Jon Stewart rips on Apple for CEO's appearance before Senate

Jon Stewart rips on Apple for CEO's appearance before Senate
Earlier this week, Daily Show host Jon Stewart ran a segment ripping into Apple about CEO Tim Cook's appearance in front of the Senate.

Cook had been called in to speak about tax strategies of multinational corporations.

Stewart implied that some Senators are iPhone fanboys, overall the clip is pretty funny.

Check it here:

Written by: Andre Yoskowitz @ 26 May 2013 11:33
Apple Jon Stewart US Senate
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  • cyprusrom

    The mighty and powerful U.S Senate...that was absolutely embarrassing to watch and listen to those crApple funboy clowns...

    26.5.2013 12:06 #1

  • Mysttic

    Not as embarrassing as the Senate actually considering Cook's advisements to tax revision so he can get away with shifting more American jobs to foreign countries, and pay less than fair (on top of his amount already owed): to America. He may as well have said, lets be able to write off 100% all of our taxes.

    26.5.2013 12:11 #2

  • Mrguss

    This is the kind of clowns who run this embarrassing country. They do not care about ripping their citizens, they care about their investments in corporations. MF'ers .|.

    When big corporations dodge taxes, WE have to pay more:

    Wall Street is writing its own regulation bill:


    26.5.2013 14:59 #3

  • attar

    Convenient when a politician can find a scapegoat for problems that they themselves create.
    A tax 'incentive' morphs into a tax 'loophole'.
    It ain't the loopholes in the laws it's the a-holes that pass the laws.

    26.5.2013 15:40 #4

  • KillerBug

    When the income tax started, it was stated that no one making less than $250,000 a year (in 1913 money) would have to pay income taxes, and over $250,000 a year the rate would be 1%. This was not only enough to cover government operating expenses, but also to pay for a war. Can you really blame corporations for trying to get around insane taxes that are only needed because of a bloated government? If you want to blame a big corporation, try one of the companies charging billions per copy for military jets.

    26.5.2013 23:57 #5

  • Justoneguy

    Originally posted by KillerBug: When the income tax started, it was stated that no one making less than $250,000 a year (in 1913 money) would have to pay income taxes, and over $250,000 a year the rate would be 1%. This was not only enough to cover government operating expenses, but also to pay for a war. Can you really blame corporations for trying to get around insane taxes that are only needed because of a bloated government? If you want to blame a big corporation, try one of the companies charging billions per copy for military jets. Really killerbug? I agree that our government operates more like an organized crime syndicate with the taxing and re-taxing of everything they can touch, but why should large corporations pay a vastly smaller percentage of their income than anyone else. It's sickening how these corporations are allowed to spend unlimited funds on "lobbying" to write their own tax rules. Meanwhile, Apple sits on a multi-billion dollar pile of cash, and they still want to pay less.

    27.5.2013 02:17 #6

  • xtago

    Originally posted by KillerBug: If you want to blame a big corporation, try one of the companies charging billions per copy for military jets. Talk about being way off track with this.

    The US always over spends on it's war planes because they want the R&D to make it better in some way, like the B2 being stealth (it's not exactly sleath) in a war it might help to win? but the paint costs $100,000USD per foot to paint a plane.

    Alas though back on topic I do find this quite outrageous because they are asking a company on how they should alter the countries taxes to better suite the company rather than suite the government or even the people with-in the country.

    Which is why he showed all the pandering at the start because these people are so in love with apple that they would be silly enough to actually do what apple tells them to do because they think what apple tells them will actually help the country.

    The USA currently owes just under 17 trillion dollars all up.

    The debt every single person in the USA owes right now $53,300 and every tax paying person in the USA right now needs to pay $148,125 to get the USA back in the black right now.

    On top of that 17 trillion you have $3 trillion added just in interest and that means every single person's tax debt also increases by an extra $9,325 to offset just the amount of interest added.

    Now having said that the US tax revenue is at $2.5 trillion so this doesn't even cover the amount of interest added.

    So the USA would need to up the overall taxes on the working classes and allow these companies to walk out with the cash or pull in some cash from these companies plus keep the taxes the same on the working classes.

    I'm not even in the USA and I know what I'd want happening.

    Yet these people pandering to this CEO will probably just alter the tax system to whatever apple want or create a special tax system just for apple and still walk out with tons of cash.

    It'd be crazy to think that while Apple could pay just $50,000 a year to the US government people in the US will be getting screwed over not just in higher taxes but have systems and services cut or stopped so that apple only has to pay $50,000 a year in taxes, because the US government think that is the much better option.

    27.5.2013 05:46 #7

  • Jemborg

    If you pay peanuts for your government you'll get monkeys.

