Apple to reward employees with massive discount on products

Apple to reward employees with massive discount on products
CEO Tim Cook has noted this week that employees will be given a major discount on Apple products, starting in June.

Employees already get 25 percent off Macs and iOS products, but in a few months they will also be given an extra $500 off Macs and $250 off iPads. For example, the low-end Macbook Air will cost just $250 after the discount and new credit. Whether you hate Apple or not, $250 for the MBA is an extremely good deal.

The new credit comes with a few caveats, says 9to5, which are you must be working for Apple for three months to use the credit and you can only use the credit once every three years.

Mac Minis are excluded since they are so cheap already, but everything else seems fair game on the Mac end.

Seems Apple is putting some of that $97.7 billion in cash to good use.

Written by: Andre Yoskowitz @ 28 Jan 2012 10:46
Mac Apple Discount Employee
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  • LordRuss

    Screw the employees, or I should say, they would benefit more from a healthcare package or better stock option than a store discount. How about a pay raise! Talk about no incentive to want to work there. CrApple still wants to keep that money in house.

    How do we even know if most of their own employees can even afford their own products as it is? Just because you work at Walmart doesn't mean you can afford a discounted eMachine, nor does it mean they're doing you a favor by discounting it further either.

    Putting the 97 Bill to good use... They aren't even touching it. Not by a long shot.

    28.1.2012 15:32 #1

  • Hyasuma

    Originally posted by LordRuss: Screw the employees, or I should say, they would benefit more from a healthcare package or better stock option than a store discount. How about a pay raise! Talk about no incentive to want to work there. CrApple still wants to keep that money in house.

    How do we even know if most of their own employees can even afford their own products as it is? Just because you work at Walmart doesn't mean you can afford a discounted eMachine, nor does it mean they're doing you a favor by discounting it further either.

    Putting the 97 Bill to good use... They aren't even touching it. Not by a long shot.
    +1, if apple is smart enough, they should always have a price like that for customers instead of the employees only. Putting to a good use? i don't think so, more of fact that they are taking their employee's money by selling them the left over runs, Apple : "in couple more months, everything is going to be upgraded so we need to get rid of these MBA and whatever we have. Let's get rid of it by selling it to the employee for great discounts, so we can put more money to our $97billion :D". Screw Crapple

    Being nice always has its own consequences

    28.1.2012 15:53 #2

  • Jeffrey_P

    Originally posted by Hyasuma: Originally posted by LordRuss: Screw the employees, or I should say, they would benefit more from a healthcare package or better stock option than a store discount. How about a pay raise! Talk about no incentive to want to work there. CrApple still wants to keep that money in house.

    How do we even know if most of their own employees can even afford their own products as it is? Just because you work at Walmart doesn't mean you can afford a discounted eMachine, nor does it mean they're doing you a favor by discounting it further either.

    Putting the 97 Bill to good use... They aren't even touching it. Not by a long shot.
    +1, if apple is smart enough, they should always have a price like that for customers instead of the employees only. Putting to a good use? i don't think so, more of fact that they are taking their employee's money by selling them the left over runs, Apple : "in couple more months, everything is going to be upgraded so we need to get rid of these MBA and whatever we have. Let's get rid of it by selling it to the employee for great discounts, so we can put more money to our $97billion :D". Screw Crapple
    After you've reached the pinnacle there is only one direction to go, down.

    Apple has exhausted their so-called creativity BS. Now that the God of the universe has passed (Steve Jobs), it won't be long until Apple goes back to where they belong, sloppy seconds.
    10% of the desktop market. Used-to-be king of Smartphones. Now people are realizing Android is a viable open architecture compared to Apples, "we own you" closed architecture, .

    See ya Apple.

    28.1.2012 16:20 #3

  • ThePastor

    I'm thinking that those suicidal FoxCon employees will be overjoyed and grateful for this "benefit".
    I'm just wondering, though, if a decent pay-rate and livable working conditions might be a better investment.

    28.1.2012 16:27 #4

  • dagobaker

    Originally posted by LordRuss: Screw the employees, or I should say, they would benefit more from a healthcare package or better stock option than a store discount. How about a pay raise! Talk about no incentive to want to work there. CrApple still wants to keep that money in house.

    How do we even know if most of their own employees can even afford their own products as it is? Just because you work at Walmart doesn't mean you can afford a discounted eMachine, nor does it mean they're doing you a favor by discounting it further either.

