'Halo' franchise has raked in $3 billion since launch

'Halo' franchise has raked in $3 billion since launch
Microsoft has unveiled that the popular Halo franchise has sold 46 million units since original launch in 2001.

The franchise has generated $3 billion in revenue, in total, with most of the games bringing in over $100 million in revenue on day one.

More recently, Halo: Reach brought in $200 million in revenue in 24 hours across the U.S. and Europe.

"Halo is a $3 billion blockbuster franchise which has shaped entertainment history and defined a generation of gamers," added Microsoft's Chris Lewis (via GI.biz).

To boost awareness of the upcoming Halo 4 (not that it needs any), Lewis says: "From the world's first ever red-carpet premieres for a video game to sending a man strapped to a jet-pack 50-foot above London's iconic skyline, Halo launches have continually broken the mould and we are back with a colossal bang for Halo 4, transforming a country on the biggest scale imaginable".

Halo 4 will be released on November 6th.

Written by: Andre Yoskowitz @ 31 Oct 2012 18:08
console Microsoft halo
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  • borhan9

    I have played this game only once and was not really impressed but it was the first version not the latest stuff out now. But i will still give this a miss.

    My other comment Microsoft must be loving how this game has given them so much revenue.

    Edited by DVDBack23

    "the mediocre teacher tells. the good teacher explains. the superior teacher demonstrates. the great teacher inspires."- William Aruthur Ward

    1.11.2012 06:00 #1

  • Mysttic

    Quote:To boost awareness of the upcoming Halo 4 (not that it needs any), Lewis says: "From the world's first ever red-carpet premieres for a video game to sending a man strapped to a jet-pack 50-foot above London's iconic skyline, Halo launches have continually broken the mould and we are back with a colossal bang for Halo 4, transforming a country on the biggest scale imaginable". Talk about a waist of marketing $.

    1.11.2012 07:26 #2

  • hearme0


    I tried playing Halo 1 when it arrived on PC 1 or 2 years after XBox and was bored out of my mind with wave after wave after wave of the same enemies attacking the same way only to learn that enduring that repetition was needed to advance.

    F that!

    Halo is for simpletons.

    1.11.2012 14:37 #3

  • voyager

    I was out of video games for a while.Contrary to you ,hearme0,Halo makes me back to play again and i enjoy the Halo franchise.
    The first Halo was the best for me.

    1.11.2012 15:04 #4

  • scorpNZ

    Originally posted by voyager: I was out of video games for a while.Contrary to you ,hearme0,Halo makes me back to play again and i enjoy the Halo franchise.
    The first Halo was the best for me.
    By your own admission your a simpleton,hearmeO pity's you,scorp says welcome to the club now lets all mumble to ourselves while walking counterclockwise round the room like we're retarded

    1.11.2012 19:40 #5

  • CarpeSol

    This is all very impressive for what is quite possibly the single-most overrated game franchise in history.

    1.11.2012 23:24 #6

  • hvymtlrlz

    I play it for the storyline. It is one of the most immersive storylines ever created for a video game franchise. I'll enjoy the multiplayer for about 2 months before going back to Battlefield 3.

    2.11.2012 02:38 #7

  • Morreale

    Originally posted by CarpeSol: This is all very impressive for what is quite possibly the single-most overrated game franchise in history. What about Modern Warfare?

    3.11.2012 14:33 #8

  • CarpeSol

    Originally posted by Morreale: Originally posted by CarpeSol: This is all very impressive for what is quite possibly the single-most overrated game franchise in history. What about Modern Warfare?
    Modern warfare isn't it's own franchise, it's part of Call of Duty, which actually started out great and has since been beaten to death.

    3.11.2012 23:42 #9

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