Hacker gets pay day from Google for cracking Chrome

Hacker gets pay day from Google for cracking Chrome
A hacker who goes by the name "Pinkie Pie" has had a nice pay day.

Pinkie Pie was paid $60,000 by Google for hacking the Chrome browser during the ongoing Hack in the Box Conference event in Kuala Lampur.

Google allows hackers to attack their Chrome browser as long as they report vulnerabilities. The grand prize was $60,000 for anyone who found a "full exploit." All partial exploits have prizes of $50,000.

The search giant called the hack "critical" and says it will not reveal the vulnerability until the majority of its users have patched their system.

Other companies like Mozilla and Facebook offer similar bounty programs, offering money for those who come forward after finding exploits.

Read more here: Chrome Blog

Written by: Andre Yoskowitz @ 11 Oct 2012 16:34
Google Chrome Hacker pinkie pie
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  • A5J4DX

    great for him :)

    11.10.2012 19:55 #1

  • bigdan45

    Originally posted by A5J4DX: great for him :) Could be a her. I mean, what self respecting guy would go by the name "Pinkie Pie"? lol I kid of course, but seems more like a chick to me.

    12.10.2012 00:58 #2

  • Mr_Bill06

    Well good for whoever did it, and didn't abuse it. That's a nice chuck of money.

    12.10.2012 02:22 #3

  • bigdan45

    I wish I was that good with computers. I'd use my powers for good like that. Would be nice.

    12.10.2012 02:27 #4

  • attar

    Originally posted by bigdan45: Originally posted by A5J4DX: great for him :) Could be a her. I mean, what self respecting guy would go by the name "Pinkie Pie"? lol I kid of course, but seems more like a chick to me. - but remember Hitler's handle was Hot Cheeks

    12.10.2012 05:46 #5

  • Lampwick (unverified)

    Originally posted by attar: Originally posted by bigdan45: Originally posted by A5J4DX: great for him :) Could be a her. I mean, what self respecting guy would go by the name "Pinkie Pie"? lol I kid of course, but seems more like a chick to me. - but remember Hitler's handle was Hot Cheeks Brilliant

    12.10.2012 09:13 #6

  • Mysttic

    I love how Google won't reveal the vulnerability until "After" the patch. You would think consumers would have a right to know "before" the patch.

    12.10.2012 12:48 #7

  • pippincp

    Originally posted by Mysttic: I love how Google won't reveal the vulnerability until "After" the patch. You would think consumers would have a right to know "before" the patch. IMHO a good move by Google. Revealing the vulnerability before opens the doors for other hackers to exploit it and compromise users PC's.

    Remember it is only a handful of users who are tech savvy enough to be able to protect themselves.

    12.10.2012 15:17 #8


    Maybe Sony should take notes from Google on this topic.


    13.10.2012 11:33 #9

  • Notcow

    Originally posted by Mysttic: I love how Google won't reveal the vulnerability until "After" the patch. You would think consumers would have a right to know "before" the patch. Are you joking? It's better than Microsoft's strategy of running a report of the mechanics behind exactly how a newly discovered exploit works, then patches it two months later.

    13.10.2012 22:33 #10

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