    Putting the 97 Bill to good use... They aren't even touching it. Not by a long shot.
    wow hater?
    as an iphone owner and apple stock owner i say DONT change a thing
    wanna keep riding this success


    28.1.2012 17:17 #5

  • Ruferdoopy (unverified)

    Here in Silicon Valley, Apple has a reputation of working their employees pretty hard, but they also compensate their employees very well.

    29.1.2012 02:33 #6

  • llongtheD

    Originally posted by ThePastor: I'm thinking that those suicidal FoxCon employees will be overjoyed and grateful for this "benefit".
    I'm just wondering, though, if a decent pay-rate and livable working conditions might be a better investment.
    Just as you said pastor, those are FoxCon employees, a subcontractor for Crapple. I'm sure they're not holding their breath for a decent wage or working conditions, let alone a nice discount on a Macbook air etc. I think I caught a tinge of sarcasm in your comment but wasn't sure.
    Apple isn't the only guilty party as we all know, all big corporations take advantage of the lack of labor laws and use slave labor in other countries. Odd how so many people are more concerned about the fair treatment of animals, but no consideration is given to these slave labor factories in several countries. Then again if they were, we probably wouldn't be able to afford the latest greatest shiny new device everytime one came out.
    All of this will come home to roost soon enough.

    29.1.2012 02:38 #7

  • TBandit

    Would be interesting to see where Apple is in five years.

    29.1.2012 03:06 #8

  • LordRuss

    Originally posted by dagobaker: wow hater?
    as an iphone owner and apple stock owner i say DONT change a thing
    wanna keep riding this success
    And he's off ladies & gentlemen!

    It's not hating when you make a comment that self deprecates itself. That's why I said CrApple is taking advantage of YOU. For shit's sake, I was arguing FOR YOU and your CrApple fans to get get better price points AND better stock options (better buy ins, which with the turn around of better pricing [oh, holy shit] causes stocks to clime) thus making you some more money.

    Your comment alone proves my point flawlessly. How? Simple. Because of your refusal (like that of other CrAptilians)to "CHANGE". That's what CrApple wants. That's how they make 97.7 billion & sit on it and continue to sell you a $2000 laptop that is really only worth $600. Or software that's only worth $40 for $250.

    But no, your comments only leads me to other possible contradictory conclusions, either of which still paints CrApple fans out to be the same isolationist, utopian, town criers that never rise to the level they always whine about what they want to be.

    I'm not the capitalist here, it's your company, you chose them. You should expect more. My comments chose to support you, but just like any intervention...

    29.1.2012 12:14 #9

  • plutonash

    Originally posted by LordRuss: Originally posted by dagobaker: wow hater?
    as an iphone owner and apple stock owner i say DONT change a thing
    wanna keep riding this success
    And he's off ladies & gentlemen!

    It's not hating when you make a comment that self deprecates itself. That's why I said CrApple is taking advantage of YOU. For shit's sake, I was arguing FOR YOU and your CrApple fans to get get better price points AND better stock options (better buy ins, which with the turn around of better pricing [oh, holy shit] causes stocks to clime) thus making you some more money.

    Your comment alone proves my point flawlessly. How? Simple. Because of your refusal (like that of other CrAptilians)to "CHANGE". That's what CrApple wants. That's how they make 97.7 billion & sit on it and continue to sell you a $2000 laptop that is really only worth $600. Or software that's only worth $40 for $250.

    But no, your comments only leads me to other possible contradictory conclusions, either of which still paints CrApple fans out to be the same isolationist, utopian, town criers that never rise to the level they always whine about what they want to be.

    I'm not the capitalist here, it's your company, you chose them. You should expect more. My comments chose to support you, but just like any intervention...
    Actually mac osx lion is 29 bucks, just to correct your statement.

    "Cable thief is a victimless crime."

    29.1.2012 13:36 #10

  • LordRuss

    Originally posted by plutonash: Actually mac osx lion is 29 bucks, just to correct your statement. Before you take this opportunity to stand atop pissant mountain & claim victory as king of 'right', or consume hubris in mass quantities & drink heavily from the well of duh, that is an UPGRADE ONLY. You have to have Mac OS X 10.6.6 or later (straight from the mac store site themselves).

