Foxconn workers threaten suicide at Chinese plant

Foxconn workers threaten suicide at Chinese plant
Workers at a Foxconn factory in China have threatened jumping off the roof in protest over wages just a month after the company signed an agreement to improve working conditions.

200 workers from the plant in the city in Wuhan were protesting concerned workplace adjustments for new workers to the plant.

Foxconn says the situation has been handled: "The dispute has already been settled after some negotiations involving the human resources and legal departments as well as the local government."

The recent agreement to improve working conditions came together after years of worker suicides at various plants. Apple, whose products were being built at many of the factories, took a stand with the manufacturer, leading to the deal.

Even before the deal, Foxconn workers were seeing raises regularly, with salaries jumping 21.2 percent in 2011, alone.

Written by: Andre Yoskowitz @ 28 Apr 2012 17:09
China Foxconn protest
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  • GryphB

    Sounds like the Chinese version of a strike, only they want to off themselves instead. Only a matter of time China catches up and decides to outsource to someone else. Unless they let those people kill themselves and replace them with the millions out there that could use a job.

    28.4.2012 19:54 #1

  • Azuran


    28.4.2012 21:38 #2

  • grathan

    Apple could retire every one of those employees comfortable with either the money they spent avoiding paying US taxes or the 7 billion that they didn't pay.

    30.4.2012 09:19 #3

  • dEwMe

    Why don't they just lock the door to the roof?

    Just my $0.02,


    30.4.2012 14:00 #4

  • xboxdvl2

    even if 200 workers suicide they will have 200 new employees by the end of the day.

    R.I.P. mr 1990 ford myself a 1993 toyota corolla seems to run good.computers still going good.

    1.5.2012 02:23 #5

  • LordRuss

    OK, didn't we just go through a barrage of stories telling us about the woes of the Chinese laborer & how they are being treated only to have all those stories blow up & be somehow disproved as bullshit, thus ruining the careers of a couple of people?

    Now we're starting this shit up again!?! I doubt I heard grathan correctly, but, fire the complaining individuals & hire more motivated individuals. It's not like there's a shortage of folks who don't want the work. It's not like China & the rest of the world hasn't been exploiting that fact for how long now?

    2.5.2012 11:45 #6

  • Mofomac

    Originally posted by dEwMe: Why don't they just lock the door to the roof? LOL!!!!!!!!! Ya know?

    5.5.2012 02:23 #7

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