease. If you think about it, the general public seems content with graphics on consoles. Some go as far to say that they are better than the PC, which is laughable.

    But if the next generation brings more power, because as of now the current generation of consoles show their age when you play games such as skyrim, then there will be little reason to buy the consoles 15-20 years from now unless they make some innovative strides forward.

    Nintendo is moving closer and closer to the virtual gaming console helmet, so to speak. But for most people, the next generation of consoles will have enough power to last for a long time.

    "Cable thief is a victimless crime."

    22.1.2012 15:11 #2

  • SoulGLOW

    Hey! Until it (the console) wipes my ass for me after I shit myself cuz I'm hooked on the game itself then it isnt that advanced. Lets not even talk about the fact the manufacturers dont think ahead enough to anticipate something as simple as upgradeable components like RAM.... but I digress cuz that would almost be a PC then. I believe Alienware's new desktop gaming pc will meet this right in the middle and something like it will take off as a new standard for gamers.

    22.1.2012 16:43 #3

  • A5J4DX

    dumb but kind of saw this coming if it does happen

    22.1.2012 20:39 #4

  • blivetNC

    If memory serves me right, the head of the Patent Office around 1900 said that there was no more need of a patent office because everything that could have been invented had already been invented????

    22.1.2012 22:10 #5

  • stuntz0rZ

    They are going to ditch the disc drive for sure! Mainly to cut out game piracy. Who cares if it will or will not be the last wave of consoles. There will always be new titles to play.

    22.1.2012 22:44 #6

  • xtago

    It's hard to say what will happen to consoles really.

    people say the PC is dead for games but it's not true, the hardware is so far ahead of the software that I don't know if there's much point for getting the newest hardware these days.

    Even the GFX card makers are finding it hard to sell cards that are faster and faster but there's nothing that makes full use of the hardware anymore.

    The only programs I know of that make 100% use of current hardware is the 3d renders.

    Consoles may die off I don't know lots of companies say mobile phones is the new console but I don't think that as they aren't the best thing to game on.

    23.1.2012 06:09 #7

  • molsen

    I remember reading about that in the late 80s. How can anything surpass the relablity of a cart game? Lone and behold Sega CD and PS one came to be.

    I think it is Wester's short sideness and maybe a ploy to push for d/l media. I think we are heading into a more centralized multi media experience. Look at the 3 curent gen consols now: They all have netflix, and other apps to make it more than a game system.

    My opinion is we are moving toward a new medium of gaming, be d/l or otherwise. PC gaming will make a come back like it was in the mid to late 80s. I remember police quest using most of the pc resources. Grant it it was a 1Ghz and 512mb ram max, if that. SLI cards have been around for quite some time. Only now are they more common place in use of gamers/software. Not just Quake and a couple of select titles.

    23.1.2012 13:45 #8

  • dab0ne

    As long as there are users who don't have their systems hooked up to the internet there will be physical media. Believe it or not there are some who don't have their consoles connected to the net which means companies and studios would miss potential profits. There may be a decrease in physical distribution but it will be a while before it will be completely wiped from the industry.

    23.1.2012 16:24 #9

  • SoulGLOW

    Originally posted by dab0ne: As long as there are users who don't have their systems hooked up to the internet there will be physical media. Believe it or not there are some who don't have their consoles connected to the net which means companies and studios would miss potential profits. There may be a decrease in physical distribution but it will be a while before it will be completely wiped from the industry. Hheh! Hheh! He said "Wiped"

    24.1.2012 05:39 #10

  • hearme0

    This IS the stupidest thing I've ever heard and most contradicting too!!!!

    At the beginning he says that "next gen console hardware will probably be the last" then goes on to specifically talk about "open platforms, direct download and Steam" while adding "cutting out physical discs and 97% digital revenue"

    You F'ing idiot....they are two separate things entirely!!!!!

    At present, all the aforementioned systems take advantage of digital distro!

    One needs the hardware to play the software whether it be PC, PS3 or Xbox.....WTF???????

    So please clarify why the "next gen hardware" will be the "last" because "digital downloads" make up 97%. What does next gen hardware have to do with acquiring digitally distro'd software? So............digitally distro'd software will remain and grow but will be our heads??

    I hate inconsistent gibberish!

    24.1.2012 14:55 #11

  • supidassthread (unverified)

    Originally posted by xtago: the hardware is so far ahead of the software that I don't know if there's much point for getting the newest hardware these days.

    Even the GFX card makers are finding it hard to sell cards that are faster and faster but there's nothing that makes full use of the hardware anymore.

    The only programs I know of that make 100% use of current hardware is the 3d renders.

    Consoles may die off I don't know lots of companies say mobile phones is the new console but I don't think that as they aren't the best thing to game on.
    This post is just utter utter rubbish, completely made from thin air. BF3 , Metro 2033, Crysis 2, Batman Arkham City and MANY more will test your hardware. This poster must be playing minecraft on a gtx 690.

    And post one link, or one quote where Nvidia even ONE TIME claim they are struggling to sell cards? even the £1000 690s are selling. I know 3 PC game enthusiasts, all of them on the high-end GTX 600 series. stop making facts up out of your mind.

    For the passed 6 years, P.C have seen a constant visual/physics increases, going from DX9 all the way to 11. And the new games are breathtaking! But for Consoles the games all look the same, and any game on xbox that looks better then its prequel, also has a worse frame rate. I can crank over 100fps on a single GTX 670 on BF3 maxed. PC EATS consoles.

    This needs to change. Im seeing more and more people change to PC as it gives such a better gaming experience then a console can dream of.

    10.8.2012 03:38 #12

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