    At best, from pure scratch, you'll need around $60-75 for a copy of Leopard; not taking into consideration that you'll still have to upgrade anyway as you can't buy a clean install of 10.7.2.

    Therefore, as I wasn't quoting product price points individually of any product, nor do I shop CrApple merchandise to begin with... Yet it seems I already do a better job of it than you do as a parishioner of the said brand already....

    No... I believe I'll let my original statement stand.

    29.1.2012 15:04 #11

  • ZeusAV

    Pretty nice incentive. I can't think of any other corporation that offers their employees such large discounts on products. At most they only give 10-15% which barely covers tax.

    30.1.2012 13:21 #12

  • dEwMe

    Well in my personal experience I always found it odd the number of people working for Gateway back in the day that didn't even own a computer of their own. Same with any item. I think one is much better equipped to support a product if they are a user as well. I'll bet Apple employees are no different. To Gateway's credit they gave the PCs out FREE if you worked there for so long.

    Though as they have long since gone under and now are a brand in name only Gateway can go to

    Just my $0.02,


    30.1.2012 14:06 #13

  • dagobaker

    Originally posted by LordRuss: Originally posted by dagobaker: wow hater?
    as an iphone owner and apple stock owner i say DONT change a thing
    wanna keep riding this success
    And he's off ladies & gentlemen!

    It's not hating when you make a comment that self deprecates itself. That's why I said CrApple is taking advantage of YOU. For shit's sake, I was arguing FOR YOU and your CrApple fans to get get better price points AND better stock options (better buy ins, which with the turn around of better pricing [oh, holy shit] causes stocks to clime) thus making you some more money.

    Your comment alone proves my point flawlessly. How? Simple. Because of your refusal (like that of other CrAptilians)to "CHANGE". That's what CrApple wants. That's how they make 97.7 billion & sit on it and continue to sell you a $2000 laptop that is really only worth $600. Or software that's only worth $40 for $250.

    But no, your comments only leads me to other possible contradictory conclusions, either of which still paints CrApple fans out to be the same isolationist, utopian, town criers that never rise to the level they always whine about what they want to be.

    I'm not the capitalist here, it's your company, you chose them. You should expect more. My comments chose to support you, but just like any intervention...
    people that buy apple products are happy
    people that own apple stock are happy
    apple is happy
    im happy........
    if every company was managed like apple (aka govt) usa would b booming
    instead we get greenspan/bernenke/Wbush/obama (not to mention nixon going off gold standard)
    instead of betting on usa ill just bet on apple (and gold/silver/commodities)


    30.1.2012 15:58 #14

  • ThePastor

    Yes, People who buy Apple are happy. But that, in no way means that if EVERY company was like Apple then EVERYONE would be happy. I do NOT buy Apple because they do NOT make me happy. If I had to then I would be very displeased.

    Yes, the people who own stock in Apple are happy. But look at what Apple has to do to give those dividends. If every company was like this then half of the third world would be threatening suicide.

    The USA Government is not a company.

    "But the bigger point here is that UMG has effectively admitted this takedown was never about copyright. They demanded YouTube censor Megaupload and justify that by saying they have a contract which allows it so its fine. Its painfully clear what they would do with a law like SOPA that gives them much more power"

    30.1.2012 16:21 #15

  • dagobaker

    Originally posted by ThePastor: Yes, People who buy Apple are happy. But that, in no way means that if EVERY company was like Apple then EVERYONE would be happy. I do NOT buy Apple because they do NOT make me happy. If I had to then I would be very displeased.

    Yes, the people who own stock in Apple are happy. But look at what Apple has to do to give those dividends. If every company was like this then half of the third world would be threatening suicide.

    The USA Government is not a company.
    actually apple doesnt pay a divident (they are all about growth)
    and it would obviously be up to popular vote as to making the govt run like apple for sure
    people get to choose where they work at in china........they are only quasi communist
    we have veterans commiting suicide after coming back from iraq and i dont see obama stopping being policeman of the world..........
    usa needs to remember were not exactly doing great things here at home
    id vote for running the usa govt like apple but im not sure the people of usa would agree


    30.1.2012 17:54 #16

  • dagobaker

    i would like to see apple take 50 Billion of that cash and buy back some stock
    or.........take 50 billion and buy companies and use apples business plan to succeed there also


    30.1.2012 17:56 #17

  • LordRuss

    Originally posted by dagobaker:
    people that buy apple products are happy
    people that own apple stock are happy
    apple is happy
    im happy........
    if every company was managed like apple (aka govt) usa would b booming
    instead we get greenspan/bernenke/Wbush/obama (not to mention nixon going off gold standard)
    instead of betting on usa ill just bet on apple (and gold/silver/commodities)
    Then by your standard everyone in 4th world countries should simply be happy when they start handing out tap water.

