New 'Arrested Development' eps pirated over 100,000 times in first 24 hours

New 'Arrested Development' eps pirated over 100,000 times in first 24 hours
According to sources, the newly released fourth season of 'Arrested Development' was pirated over 100,000 times in its first 24 hours.

As expected, copies of the show were available via warez and torrent sites minutes after the show launched exclusively on Netflix on Sunday.

While the number may seem low when compared to Game of Thrones and other broadcast hits, it is important to note that Arrested Development is a cult classic with a (growing) audience. Additionally, there are over 35 million Netflix subscribers around the world, with full access.

Netflix continues to invest 9 figures in original content, with three hits so far this year including House of Cards and Hemlock Grove.

Written by: Andre Yoskowitz @ 28 May 2013 23:48
piracy Netflix arrested development
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  • josefene

    Wont get far game of thrones and hemlock grove have them beat, without a dought.

    29.5.2013 06:48 #1

  • Dragon3000

    For crying out loud!! Netflix is only £5.99 a month! Why are people still downloading illegally!!

    29.5.2013 08:38 #2

  • Ryoohki

    That number isn't that high. Netflix isn't available in every country around the globe you know. Plus some people just want to see if its any good before they consider spending money to watch it. I am sure others wouldn't pay for it no matter what though. They figure they pay enough for their internet connection and upkeep of their equipment.

    29.5.2013 09:30 #3

  • Kannz

    some people just want to see netflix die. To bad they didnt go under when the ceo tried to split the company in two for more money.

    29.5.2013 17:05 #4

  • jookycola

    Quote:some people just want to see netflix die. To bad they didnt go under when the ceo tried to split the company in two for more money. Quoted for truth.
    Netflix is the greediest pieces of crap on earth. The raised prices and lost content. You are now paying more for less. All they have as the feather in their cap is Arrested Development. Most of the big studios have pulled their content from Netflix. I don't knock people like "Dragon3000" for being ignorant to this as most people that are not "in the know" tech news junkies like us regulars on afterdawn don't even know about all the content Netflix has lost over the past year and a half. It's that ignorance that keeps Netflix alive.

    If people knew the only things you can stream other than Arrested Development are grainy, pixelated D-list low budget movies from the 80's and 90's they wouldn't brag about Netflix. Netflix has NEVER been the same since the greedy CEO jacked up the prices 200% and then tried to split the service in 2. They have lost stock value, bled cash, lost major content and studio support, and had a mass exodus of subscriptions.

    30.5.2013 11:53 #5

  • Dragon3000

    Originally posted by jookycola: Quote:some people just want to see netflix die. To bad they didnt go under when the ceo tried to split the company in two for more money. Quoted for truth.
    Netflix is the greediest pieces of crap on earth. The raised prices and lost content. You are now paying more for less. All they have as the feather in their cap is Arrested Development. Most of the big studios have pulled their content from Netflix. I don't knock people like "Dragon3000" for being ignorant to this as most people that are not "in the know" tech news junkies like us regulars on afterdawn don't even know about all the content Netflix has lost over the past year and a half. It's that ignorance that keeps Netflix alive.

    If people knew the only things you can stream other than Arrested Development are grainy, pixelated D-list low budget movies from the 80's and 90's they wouldn't brag about Netflix. Netflix has NEVER been the same since the greedy CEO jacked up the prices 200% and then tried to split the service in 2. They have lost stock value, bled cash, lost major content and studio support, and had a mass exodus of subscriptions.
    Bloody Ell, dude! you seriously have a major issue with Netflix. Granted, I didn't know all about the '200% increase' and so on an so forth, but that's not going to stop me from using the service. It provides me with what it advertises, yes some of the movies are a little older but that's ok with me becuase I haven't actually watched a lot of the films listed and so I get my money's worth. If the price was £10 or over a month then I wouldn't bother as I would think that they are taking the piss, but for £5.99 a month?! including the fact that I can watch it on my phone (not like Lovefilm), on my Wii and on the internet, it's not that bad.

    31.5.2013 03:27 #6

  • Kannz

    nah a lot of people are this way. also your are talking about just streaming for 5.99 yes? well you used to get both...they're pathetic streaming content was just an extra part of their website so you could watch something while waiting on a dvd in the mail. then they made you pay extra for that and the dvd rental. gotta slowly take away what we give you but please don't think you suckers can pay any less for it..

    31.5.2013 19:27 #7

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