    These companies who want to enjoy the benefits of living in a free country and, what's more, who were nurtured in that country should pay their dues.

    Its a lot easier being righteous than right.

    27.5.2013 11:17 #8

  • KillerBug

    Originally posted by xtago: Originally posted by KillerBug: If you want to blame a big corporation, try one of the companies charging billions per copy for military jets. Talk about being way off track with this.

    The US always over spends on it's war planes because they want the R&D to make it better in some way, like the B2 being stealth (it's not exactly sleath) in a war it might help to win? but the paint costs $100,000USD per foot to paint a plane.

    Alas though back on topic I do find this quite outrageous because they are asking a company on how they should alter the countries taxes to better suite the company rather than suite the government or even the people with-in the country.

    Which is why he showed all the pandering at the start because these people are so in love with apple that they would be silly enough to actually do what apple tells them to do because they think what apple tells them will actually help the country.

    The USA currently owes just under 17 trillion dollars all up.

    The debt every single person in the USA owes right now $53,300 and every tax paying person in the USA right now needs to pay $148,125 to get the USA back in the black right now.

    On top of that 17 trillion you have $3 trillion added just in interest and that means every single person's tax debt also increases by an extra $9,325 to offset just the amount of interest added.

    Now having said that the US tax revenue is at $2.5 trillion so this doesn't even cover the amount of interest added.

    So the USA would need to up the overall taxes on the working classes and allow these companies to walk out with the cash or pull in some cash from these companies plus keep the taxes the same on the working classes.

    I'm not even in the USA and I know what I'd want happening.

    Yet these people pandering to this CEO will probably just alter the tax system to whatever apple want or create a special tax system just for apple and still walk out with tons of cash.

    It'd be crazy to think that while Apple could pay just $50,000 a year to the US government people in the US will be getting screwed over not just in higher taxes but have systems and services cut or stopped so that apple only has to pay $50,000 a year in taxes, because the US government think that is the much better option.
    Even if the corporations were unable to hide any of their money, the government wouldn't break even...but since they would be closer, they would spend more money. The US government is currently bringing in far more tax money per year than it was in 1996...when there was no deficit. We had roads (they were in better condition), we had social security and medicare, we had stealth bombers, schools, and an economy in great shape.

    It would be one thing if fixing holes in corporate tax law would fix anything...but if they changed things so corporations had to pay more taxes, it would only apply to smaller corporations as the bigger ones would find different loopholes...or just bribe new ones into law. Even if we imagined that this would not happen, it still wouldn't matter because neither side of the bipartison party has any interest (excepting talking points) in decreasing government spending. Both parties voted for the causes of the mess we are in...the democrats push for more taxes and the republicans go on rants against programs that account for a tiny fraction of one percent of the non-existent budget. Both parties (with the exception of one senator and one member of the house) support the fed and the insane inflation tax that will hit within the next few years. Neither has a plan that; if implemented exactly as they propose them; would fix the budget.

    When I do my taxes, I do everything within the law to cut my tax burden because I know my tax money does no good and is only a form of extortion under threat of kidnapping...I do not blame anyone (including a corporation) for doing the same, especially when it is a corporation like Apple that didn't have anything to do with getting these loopholes made in the first place.

    27.5.2013 14:38 #9

  • megadunderhead

    I find this funny that microsoft does this with there money in accounts from ireland to even japan and yet they don't bust them for there taxes this is what i call a unfair trial and investigation attack i would just walk in front of them and say hey your going after us but you didn't go after microsoft google or any of these other company's that due the same thing

    28.5.2013 08:40 #10

  • Jemborg

    @ KillerBug

    I read a fair number of this guy's blogs including recent stuff on Apple & tax and I can't see him agreeing with you much:

    ROBERT B. REICH, Chancellor's Professor of Public Policy at the University of California at Berkeley, was Secretary of Labor in the Clinton administration. Time Magazine named him one of the ten most effective cabinet secretaries of the last century.

    Yes, he was in the admin during your halcyon days of the mid-90's.

    Also you seem to confuse the US national debt with gov debt which is rapidly diminishing from the excess of the Bush era. The luna-right like to conflate the two.


    Its a lot easier being righteous than right.

    29.5.2013 00:23 #11

  • Jemborg

    Originally posted by megadunderhead: I find this funny that microsoft does this with there money in accounts from ireland to even japan and yet they don't bust them for there taxes this is what i call a unfair trial and investigation attack i would just walk in front of them and say hey your going after us but you didn't go after microsoft google or any of these other company's that due the same thing Apple are meant to be the first.

    But don't worry, the way the senators cringingly sucked up to Cook there's no way anything will be done and Apple will not have to contribute anything back to the country that nurtured it.


    Its a lot easier being righteous than right.

    29.5.2013 00:28 #12

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