Tizen is notable because it is backed by Intel, and has support from Japanese major carrier DoCoMo and global powerhouse Vodafone. Samsung has already confirmed it will release a couple of Tizen phones for Korea and Japan later this year.
Magnolia includes (via Slash) "a new web framework that provides "state-of-the-art" HTML5/W3C API support. There is a new Web UI framework that includes full-screen and multi-window support. There are APIs for Bluetooth and NFC support as well as access to the core apps like calendar, contacts, gallery, phone, settings, and the video player. There is a native framework supporting full-featured application development. Enhanced Web IDE providing WYSIWYG design environment, and a native IDE that provides a project wizard."
The group says Tizen 2.1 will be released by the end of the Q2 and will be a more minor update. Samsung's devices are expected to hit when Tizen goes lives with version 3.

Written by: Andre Yoskowitz @ 19 Feb 2013 11:39