    There's nothing worse than people pining for a utopian society than the individual who already believes they're living in one.

    30.1.2012 23:47 #18

  • dagobaker

    Originally posted by LordRuss: Originally posted by dagobaker:
    people that buy apple products are happy
    people that own apple stock are happy
    apple is happy
    im happy........
    if every company was managed like apple (aka govt) usa would b booming
    instead we get greenspan/bernenke/Wbush/obama (not to mention nixon going off gold standard)
    instead of betting on usa ill just bet on apple (and gold/silver/commodities)
    Then by your standard everyone in 4th world countries should simply be happy when they start handing out tap water.

    There's nothing worse than people pining for a utopian society than the individual who already believes they're living in one.
    allow capitalism to transform their 4th world into a 3rd........thats how it works...
    when their labor becomes TOO expensive for usa companies to make a profit then usa workers labor will b more competitive and return to usa.......u CANT use price controls and inflation litigation taxation to build growth and wealth


    1.2.2012 19:04 #19

  • LordRuss

    Originally posted by dagobaker: allow capitalism to transform their 4th world into a 3rd........thats how it works...
    when their labor becomes TOO expensive for usa companies to make a profit then usa workers labor will b more competitive and return to usa.......u CANT use price controls and inflation litigation taxation to build growth and wealth
    That's how it doesn't work... Your logic is (nonexistent, for one) mired in the belief that what you 'think' to be right, will in turn, be 'wished' into right.

    Your environment of capitalism won't work as 4th worlders have nothing to begin with. The capitalists will continue to BS them into believing that they are receiving from tham, when in fact they aren't. A continual perpetuation of the current 'American Dream' that has recently been bastardized into the mire it has become.

    Simply handing down beads & bobbles to gimmick them along into believing that they 'need' to continue on 'your' current path isn't capitalism. It's a form of slavery.

    I know this to be true because it will be run by individuals like yourself who don't care. Those whose world only extends approximately 14 inches beyond their fingertips & no more. How do I know this? Your emphasis on yourself in your writing is quite telling. Not to mention the lack of capitalizing of our country [US] (much less anyone elses).

    Capitalism isn't a beast of nature & even if it were you can't control nature. Which makes you even more arrogant to think you can control a living organism.

    When labor becomes too expensive? Then 'you' are making/doing something wrong. It's idiots that priced items at 'what the market will bear' that crushed your moronic idea of capitalism. When you take a lighter that costs .10 to make (25 years ago) & price it at $1.59, but then never took into account that costs changing or screwing the guy later down the road for environmental impacts or whatever... No, no, you just made that capitalist dollar...

    Now that $1.59 lighter really does cost $1 to make! And China can't fill the orders cause they don't want to work that cheap either. Now mister capitalist... Sell me on why you've been screwing all these countries on labor costs, why 'you' got left holding the bag for the environmental impact issues & why I should have to start paying more for lighters. All the while only employees get the discounts on the products your producing?

    3.2.2012 11:39 #20

  • dagobaker

    Originally posted by LordRuss: Originally posted by dagobaker: allow capitalism to transform their 4th world into a 3rd........thats how it works...
    when their labor becomes TOO expensive for usa companies to make a profit then usa workers labor will b more competitive and return to usa.......u CANT use price controls and inflation litigation taxation to build growth and wealth
    That's how it doesn't work... Your logic is (nonexistent, for one) mired in the belief that what you 'think' to be right, will in turn, be 'wished' into right.

    Your environment of capitalism won't work as 4th worlders have nothing to begin with. The capitalists will continue to BS them into believing that they are receiving from tham, when in fact they aren't. A continual perpetuation of the current 'American Dream' that has recently been bastardized into the mire it has become.

    Simply handing down beads & bobbles to gimmick them along into believing that they 'need' to continue on 'your' current path isn't capitalism. It's a form of slavery.

