Kim Dotcom unveils Megaupload successor, Mega

Kim Dotcom unveils Megaupload successor, Mega
Mega will launch in January.

The new Mega service will give users complete control, as well as full responsibility, for the files they upload to the service. While Mega is seeking partners around the world, it will not use U.S. Hosting companies as partners in order to avoid a shut down by U.S. authorities.

"The new Mega will not be threatened by U.S. prosecutors," Kim Dotcom told Reuters. "The new Mega avoids any dealings with U.S. hosters, U.S. domains and U.S. backbone providers and has changed the way it operates to avoid another takedown."

The new Mega service will encrypt and decrypt your data on the fly, and only the user will have the keys. Not even the site operators will have keys for files.

Fighting pirate content on the network will be the job of content providers, Kim Dotcom argues, while adding that it will still be possible for files to be removed.

"Content owners can still remove infringing material and they will even get direct delete access if they agree not to make us responsible for actions of users," he said.

He is facing extradition to the United States on copyright-related charges, despite the fact that a New Zealand court found the January raid on his home to be illegal.

More Info:

Written by: James Delahunty @ 1 Nov 2012 21:08
MegaUpload Kim Dotcom Mega
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  • djkorn


    2.11.2012 11:47 #1

  • Notcow

    I really do admire this guy. Sure, it's all business for him, and he'll without a doubt be making millions, but that doesn't change the fact that he is setting a strong precedent for internet freedom. Go Dotcom!

    2.11.2012 11:55 #2

  • A5J4DX

    hOriginally posted by Notcow: I really do admire this guy. Sure, it's all business for him, and he'll without a doubt be making millions, but that doesn't change the fact that he is setting a strong precedent for internet freedom. Go Dotcom! too right!

    2.11.2012 21:08 #3

  • ronatola

    Plus he finds time to be a COD:MW3 online world champion

    8.11.2012 10:58 #4

  • ronatola

    heh - alrdy running into problems...
    The government of Gabon says it plans to suspend the domain name that MegaUpload founder Kim DotCom planned to use to launch a new cloud-storage service.

    8.11.2012 10:59 #5

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