16:9 widescreen displays now most used on the Web

16:9 widescreen displays now most used on the Web
As of April, 16:9 widescreen monitors are now the most used in the world, surpassing old "full screen" 4:3 resolution devices.

Widescreen displays with 1366 x 768 are the most commonly used, just beating out 4:3 1024 x 768 resolution screens.

The full screen monitors controlled well over 40 percent of the market, just two years ago.

Following the year-long trend, the two types of monitors reached 18 percent at about the same time. Laptops and ultrabooks commonly have a 1366 x 768 resolution, which is likely leading to the quick growth in the hits.

The numbers come via StatCounter, which says both types of resolution account for 2.7 billion of StatCounter's 18 billion monthly hits.

Written by: Andre Yoskowitz @ 15 Apr 2012 21:09
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  • hearme0


    LCD monitors are being used more than CRTs.

    Come on.....seriously?!?!?!?!?
    Is this really an article worth printing? Are we just becoming aware that water is actually wet?

    Perhaps because 16:9 is the ONLY FRAKKING kind you have been able to buy for the past 5(ish) years.

    16.4.2012 13:55 #1

  • coalman (unverified)

    Personally I have a 1440X900, monitors aren't exactly the cheapest, but still $100-$200 for something that should last at least 5 years is great, again personally, I've had mine for at least 5 years I do believe, I think I got it in 2008. It still works great and has taken tons of abuse, a couple bumps, lots of dust and animal hair, and very very long extended periods of time being on. I think it has a lot to do with branding, mine is a HP w1707, some brands die fairly quickly. Plus I don't have a clue what you are talking about hearme0, they are not talking about CRT monitors, they are talking about the resolution and it would suggest from the picture, that they are speaking of LCD monitors. Not one thing was mentioned about a CRT at all.

    19.4.2012 01:26 #2

  • ddp

    agreed as has nothing to do with crt but lcd monitors.

    19.4.2012 15:35 #3

  • aldan

    Originally posted by hearme0: NEWS FLASH:

    LCD monitors are being used more than CRTs.

    Come on.....seriously?!?!?!?!?
    Is this really an article worth printing? Are we just becoming aware that water is actually wet?

    Perhaps because 16:9 is the ONLY FRAKKING kind you have been able to buy for the past 5(ish) years.
    ever see the square lcd monitors?they are 4.3 aspect ratio.pays to read carefully and not to respond till you think it out clearly.

    19.4.2012 17:05 #4

  • JST1946

    Some people have a tendency to open their mouth before engaging their brain.

    19.4.2012 21:43 #5

  • ChikaraNZ

    Gotta remember too, there are still lots of older, non-tech savvy people out there who never upgrade their hardware or software (including some small businesses too).
    For every few of us who upgrades regularly, there is some grandma somewhere still using a CRT monitor and running Win 98 :)

    20.4.2012 09:40 #6

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