    I know this to be true because it will be run by individuals like yourself who don't care. Those whose world only extends approximately 14 inches beyond their fingertips & no more. How do I know this? Your emphasis on yourself in your writing is quite telling. Not to mention the lack of capitalizing of our country [US] (much less anyone elses).

    Capitalism isn't a beast of nature & even if it were you can't control nature. Which makes you even more arrogant to think you can control a living organism.

    When labor becomes too expensive? Then 'you' are making/doing something wrong. It's idiots that priced items at 'what the market will bear' that crushed your moronic idea of capitalism. When you take a lighter that costs .10 to make (25 years ago) & price it at $1.59, but then never took into account that costs changing or screwing the guy later down the road for environmental impacts or whatever... No, no, you just made that capitalist dollar...

    Now that $1.59 lighter really does cost $1 to make! And China can't fill the orders cause they don't want to work that cheap either. Now mister capitalist... Sell me on why you've been screwing all these countries on labor costs, why 'you' got left holding the bag for the environmental impact issues & why I should have to start paying more for lighters. All the while only employees get the discounts on the products your producing?
    ur proving my points
    when the lighter becomes as cheap to make in usa as india/china then we will start making them again.........not b4
    our problems are fundamental .......from the fed reserve to politicians that have no back bone to an electorate that now depends on regular govt payments to just survive
    eventually people will realize that prices going up are caused by inflation and when u print more money than the population increase allows for u get inflation
    poor people suffer from inflation much more than rich people yet the D think more govt helps the poor.............
    its like newtons law of opposite and equal reaction.........aka blowback
    as a libertarian i know things in 2012 DONT favor us........but when the national debt forces usa to go through bankruptcy Rand Paul will b ready to pick up the pieces and start pegging the dollar with gold


    3.2.2012 11:49 #21

  • LordRuss

    Originally posted by dagobaker:
    ur proving my points
    when the lighter becomes as cheap to make in usa as india/china then we will start making them again.........not b4
    our problems are fundamental .......from the fed reserve to politicians that have no back bone to an electorate that now depends on regular govt payments to just survive
    eventually people will realize that prices going up are caused by inflation and when u print more money than the population increase allows for u get inflation
    poor people suffer from inflation much more than rich people yet the D think more govt helps the poor.............
    its like newtons law of opposite and equal reaction.........aka blowback
    as a libertarian i know things in 2012 DONT favor us........but when the national debt forces usa to go through bankruptcy Rand Paul will b ready to pick up the pieces and start pegging the dollar with gold
    I see... And with all that gold you have... and all that anarchy that has cascaded around you... how much of it can you eat?

    3.2.2012 12:44 #22

  • dagobaker

    Originally posted by LordRuss: Originally posted by dagobaker:
    ur proving my points
    when the lighter becomes as cheap to make in usa as india/china then we will start making them again.........not b4
    our problems are fundamental .......from the fed reserve to politicians that have no back bone to an electorate that now depends on regular govt payments to just survive
    eventually people will realize that prices going up are caused by inflation and when u print more money than the population increase allows for u get inflation
    poor people suffer from inflation much more than rich people yet the D think more govt helps the poor.............
    its like newtons law of opposite and equal reaction.........aka blowback
    as a libertarian i know things in 2012 DONT favor us........but when the national debt forces usa to go through bankruptcy Rand Paul will b ready to pick up the pieces and start pegging the dollar with gold
    I see... And with all that gold you have... and all that anarchy that has cascaded around you... how much of it can you eat?
    i actually like silver better than gold because of combo of industrial use and money and jewelry
    when the dollar is losing value due to federal reserve some people will have decided that storing wealth is better in things that are actually money....aka gold/silver (remember gold/silver are global currencies )
    Ron Paul 2012.........join the revolution


    3.2.2012 20:44 #23

  • LordRuss

    Originally posted by dagobaker:

    i actually like silver better than gold because of combo of industrial use and money and jewelry
    when the dollar is losing value due to federal reserve some people will have decided that storing wealth is better in things that are actually money....aka gold/silver (remember gold/silver are global currencies )
    Ron Paul 2012.........join the revolution
    Which still begs the answer, how much of it can you eat? In it the end it boils down to the inevitable SKILLs. Can you make bread? Do you even know how to irrigate a field? Can you hunt. Could you kill a man? Skill, you simply have them or you don't.

