Pope Benedict XVI posts first Tweets

Pope Benedict XVI posts first Tweets
The Pope has tweeted his first Tweet today, a couple of weeks after signing up for the microblogging platform.

Vatican televisions recorded the situation, with the Pope tweeting from a tablet.

On his first attempt, Benedict apparently hit the send button too hard and the tweet didn't send so Archbishop Claudio Maria Celli of the Vatican's communications department helped him on the second try.

Reads the Tweet: "Dear friends, I am pleased to get in touch with you through Twitter. Thank you for your generous response. I bless all of you from my heart."

Since signing up, the Pope has just under 1 million followers. The Pope has sent 6 tweets since.

Written by: Andre Yoskowitz @ 12 Dec 2012 23:05
Twitter pope benedict tweet
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  • DXR88

    poor guy.

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    13.12.2012 04:39 #1

  • xboxdvl2

    i think its good old people are learning to use technology.

    i have the big screen tv,a ps3 and im gonna surround sound to go with it soon hopefully.car still runs smooth and computer still works but its a bit outdated.

    13.12.2012 06:17 #2

  • Mr-Movies

    He is a bad man so I could careless about anything he does.

    14.12.2012 09:18 #3

  • Herb_VA

    I'm with xboxdv12; My 75 year old mom wants me to show her how to use Twitter so she can follow her spiritual leader.

    With a billion Catholics in the world, this can help tech the non-techs.

    As for Mr-Movies, hatred runs deep sometimes...

    14.12.2012 10:50 #4

  • JST1946

    I guess he has to wait for his hands to stop shaking first before he can tweet.

    20 Year U.S.Army Veteran.Vietnam 1969-1972 101st Abn.Div.

    14.12.2012 12:30 #5

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