    You're backing a known organization that funds slavery that knowingly took learned capitalism knowledge & refused to apply the "proper" techniques learned to another country & forcibly used them "improperly". That's not a revolution nor evolution. That's playing god. Apple isn't god, yet you seem to think you're god-like for supporting their products & holding a palsy bit of their stock. And STILL happy with the anemic size of it's payout. Talk about blind faith.

    You're implying to either evolve or die (for a diluted way of putting it) otherwise, your new order will simply take longer to take over. Well, what you, Ron-ron, CrApple & your "revolution" seem to have left out of the equation is one key important ingredient... "Humanity", i.e., nature of being. Number crunching & ethics is all great until it happens to you.

    You can preach law enforcement & gun control all you want until you've been the one with a 44 jammed in your face. Or preach inflation, interest rates stock options... I'll say margin call when Apple finally screws you when they finally get slammed for global criminal actions (of god knows what, the laws "ARE" already in place) & you loose all that silver you're touting.

    A LOT of things look great on paper. Combat, real time law enforcement situations, bar fights, shoot outs... none of that shit 'really' happens like you planned it. It's the "skills" your given to deal with the situation that test your survival.

    CrApple's snake oil sale's man is gone, & without him to snatch the leash on the number crushers & nay-sayers I'm figuring the stupidity may just start to ensue. You go ahead & live in Ron Paul's "Logan's Run", die at age of 30 world. Remember, he's the silver haired old coot running it & CrApple is your "Carrousel".

    4.2.2012 13:50 #24

  • dagobaker

    Originally posted by LordRuss: Originally posted by dagobaker:

    i actually like silver better than gold because of combo of industrial use and money and jewelry
    when the dollar is losing value due to federal reserve some people will have decided that storing wealth is better in things that are actually money....aka gold/silver (remember gold/silver are global currencies )
    Ron Paul 2012.........join the revolution
    Which still begs the answer, how much of it can you eat? In it the end it boils down to the inevitable SKILLs. Can you make bread? Do you even know how to irrigate a field? Can you hunt. Could you kill a man? Skill, you simply have them or you don't.

    You're backing a known organization that funds slavery that knowingly took learned capitalism knowledge & refused to apply the "proper" techniques learned to another country & forcibly used them "improperly". That's not a revolution nor evolution. That's playing god. Apple isn't god, yet you seem to think you're god-like for supporting their products & holding a palsy bit of their stock. And STILL happy with the anemic size of it's payout. Talk about blind faith.

    You're implying to either evolve or die (for a diluted way of putting it) otherwise, your new order will simply take longer to take over. Well, what you, Ron-ron, CrApple & your "revolution" seem to have left out of the equation is one key important ingredient... "Humanity", i.e., nature of being. Number crunching & ethics is all great until it happens to you.

    You can preach law enforcement & gun control all you want until you've been the one with a 44 jammed in your face. Or preach inflation, interest rates stock options... I'll say margin call when Apple finally screws you when they finally get slammed for global criminal actions (of god knows what, the laws "ARE" already in place) & you loose all that silver you're touting.

    A LOT of things look great on paper. Combat, real time law enforcement situations, bar fights, shoot outs... none of that shit 'really' happens like you planned it. It's the "skills" your given to deal with the situation that test your survival.

    CrApple's snake oil sale's man is gone, & without him to snatch the leash on the number crushers & nay-sayers I'm figuring the stupidity may just start to ensue. You go ahead & live in Ron Paul's "Logan's Run", die at age of 30 world. Remember, he's the silver haired old coot running it & CrApple is your "Carrousel".
    who says u cant have all of the above?
    land to grow ....skills to grow.....skills to cook.......and a nice backup of silver just in rather have silver than fiat money ANY day mang.......wait till the inflation comes or the govt has to liquidate the debt.....those fiat dollars will do what they did in the 70s.....losing 60% of their value (up to 70%)
    and as long as people are buying the iphones and ipads ill b buying them and the stock
    if they screw up ill sell (were not married after all) and buy more solid stocks
    the mistake people make is getting all pissy about china.......WERE buying the stuff
    aka NO gun to peoples head.......
    if there is a better run US company please tell.......cause ill buy a few shares
    people will continue to buy phones computers tablets......its a worldwide market
    when europe and usa slow down china consumers and indian consumers will pick up the slack
    as long as obama/bernanke are partners ill b shorting them and buying apple


    4.2.2012 16:35 #25

  • dagobaker

    why is it that every US company that actually creates jobs and makes a PROFIT people have to HATE......cmon mang
    ill take walmart and apple over GM or Solyndra anyday


    4.2.2012 16:37 #26

  • LordRuss

    Originally posted by dagobaker:
    who says u cant have all of the above?
    land to grow ....skills to grow.....skills to cook.......and a nice backup of silver just in rather have silver than fiat money ANY day mang.......wait till the inflation comes or the govt has to liquidate the debt.....those fiat dollars will do what they did in the 70s.....losing 60% of their value (up to 70%)
    and as long as people are buying the iphones and ipads ill b buying them and the stock
    if they screw up ill sell (were not married after all) and buy more solid stocks
    the mistake people make is getting all pissy about china.......WERE buying the stuff
    aka NO gun to peoples head.......
    if there is a better run US company please tell.......cause ill buy a few shares
    people will continue to buy phones computers tablets......its a worldwide market
    when europe and usa slow down china consumers and indian consumers will pick up the slack
    as long as obama/bernanke are partners ill b shorting them and buying apple
    Nah, I've been baited long enough only to see you talk in the same repeated circles. There are plenty of companies that practice decent labor laws & have modest returns on their stock options. I'm not doing your homework for you. To continue to be baited into an attempt to violate Rule #15 with someone who has a woefully narrow field of thought & only one cable channel stuck on Fox News; anything written hence forth would be childish at the very best.

    Good luck with your silver idea as 'your' barter system is total shite in a society of total collapse; which you're obviously not capable of comprehending. I.e., times of natural disasters & the likes. I could care less how much material wealth you have. If all the food & water I have is going to be enough to keep my family surviving until help arrives; consume your silver (unless that point hasn't been made obvious enough yet). And don't even start by telling me Rn Paul can stop natural disasters either.

    Thanks for the try, but enough is enough. Return to your bridge.

    5.2.2012 00:22 #27

  • dagobaker

    Originally posted by LordRuss: Originally posted by dagobaker:
    who says u cant have all of the above?
    land to grow ....skills to grow.....skills to cook.......and a nice backup of silver just in rather have silver than fiat money ANY day mang.......wait till the inflation comes or the govt has to liquidate the debt.....those fiat dollars will do what they did in the 70s.....losing 60% of their value (up to 70%)
    and as long as people are buying the iphones and ipads ill b buying them and the stock
    if they screw up ill sell (were not married after all) and buy more solid stocks
    the mistake people make is getting all pissy about china.......WERE buying the stuff
    aka NO gun to peoples head.......
    if there is a better run US company please tell.......cause ill buy a few shares
    people will continue to buy phones computers tablets......its a worldwide market
    when europe and usa slow down china consumers and indian consumers will pick up the slack
    as long as obama/bernanke are partners ill b shorting them and buying apple
    Nah, I've been baited long enough only to see you talk in the same repeated circles. There are plenty of companies that practice decent labor laws & have modest returns on their stock options. I'm not doing your homework for you. To continue to be baited into an attempt to violate Rule #15 with someone who has a woefully narrow field of thought & only one cable channel stuck on Fox News; anything written hence forth would be childish at the very best.

    Good luck with your silver idea as 'your' barter system is total shite in a society of total collapse; which you're obviously not capable of comprehending. I.e., times of natural disasters & the likes. I could care less how much material wealth you have. If all the food & water I have is going to be enough to keep my family surviving until help arrives; consume your silver (unless that point hasn't been made obvious enough yet). And don't even start by telling me Rn Paul can stop natural disasters either.

    Thanks for the try, but enough is enough. Return to your bridge.
    fox news HATES ron paul BTW so return to ur liberal/progressive thoughts
    im not interested in "modest" returns otherwise ill just buy bernankes treasuries
    silver/gold for long term wealth protection isnt a bad thing IMHO
    im not predicting total expecting about double the pain as the last recession with much more inflation and many more politicians and fed chairman doing what they do best.........ruining the currency and the economy
    im NOT predicting a natural disaster .......who can actually do that?
    water/food are always a good idea to have but im not ready to start filling up the basement (i dont have a basement actuallY)
    lol bridge? bridge maybe.........everyone knows the Ron Paul supporters are the most educated and least likely to fall for big govt bs like the rest
    dont b afraid to join the revolution


    5.2.2012 10:00 #28

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